Greatest Israelis of All Time

The father and architect of the modern State of Israel, David Ben-Gurion led as Prime Minister and laid the foundations for Israel to become the thriving nation of equality, science, and technology it is today. He was a man of high intellect, education, and values, who made his country an amazing nation. Without him, there would not have been an Israel. He will forever be at the core of every Israeli who loves their country.

She single-handedly raised most of the money that enabled Israel to finance the 1948 War of Independence and was a brilliant Prime Minister on the international stage.

Sharon knew how to stand alone. It's easy to take the right path when the crowd is with you, but it takes real commitment and character to stand alone when the crowd is against you. As a soldier, he urged the Israeli government to mobilize. They did not, but he still led the army to victory in the south with the Suez crossing. From the opposition party, he warned the Israeli people about Arafat and, as Prime Minister, took bold action that led to the demise of Arafat.
If it weren't for a soldier of Sharon's caliber, Israel may not even exist today. Sharon fought in every one of Israel's wars with determination, leadership, courage, and unwavering support for the troops he commanded. Not only that, through all that he witnessed in the horrors of war, he remained a loving husband and father. I admire the man's sense of loyalty and commitment.

One of the most responsible leaders the world has ever known. He loved his people and even stepped down voluntarily at the end of his career when he knew he could no longer lead effectively. A real man.

Gadot's first international film role came as Gisele Yashar in Fast & Furious (2009), a role she reprised in subsequent installments of the film franchise. She is also well-known... read more

He chased peace and got within an inch of grabbing it. He was a strong Prime Minister who loved his country, Israel, and was determined to make the world a better place for everybody. May he rest in peace. A fair man. Zichrono livracha.
The only Prime Minister who actually tried to make peace. Who knows what would have happened if he was still alive.
Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Israel Defence Forces, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

President of Israel and Prime Minister, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

The Newcomers
Epitomized the heart and soul of Israel. Operation Thunderbolt shocked the entire world. Yoni deserves to be near the top of any greatest Israeli list. He earned it for sure.

For his nation, he gave his life.

One of the best and most loving rabbis in the world. (Rabbi means doctor in Latin and master in English.) Rabbi Lau is my master. His kindly outlook on the world and its people, his great intellect in Torah and world knowledge, and his longing for a world filled with the Peace from Above - a peace made in serenity - makes me an admirer.

Best Israeli model, very famous all over the world.