Top 10 Worst Things About Linkin Park's Song 'Heavy'

One of my personal favourite bands have got to be hybrid rock band Linkin Park. So when I heard their new song 'Heavy' I was hoping for a triumphant followup to their 2014 effort 'The Hunting Party'. What I got instead though was easily the worst Linkin Park song I've ever heard. Here are the top 10 reasons why I hate this song.

Note: If you like this song then that's fine. I'm just expressing my personal opinions on why this song felt like such a slap in the face being the Linkin Park fan that I am.
The Top Ten
It's the song that represents the core sound of their new album

When I first heard this song, I was hoping it would just be the radio-friendly single and that the rest of the album would be more in line with what Linkin Park usually sounds like. But alas, that was not to be. When I heard this song would represent the album's core sound, I immediately lost interest.

It's the job of the album's first single to get you hooked and looking forward to the rest of the album. Unfortunately, this song's terrible first impression achieved the exact opposite effect, to the point where I now don't want a new Linkin Park album.

It's too much of a far cry from their established sound

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind some of Linkin Park's more experimental work like A Thousand Suns. I can listen to songs like "Waiting for the End" and "Final Masquerade" and enjoy them because, while different, they still have that element that makes me think, "Oh yeah, that's a Linkin Park song." Whether it's Chester's screaming, Mike's rapping, or the guitars meshed with electronic sounds, there's always something distinct.

"Heavy," on the other hand, has nothing that makes me think of Linkin Park. In some instances, there is such a thing as "too much change."

It's following on from 'The Hunting Party'

This really stings when you consider that it came after The Hunting Party (a.k.a. their best album in years), where it seemed like they were finally starting to go back to their roots. But then this song comes along and feels like a betrayal to the Linkin Park we all know and love.

I knew some things were just too good to be true.

The Hunting Party was awesome. After the weird electronic sound of A Thousand Suns and the mediocrity of Living Things, The Hunting Party was diverse, with songs that matched the tastes of everyone. It was the best album since Meteora. To think that Heavy is supposed to be the evolution of THP is just sad.

It doesn't sound like Chester is singing

After hearing this song again, I do hear Chester singing, but the first time through, I couldn't tell whether or not the vocals were actually him. As someone who has been a fan of Linkin Park for well over 10 years, it really shouldn't have taken me that long.

It took me two hours to figure out Chester was actually singing. That's usually a problem because I've been a fan of this band for ten years, and I couldn't even recognize one of the members.

I can kind of hear that it's Chester singing, but he sounds so different. He never sounded so bored.

Where the hell is Brad Delson?

Surprisingly, in the song. The guitar is really hard to hear, but in the second chorus, you can sort of make it out.

Seriously, a computer might as well be the only "instrument" this song uses.

It's an absolute bore

This song has no passion, no energy. Chester sounds as bored as ever. No creativity, no sounds to keep the listener interested. It's just an absolutely boring song.

The title is misleading

I know the word "Heavy" doesn't necessarily refer to heavy metal, but really. With a title like that, it was fair to assume that this song would have a heavy sound. When it didn't, it stung that much more that this song is soft - and not in a good way.

It shows that they have fully sold out

I can't help but agree. While I fully realize that they like to meld genres and explore different styles (as they did in Living Things), they've shown in the past that they can break from their traditional sound and still sound like Linkin Park in a unique way. With Heavy, though, it just sounds like every other pop band trying to make a quick buck. I don't have issues with them not making every album in the style of Hybrid Theory. Like Chester said, Hybrid Theory was 17 years ago. But that doesn't mean I'll be fine with it if they lose everything that makes them unique.

Where the hell is Rob Bourdon?

Remember how The Hunting Party gave Rob Bourdon more creative freedom with his drumming? Yeah, this song has none of that.

It just feels uncreative

To Linkin Park's credit, their other albums that put a different spin on their sound still have that trademark Linkin Park flavor - something familiar yet fresh. This song, however, just sounds like the rest of the generic tracks you hear on the radio. If I were to hear this song for the first time without any prior knowledge, I wouldn't ever guess that this was Linkin Park.

The Newcomers

? It shows people Chester struggling before taking his own life
? It ends

I personally think this is the best thing about this song because it's so bad!

The Contenders
Who the hell is Kiiara?

I'm pretty sure that the majority of people who have heard of Kiiara only know of her because of this song. If this is the first thing you hear from her, it doesn't give a good first impression. For all we know, she could be very talented, but hearing this song kind of sours my opinion of her. What a shame.

Can confirm. My life would have been much better not knowing her.

One of the worst singers of our generation, that's for sure!

This is the same band that released 'Hybrid Theory' and 'Meteora'

When you realize that fact, it just makes it all the more depressing. If the song Heavy is anything to go by, then there is a good chance that One More Light will end up being the band's St. Anger or Chinese Democracy.

It's no secret that their sound got softer and more electronic with every album after Hybrid Theory.

Listen to Breaking the Habit, Forgotten, or Faint, and then Heavy. Let that sink in.

The vocals are awkward
It has little to no purpose
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