Top 10 Best Power Rangers

The Top Ten
Red Ranger

My favorite Power Ranger is the Red Ranger. Power Rangers exploded in the early nineties, back in 1993, and kids loved it.

It's very sad and shocking about Jason David Frank in 2022. He will always be remembered. That's why I love it. The video games I used to play were pretty good. I would say some of them are like the Ninja Turtles games. The classic games, like the first game and Power Rangers Fighting Edition, and the first movie, should be available on Nintendo Online.

I'm really excited about the new video game that's digital, called Rita's Rewind. It's like the Ninja Turtles game Shredder's Revenge. I also love the toy line for it.

Blue Ranger

My favorite Blue Rangers are Kai, Sky, and Theo because their personalities are like mine. I hate all who hate those guys. If they were never uptight, chaos would reign supreme. So all of their haters can suck it!

Blue Rangers are the reason why my favorite color is blue. They are fun, caring, and intelligent. Though they are second in command, they do the majority of the work.

Kevin and Sky are my favorites! Super Samurai series was the best. BLUE RANGER IS THE GREATEST RANGER!

Blue Ranger is a sympathetic, intelligent fighter - the philosopher and karate master. He is up behind the blue mask, and he takes down his glasses. Blue Ranger is an energetic, fit boy - my champion of the color Rangers.

Green Ranger

Tommy is the single best plot-driven character, particularly as the Green Ranger but also as the White Ranger. He is the most psychologically compelling character with the best story progression. If that ain't enough, he has his own themes in both guises (Go Green Ranger Go and White Ranger Tiger Power). Tommy all the way.

The thing that makes Green Rangers cool is the fact that they will end up being another color like red, blue, black, or white.

Red and green are my favorites, but any series after 1995 with the second cast were just gimmicks. The original cast was the only one I cared to watch.

Pink Ranger

She is the best forever and gives hope to the team as a whole in times of distress. In every series, she is as beautiful as a queen, and everyone on the team loves her. She has so many fans all over the Earth.

Pink Ranger is beautiful - mask, off-mask, woman, good fighter, fit lady. Speed girl to super kick and shoot.

Yellow Ranger

Yellow Rangers are best. My favorite and the best are Trini and Gia.

White Ranger
Black Ranger

I like the Black Ranger. He is the coolest Ranger, especially Dillon. He's either a core team member or the sixth. The only Green Ranger I liked was Tommy. Since him, the Green Ranger has been nothing but a joke.

Silver Ranger
Gold Ranger
Robo Knight

The Newcomers

? Lord Drakkon
? Purple Ranger
The Contenders
Titanium Ranger
Lunar Wolf Ranger
Mercury Ranger

He's my favorite of the Operation Overdrive Rangers because he's the easiest of them for me to handle. Hell, he isn't as humorous and unpleasant as his teammates are.

Quantum Ranger

Quantum Ranger is a badass extra Ranger of all Power Rangers.

Jungle Fury Ranger
Rhino Ranger
Graphite Ranger
Shadow Ranger
Wolf Ranger
Magna Defender
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