Top 10 Deadliest Snakes in the World

The Top Ten
Black Mamba The black mamba is a species of extremely venomous snake, a member of the family Elapidae native to parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Black Mamba is definitely not the most venomous snake, but that doesn't mean it's not the deadliest. Let's compare it to the most venomous snake in the world, the Inland Taipan, and the result will blow your mind.

Although the Inland Taipan has much more damaging venom, it is restricted to arid environments in the middle of nowhere. It is a fairly small snake and has a generally mild temperament.

The Black Mamba is fast, aggressive, rarely ever dry bites, is found in all habitats, is much more common than the Inland Taipan, and injects more venom.

King Cobra The king cobra is an elapid found predominantly in forests from India through Southeast Asia.

The King cobra is probably best known as the species of choice for the South Asia snake charmers. Even though cobras can hear, they are actually deaf to all ambient noises instead, they sense the ground... read more

There was a show on Animal Planet called The Most Extreme (which I made a list for the best episodes of, that only I had voted on, so go check that list out). On the show, they would count down the animals of a category from 10 to 1. One of the episodes was Deadly Snakes, and on it, the King Cobra was number 1. In case you were wondering, the Inland Taipan was number 2, and the Black Mamba was number 3 on the list.

The king cobra is considered the most intelligent snake on the planet.

They have memory to some extent. They can give a dry bite sometimes just to scare you off. Otherwise, they control the amount of venom they want to inject each time.

It is recorded to give the maximum amount of venom in a single bite and can even kill an adult elephant.

Inland Taipan

This list is so wrong. Inland taipans have venom over 100 times stronger than that of almost all snakes ahead of it on this list. Anacondas haven't ever even been known to kill people! Cobras kill more than taipans do, but that's because taipans don't go near humans. One drop of their venom kills 100 men.

Here's the venom level of all other snakes ahead of it:
- Tiger snake: Maybe three-quarters the venom level of a taipan.
- Rattlesnake: Nothing compared to taipans.
- Anacondas: No venom at all.
- Cobras: Nothing compared to taipans.
- Vipers: Very little compared to taipans.
- Mambas: They are less potent than taipans.

Green Anaconda Anacondas are group of large snakes of the genus Eunectes. They are large snakes found in tropical South America.

The anaconda is neither a poisonous nor venomous snake. It is a constrictor. The anaconda wraps its body around the victim like a coil, tightening until the victim is crushed to death. The anaconda is extremely heavy and muscular. An infant anaconda's constriction is about as strong as a Harley Davidson motorbike being placed on an adult human's chest. A mature anaconda's constriction is the equivalent of a double-decker bus being pushed down on an adult human's chest. The snake eats its prey whole from the head first. It has loose but fixed teeth which move like rows of feet, helping the anaconda eat its large prey by sliding the prey into its mouth.

The anaconda is not the deadliest snake among all species, but it is the deadliest constrictor and one of the most popular snakes. The anaconda isn't as aggressive on land as it is in water. It waits in murky brown water, camouflaged by its equally brown skin, waiting for animals to come and drink at the water's edge. The snake then catches the prey off guard and wraps around it, squeezing it to death.

Note: A Black Mamba's neurotoxic venom can paralyze and kill snakes like the anaconda by shutting down its vital organs. However, this rarely happens as Black Mambas cannot digest larger snakes that are as bulky and muscular as an anaconda. The anaconda is not the deadliest snake nor the most aggressive.

Death Adder

The Death Adder is the deadliest snake in the whole world. I've come face to face with it and nearly died!

This animal is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It should be in the Top 5.

Belcher's Sea Snake

One milligram of venom is enough to kill 200 men. The Belcher's sea snake is often brought up with fishing nets, making it extremely deadly to fishermen.

Sea snakes may be deadly, but like sharks, they rarely attack people.

Sea snakes are above all the most poisonous. 200 men. 200 MEN.

Reticulated Python

A Reticulated Python is the longest snake in the world.

Russell's Viper

It doesn't have venom as potent as others (Belcher's sea snake, Inland Taipan, Black Mamba, etc.), but it causes disgusting necrosis and internal bleeding. I don't think the comments on the king cobra are correct when they say that the King Cobra kills more people than any other snake. The King Cobra rarely bites anybody and only causes a few deaths a year. The Russell's Viper kills tens of thousands of people. It is one of, if not the, deadliest snakes known to man.

