Top 10 Kelly Clarkson Songs

This is definitely Kelly's best song. No wonder it got her so many awards. It touches everyone's heart.
It has a deep meaning which shows the true personality of the writer, i.e., Kelly Clarkson. It has something mysterious to it that I will never be able to realize. But through this song, we penetrate into the mind of Kelly, which is in deep sorrow, still not giving up.
I honestly love the vocals and the high notes, and obviously, her beautiful voice.
BEST. SONG. EVER. There is no comparison. This should be number one!
This song makes me feel like a queen every time I listen to it. If you guys haven't heard it, go now!

It really makes you see how life is, that it isn't a fantasy, and it's not perfect. And this song really makes me see that.
I never have thought about it this deeply, but this song really reflects what life can be all about. It may stink really bad sometimes, but we can always move on. Time can always heal.
I love her songs, but how is this not Number One? A song sung deeply from the soul. At the moment, I can't even think of what other songs I like by her, but they are all pretty good!
Breaking Your Own Heart and The Sun Will Rise are probably the best songs from the Stronger album, well, in my opinion.
Amazing website, good luck to all!

This song makes me so sad because of when I broke up with my ex. I drove an hour and a half home listening to this song.
Every time I hear it, I cry so hard.
BEST SONG EVER. No point in arguing! The intense, energetic, fast pace makes this song one to listen to on repeat!
Great song. This woman can sing anything and make it sound good.
I mean, she could pick up the phone book and start singing, and it would sound good.
Fll, Florida

I love this song! The video is so perfect. My favorite part is during the bridge where she hits that high note on "anymore." It took me forever to master.
Also, I love Kelly's style of being independent, but this was the first mournful song of hers I heard and I love it!
I love this song. It's so inspiring and very strong. I love all of her songs.
She is a great role model and has written some of the most beautiful songs of a lifetime. She has a simple style but a great one.
I love this song. Kelly really put her heart and soul into writing it.
She is phenomenal vocally. We all know that, but she is also an AMAZING songwriter. She rules.

There are quite a few of Kelly's songs that I really like, but I particularly love this one because of the uplifting lyrics.
For me, if the life you are born into isn't the one you want, then it's about breaking away, working hard, and doing whatever it takes to make a better one for yourself. Very inspirational!
This song is completely beautiful! It explains feelings so well, and it's definitely full of emotion.
Some of her other songs sound all the same, but this one is unique and especially different. Most beautiful Kelly Clarkson song!

Incredibly infectious song. The lyrics and melody are fantastic, as are her harmonies. The way she blends her voice is pure pop perfection.
It makes you want to dance and jump for joy every time you hear it. Ms. Clarkson simply has an amazing and incredibly powerful voice. It is like no other. She exudes such strength and confidence, and this song is her at her very best.
My favorite Kelly Clarkson song, followed closely by Already Gone and A Moment Like This. Way to go, Kelly!
This is one of Kelly's best songs. The music video is very cool and catchy, but Kelly was mean in the video.
I just watched it after a long time, and it reminds me how time flies.

It's her best song by far. She always delivers her songs well, but I think this song is the most excellent of all.
I liked the overall quality of the song, and I appreciate the background. It does not have noisy drums in it like before.
This song amazes me. I try to sing along with it on the radio or on my iPod, but I just give up and listen to how amazing Kelly Clarkson's voice is.
A must-have!
Awesome song. The music is perfect, and she uses her voice in the best way. The lyrics are very touching.
I don't see why this song isn't number one.

Vocals are amazing. To have her range is practically superhuman. "Turning my cheek for the sake of the show" is my favorite line.
The song can be interpreted in so many different ways and is beautiful no matter which way you see it.
This is my favorite Kelly song. Her songs are beautiful, just like her.
People say nobody's perfect, but that's not true. Kelly Clarkson is so perfect. I don't know how she does it.
Not the best, but one of Kelly's best songs because it's about everything, and the lyrics are meaningful.
The vocals are so powerful. Also, Kelly has written this song.

To me, the song is about someone suffering from a personality disorder. They show the person they love a mask, believing that is what you want to love.
Instead, borderlines have such insecurities, they feel they aren't worthy of love, so they try to push you out to see if you love them. They feel if they drop their mask, you won't like what you see.
The stupidity of the situation is that if they didn't act the way they did, you'd stay with them forever. It is so hard for them to face their problems, probably 20 times harder than stopping smoking. They don't show people the place they know because they believe it's not pretty there and no one can therefore help.
The daft thing is, it's probably the opposite. Unless you've been in a relationship with a borderline, you have no idea of the problems, and if they'd only be themselves!
Anyone feeling they relate to these lyrics, please get help, whether you are the borderline or their partner. Too many lives are wrecked by ignorance of this illness.

