Top 10 Strangest Music Videos
With everybody smiling while weird stuff is going on around them everywhere, I would have to say that this is the weirdest music video that I have ever seen. I think the part with the old guy in the top hat is really weird too, as is the girl with the roasting Barbie doll.
I am a weird guy. I like this video, actually. I like normal stuff too, but this is a good one. You can never see this on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network or anything. The black hole, the smiling people, and the surreal nature make this number 1 on my list of favorite music videos.
It's a good song, but the music video is just a whole new level of weird, even for 2000 standards. What do I mean? Robbie strips down to his bones. I'm not kidding.
I've seen a little bit of it, and it is amazing. The director, Chris Cunningham, did an amazing job. There are still five words to describe it:
100 greatest music videos, in my opinion, number 6.
Most Marilyn Manson music videos are messed up. My 21-year-old cousin fainted after seeing Saint.
Hey, look! It's SAW: The Musical! Only difference: it doesn't have any blood, gore, or torture in it.
I have no objection to the nudity in this music video. I see the nudity as being symbolic of her emotions. She's wearing her heart for all to see. She's stripped down emotionally, and that's reflected through being literally naked. As long as it's age-restricted, I appreciate the artistic reason for the nudity.
What I don't understand is why she had to turn something beautiful into yet another demonstration of outrageously provocative and downright vile behavior. Who wants to see you lick a sledgehammer? I've licked some pretty disgusting things on a dare before, but just why? That's disgusting! Nobody wants to see it, and it ruined what could have been a beautiful video.
Let's see. We have a sledgehammer laying an egg, which hatches into a roasted chicken dancing on a stage. A walking puppet made of sledgehammers. Peter Gabriel's face made of fruit, which he then eats. And, of course, Peter Gabriel with sledgehammer hands that smack his face and grow a tiny Peter Gabriel out of his own face.
It makes more sense when you realize that the whole thing is a great big visual metaphor to go along with the song's lyrics.
Love the song, and the video never fails to make me laugh! It is very weird, but I would expect that from an indie band. They tend to be weirder and definitely unique.
This music video is super creepy. The poor kid.
The entire music video consists of a puppet couple going to bed, and then the husband has a dream of weird things happening. He wakes up and finds that his house is underwater, travels through a land of heads, dresses up like Superman for one moment, and then it shows a bunch of puppet versions of celebrities and fictional characters singing the whole song.
Those puppets are creepy! I like Disturbed's version of the song and music video a lot better.
Not to mention, in the beginning, they have a chimpanzee in their bed.
The Newcomers
Thom acts very strange in this one. He's all energetic and making strange moves. Despite how strange it is, I love it.
Some guy finds shoes, dances, gets zapped, and has surgery. He turns into some guy with long hair and a massive nose, then dances again. I used to cringe when I watched it as a kid.
This music video is disgusting, inappropriate, and creepy.
The perfect example of ruining a perfect song with a video.
This music video is just so weird.
I'm confused. Fighting puppets?
This music video is weird. Oh, and the song is really, REALLY bad!
I don't even know what the song or the music video is about.
Not only is it a song about partying and doing drugs, but it also has Miley and other people with these giant teddy bear backpacks.
There is a scene where Miley is cutting her fingers off only to reveal fake fingers and pink liquid. Additionally, there is a creepy-looking, white, eyeless face on the computer. A guy with a fogger sticking out of his crotch. Another guy eating a sandwich filled with dollars. And a guy making a skull out of French fries and then crushing it. What is the point of all this?
The bright colors, animal prints, and provocative outfits - what's not up with it, actually? It's all about being troubled, intrusive, and seducing rude boys - the cards Rihanna is playing with on and on.
I swear I had a seizure watching this video. I mean, what's up with all the bright colors, animal prints, and provocative outfits?
This video is creepy in a good way.
I love this song. It's one of my favorites, and I think it's a great video. Not weird, but funny.
It isn't weird. It's funny, and it was very innovative and brave for those years.
Love the song and the video. Roger looked like a girl. Loved it!