Top 10 Funniest Cartoons of All Time
One of the best and funniest cartoons in the world! Cartman makes me laugh so hard, Kenny gets killed multiple times, and characters act goofy in many ways! South Park should get an A+ on every Comedy Central event, even though they make little mistakes, including Muhammad. Keep up the good work, South Park!
Hands down, South Park is such a masterpiece, with amazing humor from simple jokes to very dark ones. Not to mention the funny characters like Kenny, Butters, Randy, and the legend himself, Eric Cartman! All of these characters can make you laugh in their own way. A very legendary show.
Brilliant, intelligent, wacky, eclectic, undying, and most of all downright funny, oh wow, The Simpsons should be on top of all these by a mile. More than half a thousand episodes, and counting, consistently funny from season 1 to 26, man, who wouldn't admire that! This cartoon is so great that even the smart-arse folks get hooked with it. My vote goes to The Simpsons!
Even though The Simpsons doesn't have racist jokes or solid dark humor, it remains amazing. I like how the jokes make fun of the lifestyle of regular Americans and make you say, "Very funny because that happened to me." It's also very good at making fun of politics, history, etc. I know the show isn't that great nowadays, but you can laugh at least once while watching the new episodes.
You don't need swearing and rude jokes to make a cartoon funny. When cartoons that only have rude jokes are above this masterpiece, it kills me inside. Barely anyone knows decent comedy cartoons. This used to be my favorite cartoon of all time.
Tom and Jerry is such a timeless classic! It made my grandpa, my dad, and now me laugh for decades without saying any words most of the time. It's really interesting how this show has aged well.
Don't worry, Tom and Jerry. We all know that you are way better than The Amazing World of Gumball. What a great show.
Tom and Jerry: The same cat always chasing the same mouse, ending with the mouse escaping and the cat in pain. Family Guy: A cartoon with a sitcom structure and totally unfunny jokes, which often don't even drive the storyline but are flashbacks. The Simpsons: A sitcom-like cartoon series in which white people have yellow skin, and everyone looks so stupid it isn't even funny, containing two jokes an episode.
SpongeBob Squarepants: A show about smaller marine animals going through a lot of crazy stuff, from sitcom-like episodes about their daily lives and parodies of our society to absurd cartoon stories, while still managing to be genuinely funny in every episode, every segment. Being on Nickelodeon, it attracts teens and adults just because of the amazing humoristic situations, characters, and jokes. SpongeBob has some bad episodes, the other cartoons probably have some good ones, but SpongeBob is definitely my number one, tied with South Park.
This is like the time Peter counted down all the shows that would need to fail for them to get back on the air!
What? How is this lower than toilet-humor Simpsons!?
It is very funny with Stewie, Brian, Peter, and Quagmire. They make good jokes.
I have watched Season 1 and Season 2 and went crazy when I realized that Season 3 is not out yet. Looney Tunes is not viewed by many probably because it is only aired on Cartoon Network. The jokes are fresh and crisp, it is loaded with sarcasm (something I'm sure Americans will appreciate) and it still carries the moral of the story, which is not lost on a younger viewership.
The definition of what irreverent, silly although intelligent and appealing humor is. Nothing comes close in terms of originality and charm. Also, Bugs Bunny is the funniest character ever behind Homer Simpson.
Has the best character design, out of all the shows here it does the best job breaking the fourth wall. Initially, you may not enjoy it as some episodes are mediocre but continue because some episodes are simply brilliant with laughs everywhere and not the silly humor found in SpongeBob or The Simpsons.
Best show. This show is awesome because it is funny and somehow it is still able to maintain it and not go "downhill" like Adventure Time (not a hater of Adventure Time).
I love Gumball. It's such a down-to-earth cartoon that parodies modern society, yet at the same time, it's wild and imaginative. It has never failed me.
The year was 2010. While Disney Channel aired terrible sitcoms, Cartoon Network gave us Regular Show. It was a great year for young viewers to finally watch quality programming, especially hilarious cartoons like Regular Show. What's the catch? A blue jay and raccoon named Mordecai and Rigby turn everyday things into wacky adventures. Many other beloved characters, including Pops, Muscle Man, High 5 Ghost, Benson, Skips, and many more, are involved too. You'll laugh and cry when you watch this show.
Hilarious dialogue, great voice acting, amazing slapstick comedy, great artistry, and pop culture references make for an amazing cartoon. This is indeed the Looney Tunes of the 21st century.
Very intelligent show with great episode plots and scripts. Unlike The Simpsons, it has aged well.
Amazing show! Way better than Tom and Jerry or SpongeBob...
Watched them all. Futurama is the best for me!
