Worst Types of Bugs

The Top Ten
1 Cockroaches Cockroaches (or roaches) are a paraphyletic group of insects belonging to Blattodea, containing all members of the group except termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. Some species are well-known as pests... read more

These nasty little vermin do nothing but encroach on innocent people's abodes, bringing in germs and bacteria. It's extremely difficult to obliterate an infestation, especially if it's German cockroaches.

Spiders will actually consume roaches, so they're not nearly as bad as people accuse them of being. But seriously, these disgusting pests deserve nothing but to be completely demolished and become extinct. Unfortunately, they reproduce so quickly that extinction is nearly impossible. In conclusion, they SUCK!

2 Stink Bugs

So there was a stink bug at my grandma's, so I smashed it. Then I smelled this odor that was really bad. I couldn't stand the smell, but I didn't know it was from the stink bug.

So I walked outside, but the smell followed me. I realized it was from the bug I killed, and the smell was all over my clothes!

3 Mosquitoes Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are insects that have been known to cause various diseases. A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus.

As much as I hate spiders, they at least have a purpose. All mosquitoes do is leave really itchy bites and even cause diseases. Plus, their buzz is super annoying!

They serve no purpose whatsoever. All they do is suck your blood and leave itchy bites.

Look at some of these other lists. They are super dangerous!

4 Centipedes Centipedes are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are mainly carnivorous and they prey upon insects, spiders, small birds and rodents, and even other centipedes.
5 Spiders

I'm mixed on spiders. I don't mind them if they're small or a jumping spider, and they are useful for killing other insects. However, the big ones are terrifying.

6 Wasp

This is the reason I don't go outside for half of the summer.

7 Crickets
8 Hornets Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their close relatives yellowjackets. Some species can reach up to 5.5 cm in length.

Way worse than wasps! They like to penetrate your skin like they don't have a care in the world! What do they even do for us?!

9 Millipedes Millipedes are a group of arthropods that are characterised by having two pairs of jointed legs on most body segments; they are known scientifically as the class Diplopoda, the name being derived from this feature.
10 Praying Mantis The praying mantis is an insect known for its distinctive posture of holding its front legs in a manner that resembles a prayer. It belongs to the Mantidae family and is characterized by its elongated body, triangular head, and large compound eyes. Praying mantises are skilled predators, often waiting... read more

I touched one before as a child, and it scratched me, and I bled!

The Newcomers

? Spotted Lanternfly
The Contenders
11 Bed Bug
12 Flies

They always fly in your face at the worst times. I'll be trying to fall asleep, and then a fly buzzes by my ear and wakes me up. Then I have to wait two more hours to fall asleep!

You can't see them, so you don't know when they bite you!

13 Asian giant hornet

They are huge, and when they sting, it feels like a gunshot.

14 Horse-fly

One of these bit my dad's leg and took about an inch out of his skin.

15 Bees

Bees actually have a purpose in the world, but it does hurt when they sting.

16 Ticks

I hate these little buggers so much. They are a hiker's and dog owner's worst nightmare. I am both.

17 Fire Ants
18 Killer Bees
19 Scorpion
20 Leeches Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.
21 Silverfish

Yes, silverfish from Minecraft are actually real. And they suck.

22 Gnats
23 Boxelder Bug
24 June Bugs
25 Wheel Bug

Their bites hurt so badly you want to kill yourself.

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