Top 10 Songs that are Hated by Fans of that Band

Personally, I think it's okay. It's far from being Radiohead's best, but not completely bad or anything. Then again, there are better songs on Pablo Honey, like Anyone Can Play Guitar or Blow Out.
I've never met a single Radiohead fan who likes this song.

Even Kurt didn't like it. To be honest, there are much better Nirvana songs than this one. People just like it because it's popular and because of how it influenced music.
They hate it just because they claim that this song created grunge. Even Kurt Cobain himself disliked this song. This song is quite okay.
Definitely, this one can apply. At least people don't agree when others say it's their "best," even when they are Nirvana fans.

They hate this song because it sounds like a pop song. Actually, I really like this song even though this is not the best Muse song.
I was shocked to see it at number 118 on the list of best Muse songs. I guess that explains why.

Imagine Dragons are decent, but dear lord, this is easily my least favorite song by them. Dan's screaming was so awful, and it sounds like they were trying to be a metal band here even though they are pop rock.
I visited the "Top Ten Worst Songs of 2021" list and, yup, people feel the same way as me. It looks like most of the people who voted are huge Imagine Dragons fans.
This is just a pop song trying to be metal. People really think that Thunder is their worst song when this song exists.

Most people outside of Weezer's fan base like it.

It doesn't represent the band very well.

There are quite a few Imagine Dragons fans that I know of on this site who hate this song.

They hate it just because it's too soft. They want thrash metal. This is one of the best power ballads in my opinion.
Sanitarium, Fade to Black, and The Unforgiven are ballads too, yet they're considered fan favorites.
They hate it because it's a power ballad and different from their heavy metal and thrash metal songs.

Hey, I like this one. It's one of my favorite Green Day songs. I don't see how anyone could hate it.
Why would Green Day fans hate this song?
I think many Green Day fans hate it.

It's not as metal as their other songs, so maybe that's why some people wouldn't like it. I do like this song, though.
The Newcomers

I think they hate it just because it added disco. Disco was hated by rock fans (especially punks) during the time. The relationship between rock and disco is just like the relationship between pop and metal on this site.
It's still a masterpiece, but Pink Floyd has made better songs. Most Pink Floyd fans rate it lowly, though.

I don't hate this song. I think it's good by pop standards. However, seeing this was the first thing they released after The Hunting Party was pretty disappointing.
This is just another generic pop song. At least it's better than any song made by the new Maroon 5.
Is it bad that I actually kinda like this song?

This is just another generic power ballad. I think this is the reason why this song is hated.
A lot of older fans think of it as a sellout. I like it, though.

Understandably, it doesn't represent the band at all. They made it as a joke when told they had too many sad songs.
Fun fact: This was going to be the theme song for Friends.

Metallica just jumped on the nu-metal bandwagon. As much as I like nu-metal, Metallica doesn't fit with this genre, so it's obviously hated.

Does this really need explaining?

Some people who aren't fans hated it as well because they thought it's a satanic song while it's based on a dream Steve Harris had, at least from what I have heard.

Yeah, this is when they kind of jumped the shark. This gets more hate than Beverly Hills.

It's different from their usual prog songs.

Couldn't disagree more. Their only 'meh' stuff was before they were even what we call Twenty One Pilots today.