Top 10 Best Grey's Anatomy Characters

The Top Ten
Arizona Robbins Arizona Robbins is a pediatric surgeon known for her expertise and compassionate approach to children. She also serves as the head of pediatric surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Best character ever. I don't get why people continue to bring up the cheating. Just about every other character on Grey's has either cheated (yes, Callie too. She cheated on Erica twice) or been the one cheating with, which, in my opinion, is almost just as bad.

People who complain about her behavior after the plane crash need to read about PTSD. They might learn something, like the fact that her actions are quite common for people suffering from PTSD. So, when people dislike Arizona because of the cheating, I wonder why people even watch Grey's. They have to dislike almost every character. Arizona is the only one who's actually had a reason or excuse for the cheating.

Cristina Yang Cristina Yang is a highly ambitious cardiothoracic surgeon with a reputation for her intense focus and dedication to surgical excellence. She is one of Meredith Grey's closest friends and confidantes throughout her career.

Cristina is the most driven and hardworking of all. She knows the right time to let loose and have fun, but she's also very focused and every child's role model. She's my favorite character, hands down, and is just so perfect.

Her leaving was very devastating and truly messed up her relationship with Meredith, as well as her relationship with Owen. She was extremely talented and was exactly what their hospital needed. I say bring Yang back. She was one of the main characters, and Grey's is definitely not the same without her.

Alex Karev Alex Karev is a pediatric surgeon who began his career with a difficult reputation but grows into a respected physician and leader. His journey through the series includes significant personal and professional growth, often centering around his work with children.

I can honestly say that from the very first episode until the current one, I have loved Alex Karev's character. From being a douche to a kindhearted man, he wants in his soul to take care of the people he loves and the kids he cares for. Probably one of the most relatable characters I've ever seen on a television show.

Alex Karev is by far my most favorite character in this show, just because I can relate. He was such a jerk in the beginning, and I love how they really developed his character in the later seasons. I thought he would be killed off before George or anyone else.

Karev is by far the best character and is the reason I still watch Grey's Anatomy.

George O'Malley George O'Malley is a surgical resident with a kind and compassionate demeanor, making him well-liked among patients and colleagues. His character experiences significant personal and professional growth during his time at the hospital.

George was and still is my all-time favorite character on Grey's! He was kind, funny, humble, brave, and a true friend. When he died, it honestly felt like if a friend in real life died. I've seen all the seasons at least four times, and I still cry a river every time George dies.

He deserved so much better, and he would have made a great surgeon alongside Karev, Meredith, Cristina, and Izzie. It would be so cool if the last season ended with the five OGs in some kind of way!

I LOVED George. He was so sweet and dependable. He was always there for all of his friends, but no one really understood him as a doctor.

Take his family for example. His brothers didn't seem to approve of him being a doctor because that's not the profession O'Malleys do. It sucks he died. I miss him so much. He was my favorite guy on the show.

Miranda Bailey Miranda Bailey is a general surgeon who becomes the Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Known for her no-nonsense approach, she mentors numerous residents throughout her career.

Miranda Bailey is awesome! She is the only character that embodies what a real doctor should be. She cares about her patients, her coworkers, and her career.

Bailey is the only character that I truly can't imagine Grey's without. If Meredith died, I still think the show could survive. If Miranda left, I'm not sure it could.

Bailey is the only character who doesn't get into huge lawsuits, big fights, or die. (I mean, I'm on Season 8 right now, so.) She's actually so sassy, but that's why I love her.

Callie Torres Callie Torres is an orthopedic surgeon with a talent for complex surgeries and innovation in her field. She is known for her resilience and forms close relationships with her colleagues at Grey Sloan Memorial.

Callie was just awesome, and I love her humor. She is hilarious, and I loved it in the beginning when she pushed Meredith into lockers and talked about the panties on the board. Then Izzie is like, "Callie, stop. She is a small person, and you're hurting her." I found that to be hilarious.

I just think that Callie knows how to keep going. I know that every character has passed through so many hard moments, but I love that she is almost always so happy and funny.

Oh my god! Calliope Iphegenia Torres is the best character in Grey's Anatomy. Her humor, well-roundedness, and character arc are pure gold! I wish she was still on the show.

Lexie Grey Lexie Grey is Meredith Grey's half-sister and a surgical resident known for her photographic memory and dedication to learning. She forms strong personal and professional relationships with her colleagues at Grey Sloan Memorial.

There wasn't, and there never will be, a character more lovable, relatable, and just downright hilarious and full of life than Lexie Grey. Her relationship with Mark was one of the most iconic and believable romances, not just on Grey's Anatomy but on television in general.

Lexie's nerdy, adorable, and sometimes amusingly awkward babbling was always enjoyable to watch, and Chyler Leigh's brilliant performance truly helped bring this extraordinary character to life. Whenever she smiled, cried, or even binge ate, the audience and fans were ensured to follow suit.

Ever since she stepped onto the screen towards the end of season three, right until her unfortunate and heartbreaking departure at the end of season eight, the beautiful yet intelligent Lexie's presence on the show made those five years of Grey's Anatomy the most joyous and energetic ones in the entire series.

