Top 10 Best Supernatural Seasons
The concluding season of the greatest story arc in all of television. The ending of Azazel's fifty-year-old master plan comes to a head in Season 5. Swan Song is the best episode that Supernatural has ever produced.
Phenomenal writing, acting, directing, and musical score. Season 5 is by far the best season of Supernatural.
This is my favorite season. It has the best storyline of all the seasons and the best soundtrack and music. Dean and Sam are funny, and Castiel is cool. There's more than one thing going on, and I love the complexity in this season, but it's simple as well.
Best season. Over and out.
So far, Season 13 has been rocking it with its first six episodes. It is my fifth favorite season, with Seasons 11, 5, 2, and 3 being my top favorites in that order. This ranking is not necessarily based on episode-to-episode quality but on the overall quality so far.
It's nice they introduced Jack, an amazing character who I loved from the first time I saw him. Supernatural hasn't done this for me since Season 11 with Amara and Season 5 with Crowley. Hopefully, Jack lasts a long while. After losing Crowley, he could be the Winchesters' second man after Castiel, like Crowley was.
Each of these six episodes feels great, and I enjoyed all of them a lot. Similar to Season 11, this show avoids filler episodes or at least makes the filler engaging. If Season 13 can keep it up like this, it will probably be my third favorite season. If it can outperform this by a decent level, it will be my second favorite season, behind Season 11. If it can outperform other seasons by a fair margin, it might become my favorite Supernatural season.
If I only looked at the first episodes of every season right now, then Season 13 would be my second favorite, with Season 2 being my favorite, just looking at the overall quality of all of Supernatural's first six episodes. Hit it out of the park, Supernatural!
The angel in the trench coat, Castiel, came. Destiel shippers, anyone?
This season is my favorite. It has consistent quality and the ability to produce good but mostly outstanding episodes that threw me out of my seat without inconsistency.
Episodes 2x1, 2x4, 2x5, 2x7, 2x8, 2x9, 2x10, 2x11, 2x12, 2x13, 2x14, 2x15, 2x16, 2x17, 2x18, 2x20, 2x21, and 2x22 stood out to me in this series. Episodes 2x3 and 2x19 were good, and 2x2 and 2x6 were decent.
The filler this season was done right, and the main plotline with Yellow Eyes was satisfying. This season was engaging, emotional, and interesting. Episode 2x20 is my first favorite episode, 2x9 is my second favorite, and 2x15 is my fourth favorite episode. A masterpiece kind of season.
The season gathered momentum around the Mystery Spot episode. Jus in Bello was exceptional too. After this season, the show got a bit stuck up its own narrative.
Best season of this show yet. The first and second halves were masterpieces. The nice thing about this season is that it mostly avoided filler.
Baby, Thin Lizzie, Our Little World, Plush, Just My Imagination, O Brother Where Art Thou, Devil in the Details, Into the Mystic, Love Hurts, The Vessel, Into the Mat, Red Meat, Hell's Angel, Don't Call Me Shurley, All in the Family, We Happy Few (the best episode), and Alpha and Omega are examples of masterpiece episodes.
Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire, Form and Void, The Bad Seed, Don't You Forget About Me, and Safe House were excellent episodes. The Chitters was an okay episode. This season actually had a character that became my favorite the first minute I saw her: Amara. She became my second favorite character, with Dean being number one.
Season 5 is my second favorite season, but for me, Season 11 is still the best by an extremely far margin.
While every season of this show has a place in my heart, this season was good, even if at times I had some issues. The first two episodes were not my favorites compared to the other starting two episodes of a season. Episodes 3, 5, and 7 were okay. Episodes 9, 10, 15, and 16 were good, while the rest of the episodes were either very good or excellent. The finale was a masterpiece, my second or third favorite finale of the series.
The finale outperformed my expectations by a long shot. It ranks behind Season 5's finale, equal to or better than the Season 2 finale, and better than the Season 8 finale by a bit for me and the other finales of the show. This season started with very low momentum, but it picked up and defied my expectations, especially in the finale.
To me, this season surpasses Seasons 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 when looking at the entirety of the season. I cannot wait for Season 15 of this show, the last one. Bring it on and end strong, brothers! This finale did not disappoint, and I am looking forward to next year with Dean, Jack, Sam, and Castiel going against their biggest enemy. What a way to end the show with a bang.
So far, to me, Season 12 trumps Seasons 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. It is only halfway through the season, but it is already my fourth best season.
Season 3 really intrigued me with excellent quality episodes. Season 5 is a little better than Season 11 to me, as its episodes were perfect. Season 6 was decent despite too many plots thrown out at once. It had some intriguing episodes and so much potential for Supernatural.
To me, Season 11 was the best, if not Season 5, as it also had perfect episodes and a God and Darkness arc.
I loved this season too, mostly because of how attractive Demon Dean was.