www.vivint.com4931 North 300 West, Provo, UT 84604
The story of Vivint starts in 1999 with two friends who decided the best way to sell home security systems was the hard way: door to door. They felt that every home had special concerns that truly needed to be understood to get the homeowners the right product for their needs. Their approach worked, and soon a salesforce of 2 turned into a company of over 5,000 employees.
Today Vivint has over a million customers, and they sell their product in many ways other than door-to-door, but their approach of striving to truly understand a customer’s situation and needs in order to deliver the right product has remained the same.
Vivint’s products have evolved to meet the growing expectations of modern homes. Not only does Vivint offer some of the most innovative home security systems on the market, but they also provide simple and affordable full-home automation products as well, giving homeowners the chance to make not only a safe home, but a smart home.