Top Ten Stupidest Excuses for Not Doing Your Homework

The Top Ten
My dog ate my homework

In my third grade class, my teacher had a framed piece of homework with a bunch of bites taken out of it because some kid actually had his dog eat his homework.

It's getting old, people. Try to use something else!

Nobody is going to believe your dog ate it.

Snoop Dogg smoked it
My mom put it in a shredder because she thought my homework was too dumb to teach me anything

Your mom is not going to do something like that, and if she did, she would send a note.

Come on, really? Maybe a dad or younger sibling, but not mom. And I mean, yes, some homework is dumb, but not in the teacher's eyes...

Ok... maybe really stupid.

I ran out of toilet paper so I used it to wipe my ass

That is just insane. How in the world do you use rough paper to wipe yourself?!

How would you even do it without hurting your butt?

I ate it

Hahaha! It's so funny, but I don't think your teachers will believe this one.

I got distracted by Jimmy Kimmel Live

How in the world would Jimmy Kimmel distract you from doing your homework?

Well, you should've turned off the TV and done your homework.

Well, that's what you get for slacking off.

I flushed my spelling homework down the toilet

Well, then you'd get in huge trouble for refusing to do your homework.

I rather twerk than do my homework

This will just get you in serious trouble.

Nicki Minaj would use that as an excuse.

The teacher may just ask you to show them.

Aliens took it

I heard someone actually use this college!

My big brother ate it

The Newcomers

? My house burnt down, along with the homework
? I did the homework with invisible ink
The Contenders
My dad accidentally set it on fire
Miley Cyrus said homework is for people who don't have taste in my music

Then Miley Cyrus must be a terrible role model (worse than whiny little Caillou).

My dog shoved it up another dog's anus

So this is how they reproduce, huh?

My religion forbade me to do it
I was drunk in love

But if you're younger, how can you use that?

Well, that won't get you excused.

The Fat Bottomed Girls rode their bicycles over it

If I were a teacher, I would let this slide. Fat Bottomed Girls is my favorite song.

Terrorists came and attacked

Why on earth would they attack? They would only attack in Syria.

I drooled on my homework

Ha! Why would you sleep with your homework?

It's still good enough to turn in.

Jesus told me not to hand it in
Deadmau5 said people don't do homework

HAHAHA if Deadmau5 said I shouldn't do my homework, I would burn my homework and tell my teacher that the prophet of god just spoke to me and told me not to do it. HAHA. Just look at my profile picture!

Then Deadmau5 must be a big liar.

COMPLETELY WRONG! Are you kidding? He doesn't say anything about homework.

The mafia scribbled bad words on it

Could you bring it in with the bad words?

I shoved it up my horse's butt

What the hell kind of excuse is this?

I did it but I forgot it at home
Nicki Minaj sat on my homework and I couldn't get it back
I got my homework wet in the pool

I was just sunbathing near the pool and doing my work at the same time because I relax and work simultaneously. I don't know how, but something pushed me forward, and off I went into the pool with my homework. Now, teacher, believe me.

And it can be dried, just like everything else in the world except a towel.

Why would you bring homework to a pool?

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