Worst Stand-Up Comedians Ever

Not much to say - she overly relies on sex jokes, insensitive humor, dry delivery, and bad timing. "Have you heard about bread? Now laugh."
That doesn't even include the number of jokes she has stolen.
She's not a comedian, but her mother was. Forty years later, and people still laugh at her mother's joke.
I personally have a huge distaste for Schumer's work. Though hate for her typically breeds sexist comments and rude remarks about her body weight, I genuinely think that she wants to be hailed as this beautiful feminist icon who isn't perfect, and that's okay. It's a good message, but the problem is, she herself has not been able to carry that out.
Not only are her jokes often flat and frequently disgusting, but she constantly steals jokes. This has been proven several times, and many comedians have made allegations of her stealing jokes. It's not something to write off because dozens of YouTube videos have been made to compare her jokes to the accusers', and they're literally the exact same. We really need to emphasize this more in popular culture because not only did she blow up in popularity despite her horrible sense of humor, but she became popular despite having stolen all that horrible humor. To me, that is a great tragedy to comedy.
She herself is not a very entertaining person, and that's obvious in her comedy as she relies majorly on sex jokes or crude comments that have absolutely none of the comedic sense that others have. Her show on Netflix was horrible, and her past comedic TV appearances weren't that great. Honestly, most of her career was spent copying and exaggerating great jokes told by actually good comedians but with horrible timing in comparison to theirs. It's a surprise that she became so famous.
Here's the thing: She is not the feminist icon that girls need to be looking up to. Women like Emma Watson should be much more appreciated than Amy Schumer's purposeful and oftentimes disgusting crudeness. As a society, we should be working more toward shedding positive light on who deserves it and condemning those who don't, instead of shying away from hating on people just because of what they have begun to represent. Let's be clear here: Amy Schumer has stolen jokes and is, in all honesty, a terrible comedian with little... more

I've heard that a lot of his material is stolen, but I'm not sure if it's true.
Definitely not as funny as modern culture thinks. I don't like his comedy - it's similar to Aziz Ansari's (who somehow pulls it off better). He just yells or attempts to make it sound funny with the way he pronounces things.
Want to know what's funnier than actual clever comedy and creative jokes? A full-grown idiot screaming at the top of his lungs while spazzing out and making crude, tasteless jokes about genitalia that wouldn't even get a smile from a 13-year-old!

Everything he does just screams neediness! I can't stand him. He steals jokes and the worst part is they gave that idiot his own show. I cringe and feel the need to vomit every time I see his face.
In 2009, South Park said about him, "I took credit for it 'cause I'm not actually funny. Come on, man, do you know what it's like? Being a comedian but not being funny?" Sounds about right.
Made a big career based on other people's material, and that's not funny. He's fessed up to it recently, but only after his career tanked.

Gatekeeper - She made her career by being incredibly offensive, but now that she's at the top and has made all her money, she shames and dog-piles on other comedians who are being canceled for saying "racist," "bigoted," and/or "sexist" things - even though they were obviously jokes. It's pathetic.
Sarah is too political and in a very irrational/emotional way. I admit she's hot, but funny? Not so much. The only way I would watch her comedy special is if she was in a bikini.
She's not terrible, but not great either. She still acts as if making fun of Christians and Republicans is somehow edgy.

Uneducated working-class simpletons like this material. The kind of person who laughs out loud during one of his performances is the kind of person who drives around with a dead deer on the roof of his pickup truck and wants to make America great again.
He and Amy Schumer are essentially cut from the same cloth. I have thoroughly disliked this man since I was a child. He is every redneck cliché taken to a point that it's not comical whatsoever. The man is just gross.
Ugh. How is he so low? How can you laugh at the phrase "Get er done"? What is funny about it? Is it that he says "er" instead of "it"? He is as funny as a burp. If it's ridiculously long, you might smile, but that's it.

Not only is he unfunny, but he's also an absolute monster. He got Phil Hartman's wife back into drugs. She then killed Phil during a crack bender.
I saw him years ago at a college campus in Florida. It was a waste of time and money. He was so high, he couldn't even stand up, let alone make you laugh.
A cartoon that somehow came to life but forgot how to be funny or entertaining.

Carrot Top was in the hospital to prove that laughter really was the best medicine.
They only wanted him to be the placebo for the control group.
Was funny the first time, then repeat, repeat, repeat...
I swear to God, having a dog turd on stage for an hour is more entertaining than Carrot Top.

South Park was right about her weight. They really do look like that abomination that came from the Trapper Keeper.
God, I love the fact Oprah put her on her channel to save her failing TV station, but she is just outright not funny.
I didn't even know she was a comedian, but I guess that makes sense considering how wacky her political views are.

Always making dishonest excuses about her so-called "edgy" photo tweet of a decapitated head of our US President. Then again, you cannot wish death on any US president, even if you did it as a joke.
Besides that, her comedy is horrifyingly unlistenable and unfunny. The only positive thing I could say about her is her voice role in the animated UPN Dilbert series. Other than that, she's an awful comedian.
She's unbelievably annoying and painfully unfunny. To top it off is the entire decapitated Trump controversy. It doesn't matter if you like him or hate him, that was too far and not funny in the slightest.

