Reasons Why Puppies Are Better Than Human Babies

The Top Ten
1 Puppies don’t scream and cry all day

What's better? Whining and barking or screaming and crying? Obviously the 1st option! Ok ok, I know they do it for attention, but that is not an excuse for me to have a baby of my own! Besides, if I discipline my child, it makes me feel horrible and a bad parent. Besides, some kids can be disobedient and rude. How am I suppose to know if my kid can be nice or rude? Puppies on the other hand, are less responsibility! Sure, vet bills are expensive, but wait until you have to pay for college for your kid! Besides, babies can be annoying. I have nothing against babies (I'm mixed about them), but dogs and pets are just more fun and less annoying! Hope you listen to my advice about raising a kid or pet.

2 Puppies are cuter

Nothing is cuter than puppies!

3 You don’t have to change a puppy’s diaper
4 You don’t have to give birth to puppies. You can just buy them.
5 Puppies don’t cry as loud as babies do
6 You don’t have to bring your puppy everywhere you go

Well that's because their animals and they have a rule that animals can't be allowed in certain places.

Most people CHOOSE to take them on vacations with them

7 Most puppies look different but almost all babies look the same

If you look closely each baby has a defining feature.

8 Animals are really cool
9 Barking is less annoying than babies crying

True. If anything barking is less annoying. Babies crying are just so annoying. At least dogs can control their barking.

I have nothing against babies, but the crying and responsibility just annoys me.

10 Puppies are funnier

No offense to baby lovers, but it's true that puppies are funnier because who knows what they can do when you leave for work or school?

The Contenders
11 Dogs pollute less

The world is on fire! Rescue an animal instead.

12 Puppies are less responsibility

For puppies, all you need are bags for when they do their business, food, water, bowls, a few toys and a leash! Vet bills just depend on the illness or injury you pet has. For babies, you need to pamper them, feed them, discipline them when they are older, buy things they want or need, and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for college!

13 Puppies smell better
14 Babies are more vulnerable
15 Puppies are better to play with
16 Babies drool more
17 Babies touch everything

Well sometimes puppies touch everything to.

18 Babies are not careful

Okay that comment is quite hypocritical, because sometimes puppies aren't careful too (Note: I still like puppies but this list is a bit hypocritical and ridiculous, because everyone or everything should be loved equally).

19 Puppies develop much more quickly than babies which means they stop crying much sooner

Which is why dogs are my 2nd favorite animals! Seriously? How can a 1 year old or a 10 month old dog become an adult? That's so awesome!

20 Babies need more sleep
21 Babies are more needy
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