Top 10 Creatures that Make Us Most Scared to Go in the Water
Spending your time in the water while on vacation is one of the most relaxing activities you can do. There are so many beautiful underwater creatures to observe and admire. However, these scary looking monsters strike fear into our hearts and make us think twice before we get in the water.Jellyfish are the worst because they are extremely deadly (in some species) and difficult to see. I'm not so sure why either the Colossal Squid or the Black Dragonfish are on here, since they both live far too deep down to affect swimmers or divers, as far as we know.
If you live in Australia, the Box Jellyfish can kill you in minutes. That's why I avoid the beach.
I came out of the ocean, and there were literally three clear jellyfish sitting on my shoulder.

The colossal squid is also known as the real-life Kraken for its tremendous size - it reaches lengths of 35-43 feet and weighs over 1,000 pounds. They also have the largest eyes of any creature in the world. The eyes are about a foot long.
Except for recorded cases in the Antarctic (2003) and in New Zealand (2007), we haven't seen many living, breathing examples of colossal squid. The colossal squid is a very mysterious sea creature because we have seen so few of them and don't know much about them. Besides the few dead ones that have washed ashore or have been found in the stomach lining of a sperm whale, we haven't been able to examine the colossal squid.
We do know that instead of the traditional suction cups of other squid and octopi, the colossal squid has hooks on the inside of their tentacles. There has been evidence on the skin of a sperm whale - the only real threat to a colossal squid - of hook marks leaving deep indentations. Although scientists assume the colossal squid aren't killing machines, it's not something we want to go swimming with.

OK, I've dived with white sharks, and I loved every minute of it, but jeezus, I would not go in the water without a large metal cage with them. They are totally unafraid of anything and went for people even though we were protected.
It was great fun, but you don't want to get on the other side of the bars. Plus, the ones I saw were only little ones, a tiny length of 3.5 meters.
Not the deadliest, but surely the most feared.
Dun dun... dun dun... dun DUN!

The largest reptile in the world and literally eats whole cows for breakfast.
The Goliath tigerfish lives in the rapids of the Congo River in Africa. This monstrous fish can grow up to five feet long and weigh over 150 pounds, although there are some reported cases of the fish weighing over 300 pounds. Not only do Goliath tigerfish have a fearsome bite, but they also have a fearsome reputation.
Many locals say it's the only fish they know of that isn't afraid of the crocodile and will even attack and eat some of the smaller ones. The Goliath tigerfish has excellent eyesight that can see through the murky and turbulent waters it lives in. Each of the 32 teeth a Goliath tigerfish has is razor-like and about an inch long. Their bite is known for being a surgically clean cut and for literally slicing their victims - even a 60-pound catfish - in half.
Few humans brave the water that the Goliath tigerfish calls home, and those who have fared badly. The Goliath tigerfish has been known to brutally attack humans. Basically, this fish will eat anything that moves in the water.

The stonefish hides in the coastal reefs and in the sands of shallow waters. The stonefish is brown and green in color, so it perfectly camouflages into the rocky or sandy ocean floors. The stonefish is quite a threat if you happen to be walking on the ocean floor because of how flawlessly it blends into its surroundings.
It has many venomous spines on its back that can cause seizures, paralysis, and death if not treated. The venom of the stonefish is extremely toxic. It can kill a human within two hours. The reason stonefish are so dangerous and deadly is because it's difficult to see them in the water. A swimmer can unknowingly step on the stonefish, thinking it's just a rock or even sand, and get venom injected into their foot.
Although the stonefish is not aggressive and won't go out of its way to attack a human, their venom can do some serious damage. So, swimmers beware!

Leeches TERRIFY me! One time, we went swimming in a lake, and my mum came out with two leeches on her. The worst part is she didn't notice them for an hour.
The only animal in the entire animal kingdom I have a fear of.
This is definitely making me scared of the water. They make me pass out.
The snake-like black dragonfish lives in the dark depths of the ocean, around 5,000-7,000 feet below the surface. The female black dragonfish reaches lengths of 40 centimeters, while the male only reaches about 5 centimeters long.
This long, skinny fish has photophores - light-producing organs - along its body that it uses to communicate with other black dragonfish or to lure and disorient its prey. The long barbel that hangs from the dragonfish's chin is also covered with photophores, which it uses to wave back and forth while flashing light to attract prey. Once the prey gets too close, the black dragonfish will snap it up in its powerful fang-like teeth.
With its wide-opening jaw, the black dragonfish is able to swallow prey up to half its size with ease. Because of the black dragonfish's unique feature of bioluminescence, they are able to reverse fluorescence, transferring red wavelengths into blue or green wavelengths. This means that the black dragonfish can see their prey clearly, similar to night-vision goggles, without being seen themselves. This gives the black dragonfish a tremendous advantage in the dark waters where they live.

