Top 10 Greatest Scientists in History
Science has been an integral part of human history, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. From ancient philosophers to modern-day researchers, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries that have changed the course of human history.The list of the greatest scientists in history is a tribute to those individuals whose work has had a significant impact on the scientific community and on society as a whole. These individuals have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, pushing the boundaries of what we know and unlocking the secrets of the universe.
From the brilliant mind of Albert Einstein to the groundbreaking research of Marie Curie, the list of the greatest scientists in history is a testament to the power of human curiosity and determination. These individuals have overcome incredible challenges and obstacles, all in the name of advancing our understanding of the world.
As we look back on the history of science, it is clear that these individuals have left a lasting legacy, inspiring future generations to continue their work and build upon their discoveries. From the creation of life-saving vaccines to the development of groundbreaking technologies, the contributions of these scientists have touched every aspect of our lives.
So, let's celebrate the achievements of these remarkable individuals and vote for the greatest scientists in history. By recognizing their contributions, we honor their memory and inspire future generations to continue their quest for knowledge and understanding.

His scientific achievements are foundational as much as they are significant. Moreover, he did all this while serving as a member of parliament and being the head of the Royal Mint.
He is the father of mechanics, optics, and the inventor of the reflecting telescope, as well as the creator of calculus. Definitely the greatest scientist of all time.
He should be at number 1 because he is the only scientist who worked on every field of Physics, whether it be light, sound, or air. He even worked on motion and rest, and on nuclear science.

Gotta be the most quoted, well-known, and overall the most influential scientist of all time. And all the things he discovered too... Totally changed the face of science on all accounts.
A well-deserved 1st place.
A genius is not just about being good at something or even the best at something. It is about how one views the universe - as objective as humanly possible - without the screens of emotions, fear, and ignorance. Einstein was truly the greatest genius!
Albert Einstein, my favorite scientist of all time, my role model, and he is a god for me. Incredible and superintelligent mind of all time in the world.

Galileo's work is what led Newton into mathematics, and calculus is what made Einstein's genius possible. Give some respect to the father of modern science.
He is the first person who treated physics as the only possible weapon to explore the cosmos.
It's a shame he never lived to receive the praise he has now.

Greatest scientist of all time. Astonished that he is not in 1st place. Have you ever heard of ball lightning? Till now, it's a rare phenomenon, and scientists can't perform this in their labs, but Tesla did it in the 1890s.
This dude was just brilliant! He had vision, had intuition, had creativity. Certainly, most responsible for the larger scale 20th-century technological advancements and beyond.
I'd go for Einstein, but Tesla has different views on why he invents things. Think about it, if J.P. Morgan hadn't cut the funds for his experiment, we could've experienced free electricity right now.
And I think it's because of him we have Wi-Fi.

He's a great scientist who has helped millions of lives. For sure, he has to be one of the top 3 best scientists of all time!
He's responsible for the existence of vaccines. Without him, many people would die from several diseases.
He is a really helpful and smart man, helping millions of people's lives.

She's pretty much the source of our knowledge about radioactivity and X-rays. Her discoveries have immense implications in medicine and things like nuclear power.
I'm surprised and disheartened that she and Charles Darwin aren't higher on the list.
A woman who made a great contribution to the world of science. A woman who's under the discovery of radioactivity. I hope many women will follow her steps.
When the whole world was dominated by male scientists, she was the one who inspired many young girls to take up science.

If you read his theory of evolution and, more specifically, understand it, it doesn't state that we evolved from monkeys or apes. Instead, it says that monkeys, apes, and humans share a common ancestor.
If you go back even further, all creatures on Earth have a common ancestor.
The greatest scientific mind of all time. His theory of evolution should actually be a law as well proven as the law of gravity. To say that you don't "believe" in evolution is like saying that you don't believe in breathing.
This man should be higher. The hardest thing in science is to be able to see things that others refuse to. Another out-of-the-box thinker.

When I came to know he was not physically fine, I got the "The most inspiring scientist of all time." This legend shows that impossible is just in mind.
Salute to this legend who tried to change the world by just thinking...
With his breakthrough scheme ever noted in the history of science, "The Grand Design", although being physically disabled, he proved what man can accomplish if he dares to hope.
He should be #1! Come on, people! Please vote for him. He has earned so much fame, even though he had Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis! Just imagine his struggles! Please vote for him, until he reaches #1!

More or less unknown but the guiding light of most modern physics. Best known to physicists, his work is too advanced for the general public to understand, but without Maxwell's equations, most of the modern world, including computers, the internet, and relativity, wouldn't have existed. Einstein even had his photo on his desk for inspiration.
Oh, and as a hobby, he created the first-ever color photo and described Saturn's rings...a true genius.
You can put Einstein and Newton in his company, but barely anyone else.
The Newcomers

As the one who discovered electromagnetism, he definitely deserves to be among the top 10 or 15 scientists.

He literally invented ideas that modern society uses. If we all did Leonardo's ideas in his time, we would all be technologically more advanced in modern society.
All the modern-day things are based on his inventions. He did that before Newton, Einstein, and all others.
Leonardo was so much ahead of his time, it's surreal.

This man discovered pi. That's all that needs to be said. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

He was not able to hear, but he invented many things like the electric bulb, telegraph, and many more. He was the owner of 1,000 patents.

The man who invented the telephone.

The fastest mind ever. And possibly the most rawly intelligent person ever.

Even though he was wrong in more or less all his notions, he still was the man behind empiric thinking - the principle of all modern science where you test your ideas through practical experiments or create theories judged upon experiences.
Simply put, scientists as we define them wouldn't exist without Aristotle.

Deserves as much acknowledgment as Einstein and Rutherford. After all, he created the atomic model we still base our chemistry on to this date.
Why is Bohr so low on the list? It's ridiculous. He deserves top 5.
Genius. Without him, science would not be as it is.

He's the one who founded one of the key concepts of electromagnetism after he made a discovery in one of his own lab experiments. However, he couldn't explain it mathematically, but only in intellectual terms about the concept. It was not until Maxwell explained the concept further mathematically. Maxwell too faced problems computing equations that describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.
Nowadays, we call it Maxwell's Equations, which consist of four laws.

Aryabhata deserves first position. Without his discoveries, nothing else would have been discovered.
He gave us zero. Without that, everything and everyone is zero!
Aryabhata is known as the inventor of zero. Without this concept, every other theory would be meaningless.

Developed quantum physics and the Uncertainty Principle. It was so complex and revolutionary, even Einstein couldn't accept it.
(P.S. He won the Nobel Prize at 31, making him the second-youngest person to win it.)