Top 10 Best Excuses to Get Out of School Swimming Lessons

Ah, swimming lessons - the dreaded rite of passage for many students. Maybe you love the water, or maybe the thought of diving in front of your entire class makes you want to disappear into the gym locker room. Either way, we've all been there: staring at the pool, trying to come up with a good reason to stay on dry land. That's where this list comes in. It's full of creative, relatable, and downright hilarious excuses people have come up with to avoid school swimming lessons.
The Top Ten
I'm on my period

My high school requires a written note from your parents for this to qualify as an acceptable reason to be excused.

As much as I hate getting periods, I'm still thanking them to this day for all the chlorinated hell they saved me from.

This will only work if you're female, have hit puberty, and it's only used once a month as that's how the menstrual cycle works.

I forgot my trunks

This method is not great. My teacher just asked me to go get some spare pants from the thousand-year-old lost and found and wear them in the pool.

Ah, the classic. It usually can work if done once, but if done again, they might make you put a spare pair on.

But then you'll hear the dreaded "Spare costumes. Put one on." from your teacher.

I'm allergic to chlorine

This one would probably work. Don't quote me on that though, it depends on the teacher sometimes.

I used to really hate swimming because of many ridiculous reasons, including my race.

I am feeling unwell

Make it look like you do and act like you do as well.

The water pressure hurts my ears

This could work, especially if you have an earache.

I pulled a muscle

Like the nausea excuse, act like you have pulled a muscle.

I've got an open wound

To make sure they don't look, say that you've got an open wound in the groin area.

I'm dead

This is the best excuse on this list so far! I can't believe it isn't number one! The teacher is surely going to think you are really sick and let you stay in the medical room for the lesson!

This excuse is the most believable yet! You should win an Oscar! Here is your medal! This excuse is surely going to make many students from all around the globe grateful for this advice. They will likely use it in almost every lesson! Well done!

Awesome, but how could you tell the teacher if you're dead?

I have an ear infection

What if the teacher looks at your ear?

I'm pregnant

The Newcomers

? I donated blood
? I took paracetamol this morning
The Contenders
I have swimmer's ear

It's a pretty good excuse, especially if you come to school with an earplug.

I don't want to
I turn into a mermaid when I'm in water so I don't want to freak anyone out
I have STDs

Make sure to shout really loud so all the other students hear you. "I HAVE (insert STD here)!"

I'm allergic to the teacher
I've got a migraine
I don't know how to swim

Alright, then get that life jacket on and do 10 laps!

I don't have my legs
I have diarrhea
Oh no! I accidentally pooped my pants! I need to go home!
My mom wants me home...
My friend can't swim

Teacher: What does that have to do with YOU swimming?
Me: I just, like, don't want to make him feel left out...

I'm depressed
Water is too cold
I've twisted my ankle
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