Top 10 Best Cattle Breeds
This list discusses the best breeds of cattle. This includes all breeds (British, Exotic, and American).The Angus is by far one of the most popular cattle breeds in the world and is known for its exceptional meat, which has little specks of fat that no other cattle have.
Angus are the best! Very good with calving and their meat. I have an Angus to show this year. She's amazing!
Best beef out there. I really like an Angus-Hereford cross. Have been raising these for years and have always had great daily gains and carcass yields.
I love Red Hereford. It's my favorite breed.
Gentle and patient with their calves.
For me, the most beautiful breed.
These cattle have just about everything. They can be used for labor, meat, and dairy. They also have a high rate of twins, which is a plus.
Love the breed. Good to have. Will invest in it one day.
I have two to show, and they are awesome.
These are the perfect breed for those who depend on cattle to make a living. They are very adaptable to any adverse conditions and have proven themselves to be a hardy breed.
One of the best breeds that can resist in all seasons.
These cows are fence breakers! I have had several different breeds. These are the only breed so far I will never have again!
These cattle are known for top-quality meat.
A close running mate with the Angus, this cow is half Angus and half Brahman and is a very popular breed in the United States.
Gelbvieh genetics have extra meat, extra milk, and great weaning weights. They also have a quiet nature. Gelbvieh are a cattleman's dream breed.
This German cow is a farmer's gold mine. These cows have superior fertility and achieve sexual maturity at a young age. They can breed very fast and make a farmer a lot of money.
Most popular dairy breed. They also hang well on the meat hook for the steers. A higher percentage of your "beef" is dairy.
Good volume of milk for calves, excellent grass-finished meat. Calm disposition. Fertility is tops.
Used for meat in the US and dairy in other countries.
These cows are really amazing. I wish they were mine.
Best marbled meat. Feed chocolate and wine.
Beautiful cattle, good mothers, very protective of their young.
They are not as good as Angus, but they throw stout calves.
South Devon cattle are gentle, great moms, easy birthing, and delicious meat cattle.
While these cows aren't known specifically for any of their products, they are extremely adaptable to any environment and are excellent foragers.
Best with Galloway/Hereford cross rather than Angus/Hereford. Better milking. Extra gentle.
Shorthorns are known for their colorful coats and many other great things.
Texas Longhorns are great! Where else can you find great hide and horns? Plus, the nostalgic, wild, and Texas feeling when you see one.