Top 10 Songs with the Best Multi-Layered (Overdubbed) Vocals

This technique is known as multi-tracking style, overdubbing, multi-layered vocals.

This is what Freddie Mercury does on Bohemian Rhapsody and some other songs - it sounds like a choir because he sings different vocal lines that are recorded separately and then are put together so you hear several vocal layers at the same time.

This list should focus on how good the multi-layered vocals / harmonies are, and not on how good or popular the songs are.
The Top Ten
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

This is the iconic song that popularized the mentioned technique. To a huge extent, this song gained its popularity thanks to Freddie's multi-layered vocals. Truly amazing.

A masterpiece written by the genius Freddie Mercury, also known as Mr. Bad Guy, Mr. Fahrenheit, and The Great Pretender.

Barcelona - Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé

Mercury and Caballé, a female opera singer, sing alternately their solo lines, sometimes merging into a duet. When singing the chorus "Barcelona" and a few other parts for the studio version, Mercury dubs over his voice in his usual multi-tracking style.

Heaven Denies - Demons & Wizards

It's no secret that Hansi Kürsch was influenced by Freddie. Hansi is known namely for using this technique, and I dare to say currently, he's the best.

Hansi's vocals at the end of this song are the most beautiful, moving, and crafted thing I have ever heard in modern music. There are no other singers - he did all overlapping vocal harmonies.

Hansi is mostly known for his powerful and somewhat demonic voice, but here he sounds like an angel, literally. He's the most versatile singer I've ever heard.

The Throne - Blind Guardian

Hansi Kürsch again - this time he used massive overdubbing and created a huge choir effect. The overlapping vocal harmonies in this song are more complex. Overall, if you ask me, it's a perfect song, not only for the vocals.

Chance - Savatage

Vocals by Zack Stevens. I guess most of you have never heard of him, but give a listen to his work.

Carry the Blessed Home - Blind Guardian

Hansi Kürsch sings all lead and backing vocals with harmonies. This song isn't considered among their best songs because it's mellow, but it demonstrates beautiful vocal harmonies with moderate overdubbing. Play the sample to hear the type of vocals. Pure bliss.

Morphine Child - Savatage
Harvest of Sorrow - Blind Guardian

Overdubbed vocal harmonies here are so beautiful that I can't describe them. The song is a very soft and beautiful acoustic ballad.

Damien - Iced Earth

The technique is used mainly in the intro and outro. It makes this song special.

My Last Sunrise - Demons & Wizards

It's mostly in the intro and outro, especially the outro. Beautiful work.

The Newcomers

? Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj

It's so good. I actually can't stop listening to it.

? Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
The Contenders
Because - The Beatles
Nightfall - Blind Guardian
Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day

Pretty much the Bohemian Rhapsody of the 2000s. Its powerful lyrics tell a nine-minute long story of the teenage fantasy of being a runaway.

I Just Wasn't Made for These Times - The Beach Boys

I can't even count how many vocal layers this song features.

When the Party’s Over - Billie Eilish
Distant Memories - Blind Guardian

This song features moderate overdubbing. It was a bonus track on their 2015 album. I guess they didn't put it on the album because it's not very heavy.

I Am - Theocracy

Used several times in this song but mainly at 6:00-6:40.

Wheel of Time - Blind Guardian

Even on the sample, you hear a choir, but there's no choir - it's only one singer who properly used this technique.

Turn the Page - Blind Guardian
Skalds and Shadows - Blind Guardian
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Concrete and Gold - Foo Fighters
I’m Not in Love - 10cc
Somebody to Love - Queen
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