Top 10 Things that Make a Cartoon Episode Bad
Well, this list has been a long time coming. In this list, we will be going over all the things that can make a cartoon episode bad, from stuff like having too much filler, mishandling a serious subject, having a character act horribly, and facing no consequences for their actions, and much more.
My favorite examples would be Family Guy, Sanjay and Craig, and especially Breadwinners. Looking at what kids today find funny, I worry for the next generation, growing up doing stupid things and having no good sense of humor.
For me, the South Park episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever" comes to mind.

This definitely should be number one. Family Guy does this so much, and it's one of the main reasons why I dislike that show.
I just dislike it when people make jokes out of serious things.

Pretty much every Squidward torture episode in a nutshell, where an episode punishes or tortures a character for literally no good reason.
This happens to Meg especially.
This has Loud House written all over it. Proof: Lincoln Torture Porns.

There are way too many to name, but just a few examples include Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy horribly ripping off Imitation Krabs, and Sanjay and Craig's Fat Baby ripping off Ren and Stimpy's Son of Stimpy/Stimpy's First Fart.

Those episodes where one character acts really horribly towards other characters and faces no punishment for their actions are concerning. Examples include "Everyone Knows It's Bendy" and every "Patrick's a Prick" episode.
I can't believe Gary didn't go crazy mad on Patrick at the end. Did Patrick brainwash him?
That episode in the thumbnail has to be one of the worst SpongeBob episodes.

The Newcomers

Episodes where a character acts like the complete opposite of how they would normally act.
Never do that. It annoys me and gets on my nerves. Jokes are meant to be either a one-time occurrence or a common commodity. Dragging one thing on brings out the worst in me. Jokes are meant to be random and never continuous.

Two episodes from South Park that come to mind are Pip and A Million Little Fibers. Both star a secondary character that isn't capable of carrying an entire episode.

While I do agree that Chloe wasn't a good character, her addition kind of makes sense from a logistical standpoint. The Fairy Council banned fairy babies, meaning no new fairies, and any new godkids had to share fairies with existing godkids.
However, that doesn't justify her being a one-dimensional character. Still, I know what I'm saying when I say I'd rather have Chloe over Sparky any day.

Just an example is "Demolition Doofus," where Mrs. Puff tries to murder SpongeBob after he cripples her, then doesn't show even the slightest bit of remorse.

So? This gives us backstory to the character and why they did what they did.
A big example of this entry is the Family Guy episode "Life of Brian".