This snake is very aggressive and will do a lot of damage to your body. It is common in India and is one of the Big Four - the four snakes causing the most snakebite deaths in South Asia.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

I live in Florida. They are very native to Florida. I'm scared now!

I think this is at least the second most deadly snake in the world.

Tiger Snake

The Tiger Snake is by far the most aggressive of the Australian snakes. If untreated, its mortality rate for humans is about 70%, and it is the most accurate biter of the Aussie snakes. I spend plenty of time around most of our snakes, and the Tiger is the only one that will actually come after you.

I don't know if it is more dangerous than the Black Mamba, and the King Cobra is just as scary. However, it's a more dangerous, if less venomous, snake than the Taipan.

The Newcomers

? Banded Krait
? Coral Reef Snake
The Contenders

Ah yes, the Boomslang. These snakes are so feared in Africa that people avoid standing under trees. And who doesn't love a snake that will make you bleed from every hole in your body? Not me.

Boomslang skin is in Polyjuice Potion from Harry Potter. Are they real?

Saw Scaled Viper

Its venom might not be the most potent, but it more than makes up for it with its demeanor.

It has killed more people than any other snake in the world. It should be higher on the list.

Coastal Taipan
West African Green Mamba
Red Spitting Cobra

Deadly and evil. You may be blind if they spit in your eyes, haha!

Australian Brown Snake

I saw a 140kg pig bitten by this kind of snake. It just took 2 minutes for the pig to lay down, and it died 7 minutes after the bite.

The worst thing is, brown snakes are so common in Queensland, Australia bush areas. You can see at least an average of two snakes every day during summer.

The second most venomous snake in the world that also lives close to populated areas. It has small fangs, but it doesn't need a lot of venom to kill an adult. Death can even occur in minutes.

This snake has the highest recorded venom output.

Rhinoceros Viper
Fer de Lance

What makes a Fer de Lance so dangerous is that it injects up to seven times the amount of venom compared to a typical pit viper. It is not uncommon for people to lose limbs after a bite unless antivenom is administered immediately. This snake is known by many different names, including jararaca in Brazil. There is a golden-colored subspecies that inhabits a small island off the Brazilian coast and was featured on a reality TV show called Snake Island or something like that.

It strikes over and over again just like a Black Mamba, but it is more common, and its venom is more dangerous. It is also supposed to be the most dangerous animal in South America.

Boa Constrictor The boa constrictor, also called the red-tailed boa or the common boa, is a species of large, heavy-bodied snake that is frequently kept and bred in captivity.

Yeah. He's either just being a troll, doesn't know the actual power of a Boa Constrictor, or maybe he's confused it for a Titanoboa. The Titanoboa was a snake that lived back in prehistoric times and was the largest snake to ever live. So large that if they were to swallow an average human, no bulge would show. Just like the anaconda and python, they were constrictors. This snake fed on crocodiles, and sometimes they would eat even larger reptiles.

Burmese Python

Constrictors, I have read, are the most dangerous snakes in the world. The ones that get really large and heavy, like Burmese or reticulated pythons or anacondas, can easily crush the life out of a grown man in a matter of minutes. There's no antivenom to protect you against having your body crushed to death, your organs destroyed, and all the air squeezed out of your lungs.

Several years ago, I heard a story of a guy who was killed by his Burmese Python when attempting to feed it solo. The snake quickly overpowered him, and that was all she wrote. They also did an experiment where they hooked a paramedic to a machine designed to replicate a constrictor on a man, utilizing the same pressure that is exerted by the snakes. They attached life-monitoring devices to the man's body and then began to squeeze. In less than 3 minutes, they had to disconnect because he was being crushed to death.

It's true that the snake has to try to kill you if they are constrictors as opposed to just protecting itself in terms of the venomous species. So instances of humans being killed by constrictors are most likely rarer than deaths by venom. But if I had to go up against a pissed-off anaconda or a pissed-off Black Mamba, I'd choose the Mamba.

Egyptian Cobra

They are quite poisonous, indeed. It's said that Cleopatra was bitten by one, which was the cause of her death.

Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Beaked Sea Snake
Eastern Brown Snake

This is more dangerous than the Inland Taipan. It's the second most venomous land snake, behind the Inland Taipan, but Eastern Brown Snakes kill far more people, and they are much more aggressive. At least they have the guts to invade people's farms just to catch mice.

The worst fact about this snake is that they can be found in big cities in Australia, like Sydney.

Probably the most venomous snake that people actually encounter.

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
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