Blue Jay
The Blue Jay (Latin name 'Cyanocitta Cristata') is a passerine bird in the Corvidae family . It's also known as a 'Jaybird' and it's name comes from it's noisy nature . It is native to North America and is in most of eastern and central US although some go to to other countries . Breeding populations... read more I see it all the time, and even though it sounds like a mean fifth-grade girl, it's beautiful.
I watch documentaries about those. They're ever so interesting.
Blue Jays are so pretty! They have almost any shade of blue!
Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle. America's bird! Strong, majestic, and I just love the snow-white head. They can go up to 10,000 feet in the air!
And they can soar air currents for many hours straight, no rest. Their nest can weigh up to one ton!
Aside from being America's bird, this bird is actually the strongest of all birds.
They are good predators and can do lots of tricks.
Penguins (order Sphenisciforme, family Spheniscid) are a group of aquatic flightless birds. They live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere: only one species, the Galápagos penguin, is found north of the Equator. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white... read more Both parents show equal care for their chick. They go fishing together and will fight to their death to defend their chick against skuas, parasitic jaegers, and mammals.
Even with climate change, this bird will definitely survive due to its resilience.
I love them so much, their walk and swim, and call!
The peafowl include two Asiatic bird species (the blue or Indian peafowl originally of India and Sri Lanka and the green peafowl of Myanmar, Indochina, and Java) and one African species (the Congo peafowl native only to the Congo Basin) of bird in the genera Pavo and Afropavo of the Phasianidae family,... read more They're totally amazing. Their face, body, tail, everything about them is just wonderful.
They are the most beautiful birds, well at least the males.
Peacocks look nice, although that's the only thing good about them.
Parrots, also known as psittacines, are birds of the roughly 393 species in 92 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. I'm not sure about parrots, but my favorite type of parrot is the Double Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot, also known as the Mexican Headed or Yellow Headed Amazon.
I study Amazon Parrots.
They're cute because they imitate human speech.
Peregrine Falcon
The peregrine falcon, also known as the peregrine, and historically as the duck hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. Fact: The fastest animal on Earth, faster than a cheetah. Cute birds too I guess. Zoom, off I go again!
It is in fact the fastest animal on Earth!
I like the peregrine falcon because they are so fast and cool!
Andean Condor
A South American bird species, the Andean Condor is one of the world's largest flying birds due to its wingspan, which can exceed 10 feet. It predominantly feeds on carrion and holds significant cultural and symbolic importance in various Andean cultures. This thing is ugly as heck, but I really like it for some reason.
Is this the result of a cassowary and turkey mutation?
Andean condors are the national bird of 5 countries. They have to be the best.
Hummingbirds are birds from the Americas that constitute the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring 7.5–13 cm. they are the cutest birds in the world This is the only bird that does not use its feet for launching upward in flight! Their wings do all the work. This is my favorite bird because it is the smallest, the cutest, and it looks so innocent and elegant.
This bird is very graceful and sweet.
Definitely the most unique, amazing, and majestic. Has my vote!
Andean Flamingo
The Newcomers
? Toucan
This is a colorful, beautiful bird I love.
? Flamingo
Flamingos or flamingoes are a type of wading bird in the genus Phoenicopterus, the only genus in the family Phoenicopteridae. I heard they smell bad, but hey, it's pink!
The Contenders
The ostrich or common ostrich is either of two species of large flightless birds native to Africa, the only living member of the genus Struthio, which is in the ratite family. In 2014, the Somali ostrich was recognized as a distinct species.
Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes over 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight. Exceptions include the diurnal northern... read more The greatest of all flying creatures.
Pigeons and doves constitute the bird family Columbidae, which includes about 310 species. Pigeons are stout-bodied birds with short necks, and short slender bills. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and plants. They're cute, make great pets, and they saved lives in the world wars.
Pigeons and doves constitute the bird family Columbidae, which includes about 310 species. Pigeons are stout-bodied birds with short necks, and short slender bills. They primarily feed on seeds, fruits, and plants. I love the doves a lot. They are angelic creatures, a gift from the pearly gates of heaven. I feel that we as a society don't deserve doves. They are far too pure for our understanding.
The dove is one of the most beautiful birds in existence, deserving of at least top 4 in this list. Not only do they have a captivating presence, they also stand for something much more, a spiritual aspect that us humans have not ascended to yet.
The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. It is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a population of more than 19 billion as of 2011.
Literally the best bird. Such a unique call and such pretty feathers. Peak.
Barn Owl
Red-crowned Crane
Atlantic Puffin
Puffins are any of three small species of alcids in the bird genus Fratercula with a brightly coloured beak during the breeding season. I love their color, cuteness, and way they walk.
Martial Eagle
I think these birds are pretty cool. I think they're nice, and I read a story about one that learned to talk.
The other crow I like is Crow Hogan from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.
We see a lot of stories portraying them as ever so greedy, but they are smart!
Very smart. I like their noises.
Great Blue Heron