Top 10 Best Plot Lines in Doctor Who Season 12

With the finale of Doctor Who Season 12 already aired, we will be looking back at the best plotlines set up in this season. These plots include a combination of long-term and short-term story arcs. Some were resolved within this season, while others have been left open for future exploration.

Without further ado, let's dive into it.
The Top Ten
The Timeless Child

The Timeless Child has been developed since the second episode of Season 11. The Timeless Child is a mystery that really worries the Doctor and is apparently why the Master destroyed Gallifrey. We all wonder what the Timeless Child is. Apparently, it is the Doctor's greatest fear, based on the episode "Can You Hear Me?" I am excited to see how it plays out.

The Lone Cyberman

When Captain Jack returned, he warned of the Lone Cyberman. He said, "Don't give it what it wants." The Doctor has already failed. When the Doctor and crew went to Villa Diodati to meet Mary Shelley, things quickly went sour. Percy Shelley accidentally let the Cyberium into him. The Lone Cyberman was looking for the Cyberium and would do anything to get it. Not wanting anyone to die, the Doctor gave him what he wanted. Now we will be diving into the long-awaited Cyber War.

The Destruction of Gallifrey

In the second episode of Spyfall, we figured out that Gallifrey is destroyed again. The Master apparently did it in a fit of rage over lies told about the creation of Gallifrey and over the truth of the Timeless Child. Let's see what happens.

The Return of the Master

The Master's return was huge for me. I feel like they really nailed that return at the end of Spyfall Part 1. That scene is actually my favorite scene of Jodie Whittaker's run. Sacha Dhawan plays the Master perfectly.

This was very big for me as well.

The New Doctor

This was a big shocker. There are technical difficulties with this, but I'm sure they are prepared to answer. We may not get an answer this season, though.

The Cyber War

The Cyber War has been a big question since Season 7 that's never been answered. While this season won't put us directly in the Cyber War, it will give us more information about it. I am looking forward to seeing the Cyber War.

The Return of Captain Jack

The return of Captain Jack was very well received by the fan base. While it looks like his only purpose was to warn them of the Lone Cyberman, it looks like he may not be back until next season. I think he will be coming back, which is much needed.

The Worries of the Companions

The companions are starting to fade away from the Doctor. We might see one of them die.

The Doctor's Past Coming Back

First of all, we have the Master coming back, then Gallifrey, then another Doctor, and the "gods." Everything is coming back to her.

The Destruction of Earth

This is probably the worst one. Orphan 55 and Praxeus both talk about the possible destruction of Earth. In my opinion, these are the two worst episodes in this series.

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