"Jeff Dunham is the number one most famous comedian in the Middle East? You don't find him at all offensive?" - Gabriel Iglesias
I feel you, Gabriel Iglesias.
How in the heck is this guy not number one on this list? He's not funny. Seriously, Kim Jong Un is funnier than this guy!
This guy is extremely homophobic, and his puppets are creepy!
The Newcomers

Where do I even start? His jokes are terrible, especially that machine joke that he has been milking for years and years. But recently, he has gotten more and more annoying. His need to be the center of attention at all times is exhausting to watch.
He ruins every podcast or show he is on with his seagull laugh, interrupting people by talking louder, and never having anything intelligent or of actual value to add. A sad excuse for a comedian. I have Amy Schumer as number one here, but he is a very close second.

I have never understood how this man became a success.
In the 2000s and early 2010s, he was nothing more than a typical edgelord of the era. He acted like a stereotypical Australian bogan and made generic and unfunny jokes that relied on stereotypes. Examples include ridiculing France for the defeat of 1940 (coming from a man who has not seen the horrors of war firsthand), labeling New Zealand "Australia's retarded brother," and lambasting teetotalers by labeling them "boring c***." How progressive of him. For reasons that require no explanation, that style of humor fell out of favor after 2012. Due to cultural changes regarding alcohol, the use of the word "retarded," and the Iraq War, that style of humor would not fly today.
Because of this, he adopted a political slant in the mid-to-late 2010s, where he attempted to emulate Russell Brand or Stephen Colbert. You may remember his appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, where he screamed abuse at Piers Morgan (who is a truly vile man) and made fallacious comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, which trivializes the atrocities of the Third Reich. If Jim Jefferies was THAT worried about the Trump presidency, then he should have moved back to Australia or to New Zealand, Canada, or Europe. Nothing was stopping him.
What's more, he presented a terrible TV show in the late 2010s where he attempted to copy the successes of Trevor Noah, John Oliver, and Samantha Bee. It lasted only two years and has since been forgotten.
Thankfully, the Trump era is over, and as of 2022, Jim Jefferies seems to have become a forgotten and washed-up has-been, a relic of a bygone era whose days of glory are over, just like Gallagher, Michael Richards, or Carlos Mencia.

Stupid British humor. Doesn't deserve to be recognized as a comedian.

This man is the human embodiment of cringe. He's just vulgar and gross.
His material is painful to the eyes and ears.

He's not great. He's just okay. Most people in the younger audiences would enjoy his show more because of the fun and exciting way he presents these A-list celebrities. The problem is, he only accomplishes this easy way of talking through very, very long fake laughing and tedious games.
Even when he was on SNL, he wasn't great and often broke character first. He's just notorious for laughing at inappropriate times and for inappropriate lengths. That's what diminishes his comedy quality. Honestly, he isn't a very funny person or a particularly entertaining one either. Just his ability to bring on actually interesting celebrities and appeal to younger audiences has made him more famous than his more-deserving colleagues.

He won't pay his hecklers and is a class action suit all to himself.

Just awful in every way, but despite his horrific appearance, the worst part is he is simply not funny. Ever. Even if he was able to enunciate words, it wouldn't help.
Average UK comedian of no special magic. He wears a dress on stage and gets far too much respect for it.

Back in the 2000s and the early 2010s, he was a legitimately funny comedian who made edgy and funny jokes. But today, he's the Scottish version of Stephen Colbert, making bad jokes about politics in a time when we're extremely divided.
Just goes for shock value with every joke. Nothing better than playground jokes.
His jokes were funny 10 years ago. I wish he came up with some new material. A comedian who lost his gift.

I don't care what people say! There are people that like his movies, and I'm one of them. He's definitely niche, but he is funny to some people in his old movies. However, Pauly Shore's stand-up is not good at all. He always comes off as a spoiled brat and he has no punchlines. It's just him being old and weird.
I have never really found this man to be amusing. He essentially plays the same character in everything he does. He's just not funny. Maybe a few decades ago he was for a few years, but that time is long past.

He won't be on any of my best-of lists, but his John Madden impression is one of my guilty pleasures.
Impressionists should still have to have a joke or two in their arsenal.

This person just shouts and whines and talks about things he hates. It can be a little funny at first, but then it becomes dull and boring. It's also annoying how he seems to be shouting all the time throughout his routine, as if his audience were deaf or something. His jokes are also not funny.
I was forced to listen to his podcast today on a road trip. I wanted to jump from the moving vehicle within minutes. It was that bad. He may have a quirky thing or two to say if you listen for over two hours, but as a whole, he sucks.

I'm English, but am embarrassed he is one of ours. America, please adopt this talentless moron who tries to convince the audience he's funny, shame on whoever is weak enough to laugh.
He's one of the very worst comedians of all time. I think his career is based on seeming nice rather than being funny. His material is weak!

Started off gangbusters in the early to mid-80s. Then, when we kept expecting new material, it never came, and he kept repeating the old stuff. Next thing we know, he's going right-wing and embracing the Fox News bunch. And it's the same few jokes again and again, except applied to the liberals he calls the new Soviets. Stupid.