I love to hear this song. It's easy to listen to and can be used to have fun.
The first time I heard this song, I was definitely curious about who the singer was. Now I know.
I just don't understand. I think it should be at least in the top ten.
It's a very beautiful song, and I just keep singing it all the time. Please vote.
This song just basically shows that guys think they know EVERYTHING. Hmm... My ex should listen to this song!
Maybe he could learn something from it.
The Newcomers

I voted for this song because I think it is very underrated. This was a great and powerful song with a lot of emotion and meaning.
It kind of got lost in the shuffle of that album underperforming, a canceled tour, and switching labels. Kelly should bring this song back somehow.
One of her best songs. But a favorite of mine which should be on this list is Haunted.
I think this is her best work, not Breakaway or Thankful. My December and Stronger are her best albums. I feel there's not much emotion in All I Ever Wanted.

I love it! I didn't even know that she was the one singing this song!

I love this song! It makes me feel like I'm never left out. How do you not vote for this?!?
My favorite line is: "They can't do nothing to you, they can't do nothing to me, this is the life that we live, this is the life that we plead, so throw your fists in the air, come out, come out if you dare, tonight we're gonna change forever!"
This song cheers me up and lets me know that other people have it much worse than I do.
It is inspiring and Kelly has a wonderful voice. Also, she is not like other singers who are blinded by fame. I mean, she won a talent competition. How much more can you get than that?

Hard to not sing along. I picture what she sings about and the emotions that go with it.
Thank goodness she found someone to fill the holes and never walk away.
This is the best song ever by Kelly Clarkson. The vocals are impressive, and the words are relatable.
Great song!
Such a lyrically powerful song, and her voice singing this tugs at your heartstrings.

One of her first songs but one of the best she's ever made.
Great song with terrific music and a catchy tune.

Every time I hear this song I cry. Not because it is sad, but because its meaning is so powerful.
I listen to the lyrics and I am stunned. I listen to Kelly's non-autotuned, non-edited voice and I am stunned. Everything about this song is amazing.
It is her second-best song (next to Sober). Love Kelly.
This should be higher on the list, in my opinion.
This song makes My December my favorite album by her.
So raw and personal, with great stripped-down and intimate production. I seriously love this song.
It's my personal favorite Kelly Clarkson song.

Wow. I like this one. This could be my new favorite song by Kelly Clarkson.
It's amazing. That's all I have to say.
Kelly's back and better than ever!

I love her here! She's really talented and I love the meaning of the song.
For a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime. So, I think this deserves to be the first, but I think all of her songs were great also! But for me, this is the real number one!
This is literally her crowning moment and is the epitome of what a winning song and sound should be.
This needs to be higher on the list for its significance to American Idol and the emergence of future pop sensations.
This should be first on the list! The best song by Kelly Clarkson.
Along with Because of You, Breakaway, Cry, Behind These Hazel Eyes, and Anytime.

This is a superb song! Kelly and Jason Aldean are a nice duo!
Kelly and Jason Aldean were great in this song!

This song is amazing! How is this not in the top 10? "What happened to Miss Independent?!"
How is this song not in the top five?
I love this song! I especially like the chorus. My other favorites are "I Do Not Hook Up" and "My Life Would Suck Without You."

This song is awesome! Kelly Clarkson rocks Don't Let Me Stop You with her awesome voice and beat.
The lyrics are also so honest and awesome. They can recover anyone who's in a bad relationship. Don't let me stop you from bringing this song to number one.
This is a very good song. It's very underrated, mainly because every song Kelly sings is a hit!
But Don't Let Me Stop You is a silver song. Is it in the top 5? No, but it's damn good!
Pop rock for the win! Kelly Clarkson has amazing singing!

This song is so deep and personal. It may not deserve to be in the top ten, but it should definitely be higher on the list.
My December is a completely underrated album and is one of her best!

This song killed me when Rachel sang it on "Glee" last week. Such a heartfelt song, and anyone who's been through a breakup and really cried their heart out will completely relate to this.
Listen to it if you absolutely need to "cry" it out!
Just filled to the tip with raw emotion. I heard it for the first time on Glee last week and went straight to downloading the original.
The lyrics combined with Clarkson's voice are just...
This is pure amazingness. Inspirational, full of emotion.
Why wasn't this song a #1? It brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. A heartfelt song only yet to be discovered.