It's everything that made the Looney Tunes hilarious, but with some added Marx Brothersy, Monty Python-esque flair that really makes it stand out as its own thing. It's just absolutely side-splitting, and it's one of the only cartoon shows that actually gets progressively funnier to me as I get older. It's got everything: parodies, puns, pop-culture references, slapstick, adult humor, verbal humor, musical humor... You name it, they've done it and perfected it.
The Warner Siblings, especially Yakko, are the funniest cartoon protagonists I've ever seen, and that's really saying something. The rest of the show is very funny too (although to be fair, for every Pinky and the Brain there's a Rita and Runt, and for every Slappy Squirrel there's a Katie Ka-Boom), but let's face it: it's the Warners who carry the show, and their antics alone are enough to make you fall out of your seat laughing. Goodnight, everybody!
The Newcomers
Honestly, there hasn't been one episode of this show that hasn't gotten at least one laugh out of me. Gravity Falls manages to maintain consistent humor and jokes without purely relying on comedy as its source of plot material.
Seriously, this should be higher. This was the first cartoon I was ever interested in, which led to me liking other cartoons, which eventually led me into anime! But now, for why I like it: it's hilarious. I think I better stop...
What's amazing about this show is that it seems like an average Disney cartoon, and then you realize the entire mystery behind Gravity Falls!
Hard to resist not laughing at everything this trio does. It uses classic jokes, fourth-wall breaks (not like Chowder, which breaks the fourth wall every second), dirty jokes ("Snowjob... Get it? Snowjob!") and rarely toilet humor (Ed contributes to this the most).
I loved this show since I was 7. Unfortunately, that's the year it got canceled.
Why the hell is this all the way down here, and where's Perry?
I'm busting you for being inaccurate!
Awesome, nerdy, entertaining cartoon with super-cool songs! What more could one ask for?
Should be a contender for #1 funniest of all time. Brilliant, unafraid, and hilarious with dynamic, epic sci-fi plots as a bonus every episode.
It's on its way to the top of the list, and if you'd seen it, you'd know.
Epic jokes, deep ideas. Loved it.
Shaggy is the funniest cartoon character of all time if you really think deeply about what he says.
Sketching balances between modern and retro, characters and jokes are edgy, and plots are well thought of. The eponymous character is something of a James Bond caricature, working for a private secret agency called ISIS (an unlucky coincidence, as the show started way before the Islamic State was a thing). He combines vitriolic irony, a surprisingly huge knowledge of scientific, pop, and historic trivia, and idiocy of Jackass-like proportions. The rest of the characters are even edgier, including the Hitler-clone scientist of the agency. The voicing is done by several acclaimed actors who, in my opinion, give some of their best performances.
As a bonus, it has a killer spy theme in the intro. The only criticism I have heard about it is that some people can't stand the constant shouting of the characters.
Buns, ketchup, pickles, cheese! Put that patty in between, it's a burger, what, what, it's a burger!
It's so funny. I mean, one time I laughed so hard I started crying literally.
It's my favorite show of all time, except for the meatball episode, which sucked.
This should be in the top ten instead of Family Guy. Family Guy hasn't made me laugh since the Star Wars parodies they did. American Dad almost always makes me laugh.
Shouldn't it be 15? What? And The Simpsons is not funny. American Dad should be at least number 2.
This should be number 1. Roger is the best.
This is so amazing. All the crosslinks, Lich, Golb, Glob, wishmakers, Orgalorg, Ice King, Finn, and the comet. Even adults could watch this show.
Best show ever! Should be number 1 for sure.
Haters dislike this show?! Unacceptable!
If you're white, you might not like it, but The Boondocks is 20 times better than Family Guy. I haven't laughed at Family Guy since I started watching The Boondocks. Family Guy is an okay show, but the flashbacks are the funny parts, not the show itself. On the other hand, The Boondocks is hilarious and never bores me. It's also based on truth and real events, and it spoofs people like 50 Cent and others. Additionally, it has better voice characters and a better theme, which makes Family Guy look like a horrible show, despite having ten seasons compared to The Boondocks' three.
I think Rocko deserves more love and attention than Fairly OddParents because, when you compare it to modern episodes of FOP, it's got better writing and humor and more likable characters.
Why is this show always so underrated and neglected so horribly on mainstream lists of the best cartoons of all time, when it clearly belongs in the top ten?
I love this show so much! It's got good animation, nice music, great writing, amazing satire, and memorably funny characters.
Why is this last? Come on now, this is some quality television! Meanwhile, people like Breadwinners (a horrible show) but not this. Seriously, what?! That infuriates me. Sorry to be a nuisance, but in my opinion, this sickens me.
It's funny like SpongeBob, creative like Adventure Time, and family-friendly like Phineas and Ferb.
One of the best cartoons ever. People just make bad cartoons now about love. They're just teaching little kids inappropriate things.