Top 10 Reasons Why We Shouldn't Kill Sharks

Sharks may seem scary, but without them, the ocean faces a significant ecological imbalance. Humans often perceive sharks as cruel, merciless, bloodthirsty, and violent killing machines. However, the truth is that far more sharks are killed each year by humans than the other way around. In reality, it is the sharks that should fear us.

Sharks play a crucial role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems. Without sharks, fish populations would grow unchecked and consume smaller fish that help control algae levels in the ocean. Additionally, without sharks, rays would overpopulate and overconsume scallops, leading to a depletion of scallops for both humans and marine life.

Many people kill sharks simply because they find them frightening. If we set aside our fear, hatred, and misunderstanding, we can begin to recognize just how vital sharks are to both the ocean's health and our own survival.

Remember: the more you know, the less you'll fear.
The Top Ten
Humans kill more sharks than sharks kill humans

Sharks kill an average of six to eight humans per year. Humans kill over 100 million sharks annually, with an estimated one to two sharks being killed every second. Approximately 11,500 sharks are killed each hour, and an average of 200 are killed every minute. Sharks often attack humans because they mistake them for fish or other prey. They typically release humans after realizing their mistake.

Imagine getting all your limbs cut off and being left in the middle of the desert. The difference between that and a shark being finned is that the shark suffocates because it needs to swim to breathe, allowing water to flow through its gills. They also bleed to death. And for what? A bowl of extremely unhealthy soup?

They keep ecosystems in balance

Sharks have been at the top of the marine food chain for over four hundred million years, playing a crucial role in keeping the ecosystem healthy.

The marine ecosystem helps remove half of the atmosphere's anthropogenic carbon dioxide and produces more oxygen than all the rainforests combined.

The only reason sharks sometimes attack humans is that they're hungry and mistake us for turtles, seals, or other prey. Sharks are just scary-looking, which is why some people don't like them. I want a pet shark. Never mind, I want a shark.

They're awesome

They keep the food chain balanced!

They're part of this world

Every living creature on this planet has a purpose. Removing one species can cause an imbalance that could lead to problems we can't even foresee.

They are made by God, and we should respect them just as we should respect others.

That's so true. They were alive 400 million years ago, so they basically rule the ocean!

We are going into their habitat at our own risk

I think this is true. I am doing my English assignment, and it has to be on a media topic. This is a fantastic reason, and I'm sure I'm going to use it.

We don't own the Earth. Simple as that.

We're basically hypocrites, I think.

We shouldn't kill more sharks because the media depicts them as scary

Wow, this is why I don't trust films! They do nothing but deceive! Bulls aren't actually enraged by the color red, and mice don't love cheese more than anything else. Now, these misconceptions are disrupting ocean ecosystems? We need more accurate films!

The deception is wrong, and it's been scientifically proven. Sharks don't eat humans because they want to. They often mistake us for fish or seals.

They don't attack for no reason. Their eyesight is poor, so they sometimes mistake humans for other animals. Usually, they only take a bite and then spit it out because they don't like the taste of humans.

They're hardly even that dangerous by statistics

So true - I'm doing a debate on this and am looking here for research.

Bees kill more people than sharks do.

Cows kill more people than sharks do.

Sharks mistake you as animals like seals. That's why they attack

Sharks might attack people, but if they don't like the taste, they will spit them out. The person might still survive the attack.

Sharks don't typically kill humans. They may attack, but humans somewhat deserve it because we are destroying their habitat.

Sharks will usually only attack if provoked.

Most people believe sharks have to be hunted and killed without mercy

Sharks should not be killed just because they scare people, and not even for food.

That's so stupid! People are just scared of sharks because of movies like Jaws, where the shark is portrayed as the bad guy.

Humans can be cruel and thoughtless towards animals.

The marine food chain would collapse without them

If they become extinct, other small fish will overpopulate.

The Newcomers

? Shark attacks are rare
? They help the ecosystems
The Contenders
They are almost all gone

I've only seen 8 species so far! Whale, leopard, hammerhead, horn, saw, sand tiger, nurse, broadnose sevengill, and angel sharks!

In 2017, the population of great white sharks was estimated to be around 3,500. They are considered vulnerable, not critically endangered.

They're older than us

Sharks have been around since before the Earth's first dinosaurs. They've even been around before the Earth's first trees!

Very true - respect your elders!

They're friendly

Agreed. Excluding man-eaters, sharks are quite friendly as long as you don't look like food.

Very true. I only advocate for the killing and eating of man-eating sharks.

They help other marine animals eat small sea creatures
They help prevent prey from overgrazing the habitat
They help eat the sick and injured fish

Sharks help regulate fish populations in the ocean. If we kill all the sharks, the fish will eventually eat all the smaller fish that consume algae. Without the smaller fish, algae could spread uncontrollably across the world's oceans.

Crabs, lobsters, and shrimp also eat dead and dying fish. All of these are creatures we enjoy eating. It's a win-win situation.

If there were no sharks around to eat the sick and injured fish, then schools of fish could be thrown into chaos.

They're cool
Not all sharks are dangerous

I went to a zoo where there were mini sharks. They were completely harmless.

Whale sharks, for example, are harmless.

They are innocent

Yeah, it's not their fault they were born. God put them here for a reason, right?

Especially if they are probably less provoked by humans!

They help eat the rays

Sharks love to eat rays, and rays love to eat scallops. If we overhunt sharks, the rays will eat all the scallops. Eventually, there will be no more scallops because the rays will have eaten them all. This is bad for the rays and bad for us.

This situation happened off the coast of North Carolina, where overfishing sharks led to a decline in scallop populations.

Other animals accidentally get killed while hunting sharks, like turtles and seals
Just because they look scary doesn't mean they are scary
They keep the fish population in balance
Sharks think you are fish because of how you swim
They make the ocean healthy
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