Top 10 Cutest Reptiles

I love animals and more than that reptiles. This list contains the cutest reptiles on earth.
The Top Ten
Gecko Geckos are lizards belonging to the infraorder Gekkota, found in warm climates throughout the world. They range from 1.6 to 60 cm.

I have a leopard gecko. Her name is Chiquita. When she eats mealworms, she'll tilt her head and position herself for a good 30 seconds (it's adorable). Then, when she finally lunges at the worm, she squeaks.

I have never had a gecko, but their big eyes are just so adorable.

Even the picture is cute! I so want to adopt this little guy!

Bearded Dragon A species of lizard native to Australia, the Bearded Dragon is known for the spiny scales under its neck that resemble a beard. Popular as a pet, it has a docile nature and feeds on a diet of insects and vegetables.

Bearded dragons are the best. I have one named Scales, and she is so nice!

Adorable and interesting animals.

Very cute and adorable animals.

Crocodile Crocodiles (family Crocodylidae) or true crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. The term crocodile is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes the alligators... read more

Crocodiles are just awesome. They resemble true power in the animal world, with an impressive bite force of 3,700 psi.

I watch Snake Discovery on YouTube, and they have an adorable little croc as a pet named Rex!

I don't know why everybody is scared or disgusted by them. They're adorable, and they always seem to smile.

Iguana Iguana is a genus of omnivorous lizards native to tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

They might be a little aggressive sometimes, but they are still super cute.

Leopard Gecko

They are so cute that if for some reason you got mad at them, the anger would only last a second.

I love leopard geckos. I have one, and she's chill, cute, and friendly.

Ball Python

Ball pythons are honestly the calmest and most relaxed snakes you'll ever meet. They're extremely friendly and adorable with their dog-like faces.

I'm getting one in secret for my birthday and sneaking it past my parents. I've done years of research, so I know the requirements, care, and all that.

I have a ball python myself, and he has never harmed me.

Sea Turtle

These are so cute that one day I will have a nice little lake with no predatory animals that eat turtles or pollution so all the 100 can live. I might make a huge difference with the turtle population around the world.

Box Turtle

All the others here are scary and dangerous. So, I had to vote for the Box Turtle.

I have 9 box turtles and around 10 eggs. They are the cutest little things!

Corn Snake

They're so cute! I did a Google Slides project on them.


When they smile, they are just so adorable!

I love tortoises and turtles. Their little wise eyes, tiny heads, and small shells make them adorable.

The Newcomers

? Rattlesnake Rattlesnakes are a group of venomous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus of the subfamily Crotalinae.
? Common House Gecko
The Contenders
Komodo Dragon The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Padar.

I saw some in Mexico, and they are very cute but also very dangerous. And you can't imagine how big they are.

My tame, wild Komodo is not dangerous at all! She's very cute.

Don't ever go by their cuteness. They are very dangerous.

Hognose Snake

So adorable. Reptiles are the best!

Vine Snake
Mexican Black Kingsnake
Red-eared Slider Turtle

I have one red-eared slider. She is named Tia, my first turtle. I got her last year!

Crested Gecko

So adorable! The spikes on his head make his eyes stand out and look so cute!

I have one named Gerald, and he is so adorable!

Blue-Tongued Skink

They always look like they're planning world domination. That's cute to me.

Thorny Dragon The thorny dragon or thorny devil is an Australian Lizard, also known as the mountain devil, the thorny lizard, or the moloch.
Sand Boa
Frilled Lizard The frilled-neck lizard, also known as the frilled lizard, frilled dragon or frilled agama, is a species of lizard which is found mainly in northern Australia and southern New Guinea. This species is the only member of the genus Chlamydosaurus.

Just look at it. It's like, "Look at me, I'm scary." Sorry, lizard, but you're just too cute.

Gargoyle Gecko

I have a gargoyle gecko! He is so timid and is the sweetest thing on this side of the Mississippi. And he is absolutely adorable!

Mali Uromastyx Lizard

This lizard is adorable. One of my teachers had this lizard in the classroom for about three years until they moved to a new school. So cute.

Green Anole
Chameleon Chameleons or chamaeleons are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of old world lizards with 202 species described as of June 2015. These species come in a range of colors, and many species have the ability to change colors.

I think they are cute, but mostly fascinating how they evolved.

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