Most Powerful Dragon Ball Villains
The Top 10 most powerful villains in the whole Dragon Ball series.
Bills is the God of Destruction, and it is said in a DBZ article that he is probably the most powerful villain in all of Dragon Ball Z. His power level is unknown but is said to exceed Super Buu in his final transformation. He single-handedly beat the Z-Fighters with chopsticks.
He can destroy whole galaxies and planets, but his power is dwarfed compared to who number one is.
Bills is enormously powerful and has great fighting skills, and his speed is remarkable. He flicked Super Saiyan 3 Goku out of his senses. He is by far the strongest villain, not just in DBZ, but in all respects, including the DC and Marvel villains. He destroys planets and galaxies just in his sleep. Even the Kais are afraid of him getting angry.
There is only one successor to Bills, and that is Whis, but we truly never knew how powerful Whis truly is.

Omega Shenron is all of the Shadow Dragons combined and is most likely a nearly omnipotent personification of all the Dragon Balls. His power level is between 1,900,000,000 - 2,000,000,000. He has the second-highest overall power level in the whole Dragon Ball series.
He easily beat SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta and has the potential to destroy the whole universe. He can only be beaten by a Universal Spirit Bomb and Gogeta SSJ4.
He held his own against SSJ4 Gogeta. Need I say more?

Super Buu is the strongest Majin, as stated several times. People often misinterpret Kid Buu as stronger, given inconsistencies in the anime, but Super Buu is stronger, if less dangerous. He's a total badass with some of the best techniques in Dragon Ball (Absorption, Genocide Blast).
Also, shout-out to Janemba, who is, according to Goku, even stronger and basically the devil. Awesome. So glad to see Super Buu is so high.
He is a very powerful humanoid being in DBZ. Super Buu absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo, and Ultimate Gohan, and his power level is about 1,700,000,000 to 1,750,000,000. He easily stomps Janemba.

He is a fusion between Android 17 and Hell Fighter 17, created by Dr. Gero. He easily beat all of the Z-Fighters. His power level is approximately 1,500,000,000.

Broly is the ultimate Saiyan, and for anyone to discount that would be unwise. He beat the Z-Fighters like it was nothing, and it took all of them at their peak to destroy him. Honestly, only Bills and Omega Shenron are on his level of power (maybe Baby as an ape), but again, this is only a matter of opinion based on the movies.
Maybe a tournament for all the villains would suit nicely?
His power is limitless. Probably the strongest villain of Dragon Ball Z. He easily destroyed all Z-fighters, demolished Gohan SSJ2, and resisted, with his shield, the Kamehameha-brothers. Ki attacks and normal punches can't hurt him.
Maybe he can only be killed with attacks like the ultimate attack of Gogeta. I don't think he stands a chance against Whis, Bills, Vegito, Gogeta, and the boss of Dragon Ball GT.

Baby's ape form is his strongest and final form. Baby can easily beat SSJ Goku. He easily stomps Kid Buu, and his power level is approximately 1,300,000,000.

Janemba is a very powerful demon from a different dimension. He easily beats SSJ3 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta. Goku states that he's the most powerful thing he's ever faced. His power level is about 1,550,000,000 to 1,600,000,000. He was beaten by SSJ1 Gogeta and was turned into stardust by Gogeta's Stardust Breaker, ensuring he will never be seen again.
If Janemba wasn't killed by Gogeta and considering all the villains who went to hell, Janemba could have absorbed their energy and potentially become as powerful as a God of Destruction.
Janemba is my favorite. He should be mentioned more often. Don't sleep on him!

He first destroyed Earth and many other planets in a matter of minutes. Also, don't forget his fast learning techniques from mimicking other fighters. He doesn't have any form of compassion or remorse for any of his actions.
He's one of the best villains of all time. He's pure evil, ruthless, and has never shown mercy or weakness. He's the ultimate villain who can easily take on Goku and many Saiyan fighters simultaneously.
He is a child-like version of Super Buu and is most likely equal to SS3 Goku. His power level is 1,150,000,000.

Why is Frieza so low on the list? He pushed Goku and Vegeta to their new forms in his movie. He was the reason Goku became a Super Saiyan. Why is he ranked below that toxic Janemba?
God of Saiyans. He is the strongest villain of all time. He beat Beerus with one finger. Even Omega Shenron cannot defeat Frieza because Frieza's power level is 7,637,237,900.
He's stronger than Goku and Vegeta!

Hatchiyack is a machine that was created by the Tuffle scientist Dr. Raichi. It first appeared as the secret boss of the video game Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku, and is an antagonist in the OVA Dragon Ball Z: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans. He easily beat the Z-Fighters and has a power level between 1,450,000,000 - 1,500,000,000.
The Newcomers

Cell should be in the top 10, as even Goku couldn't defeat him when he was the strongest Saiyan. He is unstoppable and powerful.
Cell was unstoppable in all his forms, so he should be ranked 3.
Super Buu should be 2, and Bills should be 1.

Yeah, he should be in front of Super Buu. He was as strong as Goku in his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form.

Raditz was pretty tough. He wasn't hurt at all when he first met Piccolo, and even when Goku and Piccolo took him on together, they barely managed to defeat him.
The only reason they won is because Goku put Raditz in a full nelson, giving Piccolo just enough time to kill them both. He deserves at least a little credit.
Shouldn't he at least be above Goku Black?