1 Blobfish
The blobfish is a deep sea fish of the family Psychrolutidae. It inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of mainland Australia and Tasmania, as well as the waters of New Zealand. Did you know blobfish don't actually look like this? In reality they are just a regular fish that looks pretty similar to pufferfish. The reason they turn to that is because there is no pressure in the ocean to keep their body together. So tbh I don't think they should be the most disgusting animal on this list. Maybe show them some love.
Well, the only reason why they look like that is because there is no pressure to keep them together when on the surface.
These animals are pretty ugly, but cockroaches and mosquitoes are more disgusting. - IceBearRules
2 Waterbear
The waterbear, or also known as the tardigrade or moss piglet, is a water-dwelling eight-legged micro animals. The waterbear is known for being the most resilient animal: It can survive very hot and very cold temperatures, pressures about 6 times greater than the pressure in deep-seas, radiations at... read more Water bears can survive everywhere, mountains, oceans, forests, the desert, rainforests and even in your backyard.
More like the Illuminati of the animal world-KyokoKuchisakeSuccubi
What? I didn't even know this existed until now.
3 Tick
4 Spider
5 Human
Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language. Humans are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating... read more Only the grossest person would add this. We are pigs! PIGS are better than us! (One upside is we are smart when it comes to tech. Other wise, yeah. We suck)
We should be number 1! Because we are destroying the mother nature earth for nearly 3 centuries in the name of revolution!
Humans don't deserve to be in this list. We're not disgusting. But we do deserve to be in the most dangerous animal lists.
6 Rats
Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents of the superfamily Muroidea. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus. I kinda find rats cute. Girls freak out and I don't when we see a rat.
7 Scorpion
8 Mosquito
Spanish for "small fly," mosquitoes are insects that have been known to cause various diseases. A sample of diseases caused by mosquitoes: malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus. They are completely useless to the world. All they do is bite you.
9 Mice
A mouse is a small rodent characteristically having a pointed snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common house mouse. It is also a popular pet. People actually think these disease infested, bug eyed, disgusting, unnatural moving critters are cute. STAY OUTTA PEOPLES' HOUSES YOU FILTHY VERMIN!
10 Cockroach
Cockroaches (or roaches) are a paraphyletic group of insects belonging to Blattodea, containing all members of the group except termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. Some species are well-known as pests. ...read more. Needs to be number one, they can't die.
This shut should be number 1 ugh
Vile disgusting vermin
The Contenders
11 Hamster
Hamsters are rodents belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae. The subfamily contains about 25 species, classified in six or seven genera. I once had this hamster named Fluffy who looked exactly like the picture for hamster that they show. I feel like this is an offense to her ghost that people consider these adorable animals "disgusting".
12 Chigger
13 Gerbil
A gerbil is a small mammal of the order Rodentia. Once known simply as "desert rats", the gerbil subfamily includes about 110 species of African, Indian, and Asian rodents, including sand rats and jirds, all of which are adapted to arid habitats.
14 Chinchilla
Chinchillas are two species of crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. They are native to the Andes mountains in South America and live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations up to 4,270 m.
15 Guinea Pig
The guinea pig, also called the cavy or domestic guinea pig, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia.
16 Pig
A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the Suidae family of even-toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar, along with other species; related creatures outside the genus include the peccary, the babirusa, and the warthog. Pigs are actually clean contrary to popular belief. Get pigs, cats, dogs, birds, and turtles off this list, NOW.
17 Maggot
Just disgusting. For the love of god, don't look up maggot, or any parasite on youtube.
I found when I was drinking lemonade, NEVER drink from fruits you find in trees, they are bound to be full of maggots. ew.
They are Flesh Eaters! Come, Eat this Yummy Flesh, Maggots! - Raichu
18 Cat
The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. ...read more. Cats are beautiful! Unlike the troll who added this! Why, Admin, did you allow this? Why?!
Cats? Disgusting? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Cats are awesome!
Cat is the most disgusting?
19 Gopher
Pocket gophers, commonly referred to as gophers, are burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae. About 35 species of gophers live in Central and North America.
20 Beaver
The beaver is a primarily nocturnal, large, semiaquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, the North American beaver and Eurasian beaver. Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges.
21 Chipmunk
Chipmunks are small, striped rodents of the family Sciuridae. Chipmunks are found in North America, with the exception of the Siberian chipmunk which is found primarily in Asia.
22 Bird
23 Fleas
Flea, the common name for the order Siphonaptera, includes 2,500 species of small flightless insects that live as external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas live by ingesting the blood of their hosts. Adult fleas grow to about 3 millimetres (1⁄8 inch) long, are usually brown, and have bodies that are "flattened" sideways or narrow, enabling them to move through their hosts' fur or feathers. They lack wings; their hind legs are extremely well adapted for jumping. Their claws keep them from being dislodged, and their mouthparts are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. They can leap 50 times their body length, a feat second only to jumps made by another group of insects, the superfamily ...read more.
24 Leeches
Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites.
25 Squirrel
Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, and prairie dogs amongst other rodents.