Top 10 Gotham Characters

The Top Ten
Oswald Cobblepot

This character represents the triumph of pure intelligence and penetrating insight into those around him. If he wasn't evil, he'd be great. As it is, he is irresistible to watch. I find myself wishing every moment of the show's time was spent on him. Great creation!

Gotham is not just the story of the fall of organized crime and James Gordon's rise in the GCPD, but the rise of the most underrated Batman villain in history. He's an amazing character and one you can sympathize with, despite knowing what he'll become in later years.

Jerome Valeska

What can I say besides, BEST JOKER EVER! (I don't care what you say, he's my Joker). He has so much character development you almost feel sorry for him while being creeped out at the same time. Abused by his mother and family, never loved, it makes him relatable.

The mannerisms, the look, the laugh, the movement - he's just outstanding. Cameron Monaghan is perfect for the role. Hold on to your hats, folks, because you ain't seen nothing yet!

He is absolutely an outstanding villain. He has a cult that worships him, and he is alive now. I want him to be a main part of the show because what's Gotham without the Joker's origin story?

I should say that you can't have a Gotham or a Batman story without the Clown Prince of Crime. Cameron Monaghan did great.

Thank you, Cameron.

Edward Nygma

The BEST character on the show without a doubt! Incredible acting, and the character development across the series is top tier.

This is 100% the best version of the Riddler ever made. Edward Nygma is so adorable and annoying at the same time. Watching him wrestle with his "darker side" taking control was delivered masterfully.

You could almost feel his pain. He is relatable, witty, and engaging throughout. The series makes you question the line between good and bad in classic DC fashion. This character, in particular, makes you sympathize and almost understand why he becomes the way he does.

James Gordon

Jim Gordon is the best character by far. With the same morals as Batman, what's not to like? He's conflicted. Barbara left him. Depression. Leslie Thompkins loves him, and the feeling's mutual. Guilt. Bullock was willing to kill him to save his own neck. Betrayal. Selina lied about the Wayne killing. Rage. People are constantly telling him to drop the Wayne case.

I just love his will to keep going. Gary Oldman was great, and I loved him in the Arkham games. Even the original Tim Burton movie was all right, but this is the best portrayal ever. JK Simmons could be excellent too. Hopefully, he manages to keep his series going for a few more seasons. Tell Nygma to piss off, and I'm even more pleased.

Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle (Cat)

Selina Kyle is a lovable teenager who is just trying to survive. I cannot wait to see her as Catwoman.

I love this chick! She is the best character. She and Batman are the best!

Jeremiah Valeska

Okay, so after the finale, I have very mixed feelings about Jeremiah. For the end of season 4 and season 5 pre-finale, he was a very typical yet unique Joker with the best connection to Bruce out of all iterations. This led to some standout moments: the graveyard reveal, Alfred's torture, Selina's shooting, and all of Ace Chemicals.

However, he felt sidelined as season 5's villain in favor of Nyssa, who was really dull. As J, he felt less strong as a character to me. While he was definitely good, he felt less unique and more like another Mark Hamill (probably done to appease the new viewers season 5 brought in) and less intelligent.

I don't blame Monaghan's acting for this. He gave a phenomenal performance throughout. I blame it on the writers sidelining him in favor of other, less interesting events like Barbara's pregnancy and reform.

Barbara Kean

Beautifully insane, manipulative, cunning, and cruel. A very powerful character. Loved watching her character development throughout the show.

She's hands down the best character. Smart and beautiful as well as deadly.

Alfred Pennyworth

This version of Alfred seemed to be more of a friend to Bruce than any other version. He established his deep friendship with Thomas Wayne even without Thomas being a full-fledged cast member. He shows he cares deeply for Bruce, especially in season 4 when Bruce was on a downward spiral.

Alfred demonstrates his combat skills time and time again, and his loyalty is off the charts. He never betrays a friend in need and never puts other lives before his own. This version of Mr. Pennyworth deserves his own movie, as he is Bruce Wayne's friend, not just his butler.

Sofia Falcone

Not my favorite, but I enjoy her cunning and unpredictable character. She seems interesting in my eyes.

The actress has nailed the role, and as a result, a pretty large part of the fandom seems to hate her (Sofia Falcone, not Crystal Reed).

The Newcomers

? Ra's al Ghul
? Alice Tetch
The Contenders
Mad Hatter
Victor Zsasz

The creators behind the series did a really great job with handling Zsasz. They definitely changed his character, but it turned out to be potentially the best portrayal of Zsasz in any DC-related media.

What makes Zsasz such a good villain is that sometimes he'll go on a deadly killing spree, but then he'll have a hilarious moment. This adds some layers to the character as you can never tell what he's thinking.

Professor Hugo Strange
Harvey Bullock

Come on, Harvey is the best! He's humorous, interesting, and has great development. His character has become a much more positive person since the beginning of the series. It's just ridiculous that Fish is higher on this list. She's one of the most irritating characters on any show I've ever seen!

Harvey Dent Two-Face/Harvey Dent is a fictional villain from DC Comics. Harvey Dent was one of Gotham's most trusted citizens until he had acid poured on his face making him go insane and become a criminal by the name Two-Face. In film, he has been portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in Batman, Tommy Lee Jones in Batman... read more
Fish Mooney
Tabitha Galavan (Tigress)

Tabitha Galavan is the best character because:
1. She's quite the charmer.
2. She turned Selina Kyle into Catwoman.
3. Although evil in Season 2, I noticed that her nice side was as nice as any other character's by the end of season 3 and all of season 4.
4. Oswald Cobblepot is the most evil Gotham character after what he did to Butch and Tabitha.

Butch Gilzean

He just has lots of personality without being a psycho.

Dr. Leslie Thompkins

Dr. Thompkins is just so awesome. She makes Barbara look utter in comparison. You want her to marry Gordon and have a happy life with Oracle as her child and James Jr. Not the best outcome for your kids, but I just think she deserves better.

Carmine Falcone
Ivy Pepper
Professor Pyg (Lazlo Valentin)

I love him because he is a creepy serial killer. What more can you ask for?

Jervis Tetch
Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow)
Victor Fries (Mr. Freeze)

Beautiful storyline, almost painful to watch at times. Brilliant delivery of a complex character story.

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