Top Ten Worst Comic Book Animated TV Shows
We know the good comic shows including X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man or any A plus shows, these shows here on this list failed to succeed.
There's a reason why Teen Titans Go! failed. It ruined the franchise. The characters here are chibi and terrible.
The corny jokes are bad, and weird things happen to our characters, including Raven loving ponies. Yeah, I said it, Raven loves ponies.
The animation is mediocre at best. The characters are very annoying and stupid. The episode plots don't make sense either.
I can't believe I used to think this was the best DC cartoon ever. Ever since I've watched the original, I viewed this as nothing but garbage.

Adding H.E.R.B.I.E. may have been one thing, seeing how popular the droids from Star Wars (Episode IV) were, but having the guy replace the Human Torch was a HUGE mistake. You can't have the Fantastic Four without all FOUR team members, after all.
Sadly, the Human Torch was replaced by a robot named H.E.R.B.I.E. (Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-type, Integrated Electronics) for who knows what reason, and it ruined the Fantastic Four cartoon. It lasted only 13 episodes because of low ratings. Thanks, H.E.R.B.I.E!
Ah, I get it now. This show replaced Human Torch with a robot. Am I correct on that?
In the late 90s, this show was made after Spider-Man: The Animated Series, but it's not that great. Spidey's costume fell flat and the characters are... meh!
Made in 1991, the show sucks based on Swamp Thing from DC Comics. The theme song is so terrible that it has pretty much the same tone. If you haven't heard this show, look it up on YouTube or Google it, and you'll hear how bad it is.
If CBS wasn't so adamant about trying to compete with Fox's wildly popular X-Men cartoon back in the 1990s, they wouldn't have even bothered commissioning a cartoon featuring the First Family of Wildstorm Productions.
Choppy animation, sloppy voice directing, and, most importantly, the most careless writing of any superhero cartoon I've ever witnessed in terms of plot progression, character development, and dialogue.
Add an embarrassingly obnoxious theme song (lyrics and all), and you've got a recipe for disaster.
If you want a GOOD cartoon based on characters from the pages of Image Comics, go watch Spawn, Savage Dragon, or The Maxx instead.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Avengers Assemble are great, but this Avenger show loses its touch. Captain America and Iron Man were in one episode, and Thor was in each intro but never showed up.
The armored costumes and villains (mainly Zodiac) are downright awful. It's like half Avengers and half Power Rangers because of the armor they used.
I REALLY wanted to like this cartoon when I first saw it, but I'm sorry... "X-Men rip-off" or not, Ultraforce relies WAY too much on loud, in-your-face action sequences (complete with seizure-inducing flashes of light), choppy animation, haphazardly thrown-together plot points, and sloppy overall narration. It fails to properly introduce and flesh out its characters to the uninitiated.
Throw in the loudest, most obnoxious theme song this side of the WildC.A.T.s cartoon's intro theme, and one can see where this program failed when it could (and, in my opinion, SHOULD) have succeeded.
Rest in peace, Ultraforce and Malibu Comics. Whether certain comic book fans liked you or not, you nonetheless deserved better.
The Iron Man show was made in the '90s, and this isn't what we expected between the rivals of Tony Stark and Mandarin. The armor switching modes and several plots don't make any sense. The origins are better in the comics than on the show.
The show hasn't been aired on BET in America but in Australia. I've never heard much about the show, but critics say it's bad and pointless.

This show was horrible! Way off the comics.
The Newcomers

You know the Thing, right? Well, this Thing has no connections to the Fantastic Four. As a normal teenager, he uses two magic rings together to become the Thing and recites his phrase, "Thing ring, do your thing!" What the F?
This failed show was made in 1979 and was played on Boomerang.
This series is boring and terrible. The only redeeming quality is the voice acting and mature tone. Everything about it sucks.
It tries to be Batman TAS but fails. The episodes were out of order, so continuity is messed up. The CGI is poorly done and makes the characters look like they come from a video game.
The series does not have a single good villain. There are hardly any classic villains, and those that are there are poorly represented. The series makes up original villains that are nothing more than rejects from neighboring shows like X-Men Evolution and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.