Top Ten Signs You are Listening to Bad Music

Many great songs that deserve a billion views don't even come close, while less deserving songs reach that milestone easily.
Too many mediocre songs get over a billion views. All the good songs are underground nowadays.
This reminds me of an early Beatles song, but I can't recall the title.

Nowadays, singers don't need talent. They just need to twerk and try to look attractive in the video to get views and gain popularity.
If your music is genuinely good, you shouldn't need gimmicks like this to sell it. Are you offering music or selling sex?
Look what we have here...Nicki Minaj.
Great music can be successful without resorting to such circus-like antics.
I don't really care about a song's album cover. I prefer listening to the song rather than focusing on the artwork.
Although it doesn't necessarily make the song bad, it is a bit of a turn-off when artists use incorrect grammar in their songs.
I heard a song on the radio that says something like, "You're the Dutch and I'm the Duchess."
There are exceptions, but I think this holds true in most cases.
A lot of today's songs revolve around the same themes. Pop music almost always seems to be about love these days.
"England is my city."
2017 flashbacks.
I don't like songs about sex and drugs. I just find it annoying, and it seems to be a repetitive topic, especially in modern music. Not saying that modern music is bad.
It's unfortunate that most rappers nowadays mainly talk about these topics or boast about how much money they have.
This is all too common. Kids should be cautious about the music they listen to.
This is another thing that isn't uncommon. Singers and rappers, most likely female rappers, are often semi-naked, meaning partial nudity, to say the least.
Good music doesn't need sexual imagery to be successful.
The Newcomers
It doesn't reflect well on the song if people are already worried about it becoming irrelevant just a year after its release.

That's pretty much all we see in music videos. Sensuality has always been a very efficient tactic for selling things. Just look at some commercials that use half-naked women to make products more appealing.
I saw a Polyphia music video. The band was just playing, but at some points, there were clips of a busty woman walking around. WHY? It had nothing to do with the music! (Instrumental Progressive Metal).

A little bit of autotune won't hurt anything. I'm sure a lot of my favorite singers probably use it, but if it's to the point where the singer is relying on it to make their voice sound good, then there's a problem.
I'd rather listen to an autotuned voice than a weak, forgettable voice that needs autotune to sound decent, although I avoid both when possible.