While Chyler Leigh's decision to leave the show to spend more time with her family is completely understandable, I will never be able to truly come to terms with the fact that my all-time favorite character on Grey's will not be rushing down the corridors of Seattle Grace anymore.

It will prove highly difficult, impossible even, to once again capture the mesmerizing magic that Lexie brought to the show moving forward. She and Mark may now be gone, but they will never be forgotten nor replaced. Here's hoping that they return in the inevitable series finale (whenever this may take place) to help provide the appropriate closure that this series undoubtedly deserves.

Derek Shepherd Derek Shepherd is a neurosurgeon recognized for his exceptional skill in complex brain surgeries and research. Known as "McDreamy," his personal life and relationship with Meredith Grey are key elements in the series.

Loved Derek and Meredith and thought Derek was so loyal and hot. I did think he was a bit conceited, but the show isn't the same without him!

He made a big impact on the show, and he was so caring and looked after everyone. I have so much respect for him, and he deserved better.

Loved McDreamy from his 80s teen movies Can't Buy Me Love and Loverboy. So funny and classic 80s. Great movies. If you've never seen the movies, you need to watch them.

Meredith Grey Meredith Grey is a general surgeon whose career and life journey are central to the series, exploring her evolution from resident to an accomplished surgeon. She is the daughter of renowned surgeon Ellis Grey and has a deep personal commitment to the medical field.

She's my least favorite character. I saw Ellen Pompeo in Eternal Sunshine, and she was actually really good. But then I saw her in this, and... well, let's just say she changed my mind. She was super passive-aggressive and is always kicking people out of her house.

I really like Meredith. She is very brave. Meredith has almost died multiple times, had to deal with her mother not appreciating her, and lost a number of loved ones. Meredith is a very strong and amazing character.

Meredith is my favorite. She is super badass and strong. Meredith will always be pampers. She is the Grey in Grey's Anatomy.

Mark Sloan Mark Sloan is a plastic surgeon with expertise in facial reconstructive surgery, often handling complex cosmetic and reconstructive cases. Known for his charm, he is also Derek Shepherd's best friend and has a complicated personal life.

Mark was awesome! He was a womanizer, but when it came to Lexie, he was very loyal. He was an amazing friend (other than sleeping with Addison, but as it got MerDer together, we'll forgive him!) with both Derek and Callie especially.

When he found out about his daughter Sloan, he was very sweet and helped her with the baby. He was an amazing dad to Sofia. His death was very sad, and his speech to Lexie was heartbreaking. Mark Sloan was one of my favorite characters!

Where do I start? Mark was my all-time favorite character in the entire series. He was always there to keep me laughing and was so caring and loving. The fact that he came to Seattle to reinstate his friendship with Derek is incredible, and the McDuo is my favorite friendship in the whole show. Definitely my #1 pick!

The Newcomers

? Carina DeLuca Carina DeLuca is an OB/GYN and researcher specializing in female reproductive health, known for her groundbreaking work and progressive research. She is the sister of Andrew DeLuca and often brings a unique perspective to Grey Sloan.
? Andrew DeLuca Andrew DeLuca is a surgical resident and later an attending at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, skilled in both general and trauma surgery. His storylines often explore his commitment to medicine and the complexities of his mental health.
The Contenders
Denny Duquette Denny Duquette is a heart transplant patient whose relationship with Izzie Stevens becomes a central storyline. His character's impact resonates even after his death, influencing Izzie's journey as a surgeon.

Denny is always trying to help, yet he died. He did leave Izzie but wanted her to be happy. He came back to her, and she decided to send him away. When Izzie had a very small tumor and needed to see Denny to make that very clear with Derek, of course, Denny showed up.

He is special and makes me cry every time I see him die in that one episode.

I miss Denny so much! Even though he wasn't in the show for very long, his death was so tragic. Also, I adored him and Izzie as a couple. He was so charming, and I loved his sense of humor.

His bravery and positive attitude, despite his difficult situation, were so inspiring. He and Izzie could have had a great life together!

Izzie Stevens Izzie Stevens is a surgical resident known for her compassionate approach to patient care and her struggle to balance emotions with professionalism. Her character arc includes both medical and personal challenges that impact her career.

I personally adored Isobel Stevens. She was so positive, spunky, and brought out the kindness in everyone. She changed Alex and transformed him into the man he is today. I am always waiting for an epic comeback or an Izzie and Jo standoff. Bringing her back would create so much drama and bring back good feelings from the past.

I admit that the way she left the show wasn't the best, but hey, she came back for him and begged for forgiveness, and Alex didn't. Meanwhile, she forgave him for all the crap she put up with because of him. Izzie, I love you to death. Please come back.

Addison Forbes Montgomery Addison Forbes Montgomery is a neonatal surgeon and OB/GYN who initially comes to Seattle from Los Angeles. She is renowned for her skill in high-risk pregnancies and her leadership within the medical community.

(Her name is Addison Forbes Montgomery - she dropped the Shepherd) Addison was an amazing surgeon and great teacher. If you paid attention to her in the second season, you would see she was in a bad marriage with a husband who was obviously in love with someone else.

