Top 10 Best Wild Animals

There just isn't any other animal that has left a legacy like the lion. It's a fact. It's the number one animal on flags in the world. There is a giant sphinx in Egypt. There are lions to honor dead soldiers. The lion has even been mentioned multiple times in the Bible, and Jesus was associated with the Lion of Judah.
So you can't lie. The lion has left a mark on the earth that will NEVER be forgotten in human culture and is still to this day called the KING OF BEASTS.
Lions are the very essence of majesty. Those golden eyes, the thick, flowing mane, and the graceful way they move. They are determined, fierce creatures. Lions deserve more than to be feared. They are truly magnificent creatures.

Not only are wolves stronger and faster than any other predator in North America (short of the fabled mountain lion), they are capable of reaching a consistent speed of over 25 miles per hour for more than a day without breaking a sweat.
Also, they are incredibly smart for their relatively small heads compared to other predators. They are born to hunt and catch their prey, come hell or high water.
Wolves are cute, strong, and loyal. They are so beautiful and smart! Honestly, I don't know how else to describe these animals. They are amazing!
They live in packs together. Oh, and if you don't think that's awesome enough, Google search their cubs! NOW! They are so cute! So yeah, vote for wolves. It brings you good luck!

A giraffe is a long animal, in great comparison to the fighter in the serial Mortal Kombat Conquest: 17th episode subject name (Master Cho). Master Cho is a small sorcerer and great fighter.
Jump to jump and red spirit of hand, he's a great comparison to a giraffe.
Giraffes are amazing wild animals. I think they are some of the most incredible, interesting animals in the world. Did you know that giraffes have black tongues?
I love giraffes, and every time that I go to the zoo, I am starstruck by their majestic appearance. But I also feel bad for them because some crazy people kill them for no reason.

I really like the tiger, but the only problem is that they are in danger of extinction because people hunt them for their beautiful striped coat.
In my opinion, I would rather keep seeing that coat on them than see it on myself. I feel like it is very cruel to hunt them, and that also goes for every animal on Earth.
The tiger is majestic, royal, and aggressive, more so than any other wild cat. Dominance in the deep forest, creating its own territory, free from other predators, distinguishes tigers from others.
It is the fiercest creature. Lions and tigers are not found in the same place because tigers use to kill lions and endanger them. This happened in most places in India.

Dolphins are extremely intelligent and highly socially complex creatures. They are fascinating and deserve to be number one on this list.
Smart creatures! Once land animals, now mostly water animals! Fast swimmers! Beautiful creatures!
These are so cute! They live in the ocean and can be trained to do tricks. Can't we get this to the top of the list?

Well, the bald eagle is a big bully. It rarely catches fish, preferring to steal them from the beautiful osprey that works hard to keep its prey from the king.
The bald eagle also doesn't mind what fish it eats. It can prey on dead fish on the riverbank and not mind if there are flies buzzing around it.
My favorite animal is the harpy eagle, a not very well-known eagle that lives in the rainforest. It zips around the branches to hunt for speedy monkeys or slow sloths for dinner. Or breakfast or lunch. Anyway, just search up eagle, and pretty much the only result will be a load of bald eagles. Seriously? Does nobody know any other eagle?

Turtles are awesome. Best reptiles ever. Anyone who doesn't like turtles is an awful person.
They look adorable! I got to swim with them in Hawaii and it was awesome!
Look how gosh dang cute that picture is.

Cute animal! And so is the panda! One fact: A red panda is a fox. It's just a bamboo eater (not a bear).

I like the black panther because it's a very unique type of cat, and they are very, very strong. They usually represent the bad guys in fantasy stories, but in real life, they're actually wonderful animals.
And what I like most about them is they can climb trees. God created them for a purpose.
I love leopards. They are large wildcats compared to the snow leopard and can live in parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. They are my favorite animal. They are super smart and fast, running at speeds of 58 km/h.
They eat gazelles, birds, zebras, and deer. Their sharp claws help them catch their prey. They are great climbers.

They have saved so many lives without questions (pun intended).
The Newcomers

Did you know they might actually use color changes for communication?

I think that hawks have great eyesight. If not, I have been believing in the wrong thing.

The bear should get at least 3rd place because they have the most variety of personality traits. They are also caring mothers. The bear is one of my favorites because it is protective and playful.
The bear should be the king of the wild because they're awesome, tough, better than lions, and are the strongest animals in the world.
Polar bears are beautiful creatures, and it's a shame they're being affected by global warming!

Elephants are majestic animals that have human-like feelings and bury their dead. They are also one of the few animals who recognize themselves in the mirror.
They are extremely intelligent and share many emotional characteristics with humans and other apes.
So beautiful and nice animals. They won't attack people unlike lions.

I absolutely love hippopotamuses because they are the cutest animals in Africa and usually show pure strength against crocodiles and any other predator in a pond, lake, or river.
Hippopotamuses also have great hunting skills because of their ability to easily attack fish, and the amount they catch is outstanding.
To summarize all of this, hippopotamuses are great animals in every way. I LOVE THESE CREATURES!

Owls are very cute but can also be dangerous. Did you know that they cannot turn their heads in a full circle? I think that there is a lot more to learn about them.
Watership Down vibes. I don't know, I'm just voting for them because of their wise and hunched looks, and also because they were featured in Harry Potter.
I believe they are intellectually gifted animals. They can be trained and fed easily.

Horses are the most spirited animals in the world, and you cannot separate a horse from its family. They are loyal to their family.
Horses are number one on my list. If you have never seen a horse, then you do not know what you are missing.
Wild horses are so beautiful! They are rare also, which makes them the best!

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It is harmless to humans. It catches the fastest gazelles, like Thomson's gazelles. It is my favorite animal.
The ultimate example of specialization. They are built for pure speed.
They are beautiful creatures. I love their spots, and they are very adventurous creatures.

It preys upon capybaras, anacondas, caimans, etc. It is on top of the food chain in the Amazon. It knows how to climb, swim, and sneak up on its enemies very well.
It also looks very beautiful.
Why is this not at the top? Why why WHY!?!?
The jaguar is better than the lion, peeps. It has the strongest jaws of all wild cats. Plus, the "black panther" animal is actually a black jaguar. How's that for awesome?
Plus, super stealthy and agile like a kitty ninja.
Jaguars are stealth hunters, and that is what their spots are for. It's like a shadow.

When I went to Australia, I went to the Australia Zoo. A kangaroo there nearly killed me, but I would still be one.
There are kangaroos on my property every day.

They are amazing creatures and are just one of the most beautiful mammals.

Out of 89 animals, I think the bobcat needs a shout out. Beautiful animals they are.

I love seals! Mainly harbor seals because their babies are so cute and fluffy! I think they should be in the top ten for sure!

Rhinoceroses are so tough. They are the third heaviest animals. They are strong and fast.
The rhinoceros says do not mess.