Top 10 Funniest Monty Python Sketches and Scenes

There are so many priceless ones. But which one is the funniest?
The Top Ten
Ministry of Silly Walks

Both this skit and "The Art of Not Being Seen" are the funniest, in my opinion.

Dead Parrot Sketch

He's not pining. He has passed on. This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's a stiff. Bereft of life. It rests in peace. If you didn't nail him to the perch, he'd be pushing up daisies. He's off the twig. He's kicked the bucket. He shuffled off the mortal coil, ran down the curtain, and joined the bleeding choir invisible. THIS is an ex-parrot!

This parrot is dead! No, it sleeps!

The Knights of Nee

After watching this movie, I kept saying "Ni." It's like a disease, not really. This entire film was a comedy classic, but this was my favorite part.

"YOU WILL FIND US ANOTHER SHRUBBERY! But don't make it too high, so we can have the two at different levels, and a nice little path down the middle. And after you find the shrubbery, you will cut down the tallest tree in the forest, with a herring." You've gotta love this!

Classic hilarious scene in the Holy Grail.

"You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with... a herring!"
"We will do no such thing!"
"Aww, please?"

Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit
Holy Grail Bridge Scene

This should be Grumpy Old Troll's bridge. It was quite sad to see that you take a wrong answer, and that invisible thing that came from the bridge will take you to the gorge.

The Argument Clinic

Philosophy turned on its side and spanked. Just enough physical comedy to set you up for the brainy side. Always the best stuff they did. I always love the Cockney criminal explaining how his boss used "sarcasm" on him. His look of humiliation and fear is hilarious as he paints his boss as horrific.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Holy Grail French Taunter

I watched this two days ago. Every time, I laugh like in Dumb and Dumber all over again. No, no, I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I'll fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

"I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Bed Shop
Witch Accusation Scene

Witches burn. Wood burns. Witches are wood. Wood floats. A duck floats. Therefore, if you weigh the same as a duck, you are made of wood, and therefore, you are a witch.

The Newcomers

? Welease Bwian
? Scott of the Antarctic

The opening sketch of the episode is my favorite sketch. I love the lion fight. It always makes me hysterical. Overall, the entire sketch is a perfect parody of Hollywood dramas, with the added bonus of intentionally poor special effects, which makes it even funnier.

The Contenders
Deadliest Joke

This is so funny. I also really like the Knights Who Say Ni and Upper Class Twit of the Year. The comedy in this makes me laugh every time I watch it. The refilmed version in "And Now for Something Completely Different" is somehow even better!

The Black Knight
Spanish Inquisition

It's always hard to choose a favorite sketch when it comes to Monty Python, who seem to ooze brilliance into everything they make. But when it comes down to it, the Spanish Inquisition had me laughing for weeks!

I didn't expect this one to be so far down the list. Come on, it should be in the top ten.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Killer Rabbit

"Oh, it's just a harmless 'lil bunny!"

How Not to Be Seen

Though I have not watched the original one, I think the "And Now For Something Completely Different" version is amazingly hilarious!

They list a long piece of places where he can be hiding, and then reveal they knew where he was all along.

Life of Brian Stoning
Mr. Creosote Vomiting

Then, at the end, it starts a vomit chain reaction.

Brian Meets the P.F.J. at the Forum

LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.

The Upper-Class Twit of the Year

Simon has just run himself over! Freaking sweet. Should be on top. A pure Monty Python classic.

My personal favorite part is the difficult wall of matchboxes.

The best sketch ever! Top 1... least.

Every Sperm is Sacred

I still sing along to this song whenever I watch The Meaning of Life.

Cheese Shop
Biggus Dickus

The first time I saw this, my sides nearly split.

Philosopher Soccer Game
The Lumberjack Song
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