Worst Dog Names
My old neighbor had a small dog the size of a cat. She called her Cat because of her size. She died because of a sickness, and I hated that name anyway.
If you name your dog Cat, you might as well name your cat Dog. And if you have a hamster...
I understand naming a cat Kitty, but seriously? A dog named Cat?
Well, female dogs are called that, but I would definitely not call a dog that.
How dare you? You can't say that about animals! You are the name! You are a son of the name!
Whether you spell it "Deeogee," "Deyogee," "Diogee," or any other variation of that, it's still not as creative as you may have initially thought it was. It is the type of name 14-year-olds think up. Lots of people have thought of this, and it has just worn out over time. No need to keep it going, y'all.
We know it's a dog, and that particular version means Dogs Outnumber Goats. Is that what you want to name your dog?
Why would you name your dog D.O.G.?
Who would name a dog that? Come here, Boobs!
Whenever I hear this name, it brings a mental image of a very grizzled dog (over 20 years old and very gray) hugging his owner. Not the best name for any dog that doesn't match that description, in my opinion. Especially bad for rebellious dogs who bite or avoid their owners, or abused ones. You'd expect a dog with this name to love his or her owner and be very loving.
Terrible name that makes your dog seem like the most loving thing in the world. It's most likely not!
Don't bring up those atrocious puppies from Disney again...
Why would you call a cute dog that?
I don't think I've ever met a dog named Lizard, but since it's here, I guess some actually have. I cannot understand why you would name a dog Lizard. It doesn't sound cool, cute, or masculine, so what are you going for here? It isn't creative. The only redeeming quality to this name is the fact that you could shorten it to "Liz."
We just got a pup and named her Lizard. It was better than Dinosaur, Minions, or Transformer. Try arguing with a 4- and 5-year-old. When you find something you can work with and live with that they're happy with, you roll with it.
We call her Lizzy, Liz, or Lizard. Ironically, it fits her. She's "crazy as a road lizard!" (Shanghai Noon, if you need the reference). Honestly, I don't think it's a horrible name. A little bit off the beaten path, yes.
The Newcomers
Terrible name for both humans and canines.
Weird person at dog training: This is Knucklehead McSpazatron.
Weird person: *looks at their dog standing by a different person* Come here, Knucklehead McSpazatron!
Person by the dog: I AM NOT!
This name is amazing, if you're naming a goat!
Unless your dog likes poop so much that they want to be named after it, your dog will attack you if you address it by this name.
Why on earth would you name your dog that?! What the heck is wrong with people?
My friend had a dog called Poopsie. I don't know what he was thinking.
"Sit, Dad! Sit!"
"Good boy, Dad!"
"Fetch the bone, Dad!"
"That's my Dad!"
I can't imagine how awkward this would be.
For me, that's just really... just cringe.
Seriously considering this one.
Who names a dog Fart? Well, unless he or she farts a ton. Maybe two tons.