The Newcomers

The white sturgeon is known for its sheer size and muscle. They can reportedly grow up to 20 feet long and weigh in at 1,300 pounds. The body of the sturgeon is covered in extremely strong armor-like plates, which may explain why the sturgeon can live for over 100 years and has been swimming the Earth's waters for millions of years.
Although the sturgeon is generally a docile fish, its size really poses the most threat to humans. Sturgeons have been known to cause some unintentional but serious harm to fishermen on the water, including broken bones, collapsed lungs, concussions, or even death in rare cases.
Due to its archaic roots, sturgeons are known to leap out of the water, which still puzzles scientists. So, while the sturgeon is completely harmless, it can do some serious damage to you if it leaps out of the water.

The fangtooth fish gets its name from its vicious teeth, which are actually the largest teeth of any fish in proportion to their body. The fangtooth's teeth are so large that the fish have special pockets on the roof of their mouth for the lower teeth to slide into when the jaw shuts.
The fangtooth fish eats prey by sucking it into their mouth using a vacuum-like suction. Once the fish is trapped in their mouth, it has little chance of escaping. Because the teeth of the fangtooth are no use for chewing, they will swallow their prey whole. Thus, the fangtooth will go after prey as large as itself.
The fangtooth is found about 700 to 6,000 feet below the ocean surface. Because food sources are so rare, they will eat anything they can. The fangtooth lives in complete darkness, so it's not likely we will find it swimming around our feet in the ocean, which is just as well!

The five-foot goblin shark lives in the deep, dark waters of the ocean. They are considered one of the most mysterious sharks because little is known about them, and so few have actually been seen.
The goblin shark has a unique appearance that it is well known for. They are known to appear gray-pink to bright pink, not due to color pigmentation but because of their translucent skin. The pink color comes from the oxygenated blood flowing through their body. They also have an elongated, sword-like snout that appears to be flattened.
When the goblin shark wishes to attack, its jaws protrude out of their snout and can independently move to bite down on their prey. When the mouth of the goblin shark protrudes out of its body, they reveal a mouthful of fang-like teeth. Because of the look of their snout and their fang-like teeth, goblin sharks are also known as "Snaggletooth." The only way to fully appreciate how a goblin shark uses its unique features to its benefit is to examine it for yourself.
Most people confuse the Portuguese man-of-war with a jellyfish because of its balloon-like top and long tentacles. But the Portuguese man-of-war is not a jellyfish. It's actually a siphonophore - an animal made up of many different organisms. The man-of-war has a gas-filled bladder that floats above the water and helps it move around. Sometimes, to avoid threats, the man-of-war will release the gas-filled pockets and submerge into the water.
The tentacles of the man-of-war can reach lengths of over 150 feet, although 30 feet tends to be the average length. These tendrils are filled with venom used to paralyze and kill their prey. Once the prey has been paralyzed or killed, the muscles of the tentacles carry the fish up to their digestive system. Even a dead man-of-war that washes ashore can carry a powerful punch and deliver a painful or lethal sting. Sometimes man-of-wars are found in groups of hundreds or thousands, floating together in the ocean water - imagine getting caught in all those tentacles!

These are cute. How are they harmful?

The sarcastic fringehead gets its name from the large appendages on the side of its head and its aggressive demeanor. If a fringehead feels threatened, it will expand its gigantic mouth to make it appear three times bigger. If this scare tactic doesn't work, the fringehead won't retreat. Instead, it will aggressively attack.
The fringehead is a stubborn fish and won't give up easily - they don't back out of a fight and usually end up winning. When two fringeheads fight with each other, they both expand their mouths and press them together, almost as if they were kissing. The fish with the larger mouth is considered the larger fish and is declared the winner.
Even divers unknowingly swimming by the fringehead's home - which tends to be abandoned snail shells - haven't been spared by the attacks of these territorial fish. Many people confuse the fringehead with an eel because of its scaleless body and prominent snout. Even though the fringehead only reaches a length of 30 centimeters, its ferocious attitude makes up for its small size.
The stargazer fish is found mostly along the sand beds of shallow waters in the Atlantic Ocean. The stargazer will camouflage into its surroundings by burying itself under the sand so only the eyes and the mouth can be seen - the reason why it was given the name stargazer.
This fish uses its lip to catch its prey. It quivers its lower lip, mimicking the movements of a worm to attract prey, then it creates a vacuum inside its mouth to suck the prey in. Stargazers are lethal fish because they have two poisonous spines located on each side of the body. Not only are the spines of the stargazer poisonous, but they are electrifying as well. They can discharge about 50 volts of electricity at a time.
Stargazers are known to be aggressive fish and have even attacked humans - especially night divers. Although the stargazer only ranges from approximately 18 to 90 centimeters long, they come with quite a punch.