She had fertility issues which, in Private Practice, the series focusing on her, eventually led to two failed rounds of IVF, which she pushed through to adoption. Also, in Private Practice, we discover that Addison had an interesting childhood (Bizzy and the Captain). Yet, Addison pushed through all of this and more troubles to find her happiness.

Owen Hunt Owen Hunt is a trauma surgeon and former Army doctor, bringing a strong focus on trauma medicine to Grey Sloan Memorial. His military background shapes his character and influences his approach to patient care.

Three-dimensional character that can drive storylines forward and take them in other directions if needed. Enjoying the scarred character that hasn't lost his humanity.

April Kepner April Kepner is a trauma surgeon whose journey explores her dedication to medicine, as well as her personal beliefs and resilience. She initially struggles to gain confidence but becomes a respected member of the trauma team.

Whenever April came on screen, the show just seemed to instantly get ten times better. She went through so much and still managed to always be so nice to everybody. On top of that, her friendship with Arizona was so great too.

I thought that when Izzie left and Lexie died, I'd never like a character as much, but April is leagues ahead of every other character. I cried so much when she left, even though she lived, and now without her, it's like something is missing.

People need to stop hating on my baby April. What has she ever done to you? She's quirky, funny, awkward, weird, smart, ambitious, compassionate, and an overall caring person.

She's really different and unique, and she's not afraid to show that. She doesn't care what other people think about her, which I really love and admire.

Jo Wilson Jo Wilson is a general surgeon with a challenging past who rises through the ranks at Grey Sloan Memorial. Her storyline includes personal and professional growth as she finds her place in the surgical field.

Jo Wilson is a beautiful surgeon who deserves the world. Who can resist her beautiful golden brown hair? You can't go wrong with her spunky attitude and humor.

Love, love, love Jo. Find your power.

They are wasting such a great character and actress on the show.

Amelia Shepherd Amelia Shepherd is a neurosurgeon and the younger sister of Derek Shepherd, specializing in high-risk neurological procedures. Her character explores both her medical career and her struggles with personal challenges.

Amelia is the better Shepherd. She is very well presented in both Private Practice and Grey's, funny, gorgeous, intelligent, and very strong. Absolutely love her.

She's the best. She struggles every day with too many problems, and despite this, she's brilliant and always stronger.

Amelia is smart and funny and is overall the best character on Grey's.

Eliza Minnick Eliza Minnick is an attending surgeon and educator brought in to reform the residency program at Grey Sloan Memorial. Her unorthodox teaching methods create tension among the hospital staff.
Teddy Altman Teddy Altman is a cardiothoracic surgeon with expertise in complex heart surgeries and a deep professional connection with Owen Hunt. She is known for her compassionate approach to both patients and colleagues.

The best couple was her and Henry, and she probably was one of the most genuinely good people on the show. I miss her in the show but love her probably as my favorite, because her relationship with Cristina was amazing, and she's such an underrated character!

She was great! She really knew how to teach. She was nice and beautiful, and Henry was perfect for her!

She is honestly so great and isn't selfish like most of the doctors on this show. She is just great! Sad that she's not on anymore.

Richard Webber Richard Webber is a general surgeon and the former Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial, known for mentoring many surgeons throughout his career. His long history with the hospital and its staff makes him a central figure in the series.

Richard will always be the Chief. Such a great character. He's the man who holds that entire hospital together, even when he's not the official Chief of Surgery. Honestly, the moment that solidified him as the GOAT was when he confronted Gary Clarke in "Death and All His Friends." The Chief is the best.

The one person who holds the team together as a father figure to Meredith and chief of surgery.

Ben Warren Ben Warren is an anesthesiologist who transitions into a surgical resident and later becomes a firefighter. His character's journey highlights his dedication to helping others, both in the OR and on emergency calls.

He also was an attending anesthesiologist and gave it all up to be with his sweetheart, Miranda. How sweet! He is such a nice guy. He is the best stepdad to Tuck.

He might've made a crucial mistake with the C-section in the hallway, but his heart is there. He is a great husband and stepdad, and did deliver April's baby.

He is so muscular. How does he have a job that requires so many hours and still have huge muscles? He is extraordinary!

Bokhee Bokhee is a scrub nurse with extensive experience, known for her quiet presence and support in the operating room. She is a trusted member of the surgical team, often assisting in major procedures.

She has been in every single season, and though she doesn't talk much, she does her job extremely well. Her eyes and ears are better in the OR than everyone else's. All the attendings are getting the correct tools because the actress that plays Bokhee is a retired scrub nurse.

Preston Burke Preston Burke is a cardiothoracic surgeon recognized for his skill and high standards in the field of cardiac surgery. His relationship with Cristina Yang is a notable storyline that shapes both characters' development.
Tom Koracick Tom Koracick is a neurosurgeon with a specialization in complex brain surgeries and a sharp, often irreverent personality. He brings innovation and expertise to Grey Sloan Memorial, often handling high-risk cases.
Stephanie Edwards Stephanie Edwards is a surgical resident known for her resilience and determination to excel in her medical career. Her journey includes personal growth and facing significant challenges that shape her path as a surgeon.
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