Top Ten The Fairly OddParents Episodes

The Fairly OddParents is a 2001 animated television series that follows Timmy Turner, a boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant his every wish, which usually backfire.
The Top Ten
1 Channel Chasers Part 1

The best episode of the series without a doubt. Its time travel story, parody of famous TV shows, and deep message about growing up all fit together perfectly.

The Channel Chasers episode is the best out of the whole series.

I love the Channel Chasers episode!

2 Christmas Every Day

Yeah, it's amazing how all the kids of the world worked together to help Timmy and how it captured the true Christmas spirit. Great episode by far.

Best episode made by The Fairly OddParents.

3 Fairly Oddbaby

I love this one, and if I were in it, I would squeeze Cosmo lightly!

Strangely, this episode is my favorite out of the entire show.

My favorite too. I love Poof. Why did they have to replace him with a dog and a girl?

4 The Boy Who Would Be Queen

This episode could have made Trixie and Timmy best friends or even a couple. It added a lot to Trixie's character development until Season 4 messed that up. They could have kept this side of Trixie, which would have made her a significant role model for viewers. In this episode, Trixie reveals that she just wants a friend who likes her for who she is. Timmy (disguised as a girl) was Trixie's only real and true friend who shared the same interests she had.

When Timmy said he liked both boy and girl stuff, Trixie thought it was sweet, but she was peer pressured into forcing him out of her party. This episode is further evidence that Trixie does like Timmy but keeps it a secret to appease her fake friends. This is also one of my favorite Timmy X Trixie episodes, alongside "A Wish Too Far" and "Wishology."

5 The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker

This episode made Mr. Crocker my favorite character. It's so sad to learn that he had a childhood similar to Timmy's (ignoring parents, evil babysitters, and of course, FAIRY GODPARENTS!). Timmy's Fairy Godparents spazzes are also hilarious. Definitely one of the best Fairly OddParents episodes ever.

This episode shows a side of Denzel Crocker that we hadn't seen before and explains why he is so obsessed with fairies. I liked how the show took the time to explore the past of one of the show's main villains and how it impacts the present.

6 The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour

The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour specials are a great example of how to do crossovers right. If only Danny Phantom hadn't been canceled, Butch Hartman could have made a crossover between The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom - Hartman himself even said so. Anyway, I think the second installment (the one with the Friday the 13th plot) has to be my favorite in the entire trilogy. - ModernSpongeBobSucks

This is awesome! Two shows in one! This should be third, and Fairly OddBaby fifth.

Two of my favorite Nick shows growing up in the same universe? Pure awesomeness! Now let's get a SpongeBob and Danny Phantom crossover! (If Danny Phantom ever returns...)

7 Channel Chasers Part 2

Channel Chasers Part 1 and 2 should be number one!

8 School's Out: The Musical

THIS is what Atlantis SquarePantis should have been. The songs here move the plot forward, are nice to listen to on their own, and have some pretty intelligent lines.

This is so good, I almost want to see it made into a one-hour musical for kids to perform.

I watch this every year when school ends, and I love the entire school's-over theme.

9 Meet the Oddparents
10 Timvisible
The Contenders
11 Power Mad

It's the best episode of Fairly OddParents in my opinion, and along with "The Big Problem," it's a very good start for the series. The episode is funny, has great 3D graphics, and has an interesting plot overall.

The second episode's opening is pretty epic and amazing.

It also has a great message and a solid middle section. I'd rate it an 8.7/10.

So cool. I've always wanted to go inside a video game.

12 Wishology

This should have been the series finale, and it almost was until money-hungry executives at Nick decided to give The Fairly OddParents seasons 7-10, which weren't good at all and led to its decline in content. I like this episode because it finally brought Timmy and Trixie together. I ship Timmy X Trixie because of their similar values, and not many Fairly OddParents characters understand their true selves.

Timmy just wants to live a simple life with someone who cares about him, and Trixie just wants to be herself, enjoy comics, and have a friend who likes her for who she truly is. In the end, Timmy and Trixie would make a great couple because they are afraid to admit their true selves, and when they do, they're shamed by others for being "weird." Timmy X Trixie Forever!

13 Abra-Catastrophe

How is Abracatastrophe this low? This, along with Channel Chasers, is peak FOP.

14 Channel Chasers Part 3

Great idea. I will create a different movie featuring Timmy going from movie to movie, stopping his enemies Mr. Crocker and Vicky from taking over the world.

I wish they would have had a sequel where Timmy meets his future kids.

15 Just Desserts
16 Crime Wave
17 No Substitute For Crazy
18 The Big Superhero Wish!
19 The Big Problem
20 Information Stupor Highway

While the internet jokes are dated now, back then it was a hilarious parody of early 2000s technology.

One of the more 'adult' jokes in this episode could be understood by 11-year-old me.

21 Birthday Bashed
22 The Crimson Chin Meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

Any episode with the Crimson Chin, Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad, or any other superhero in the FOP universe is totally a great episode.

23 Chin Up!
24 Love Triangle

This is my favorite Fairly OddParents episode EVER. The voice acting, three-quarters of the plot, two-thirds of the jokes, and the ending are the best things about the episode. However, one-third of the jokes and one-quarter of the plot are kind of bad (including when the narrator calls Foop a big stupid-head. Worst joke of the entire episode).

Grade I would give it: A (91%)

25 That Old Black Magic

The first time Anti-Cosmo appears.

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