Top Ten Facts About Pufferfish

Here are some facts about these very-adorable-yet-very-deadly fish
The Top Ten
1 There's a Japanese dish called fugu (Japanese word for "pufferfish"), which can kill the person who ate it if prepared the wrong way

The chef who prepares this must be very, very, very experienced, because 1 wrong move can end someone's life

I would not want that kind of responsibility if I was a cook.

Worst dish ever! It doesn't even taste good and therefore isn't worth the risk

I've heard it's actually very bland.

2 Pufferfish are among the most poisonous animals on Earth

When they inflate themselves, they release a chemical called tetrodotoxin, a chemical 1200 times more toxic than cyanide, and 1 pufferfish has enough poison to kill 30 adult men. A pufferfish is very very cute, but whatever you do, you must hold yourself from hugging one

Dat face though.

3 A pufferfish has 4 teeth that never stop growing

2 teeth at the top and 2 teeth at the bottom. In order to keep those teeth short, a pufferfish eats shellfish


4 A pufferfish can be kept as a pet (but requires an experienced owner)

It needs top water quality, lots of space, and a good diet. Also, you can't have another fish in the same tank with a pufferfish, because pufferfish are carnivorous and can be aggresive

5 Pufferfish size vary from 1 inch to 2 feet

The smallest being pygmy pufferfish and the largest being freshwater giant pufferfish

6 The strange "Underwater crop circles" are made by pufferfish

Back then, scuba divers discovered mysterious patterns on the sea floor. Are those the work of aliens? Well, it turns out that male pufferfish were behind all this. Male pufferfish make those strange "crop circles" to attract mate

7 Pufferfish are poor swimmers

Because their fins are so tiny compared to their body. Scientists believe that pufferfish developed the ability to inflate because of this

8 Pufferfish can blink

Only a very few fish can do that

Isn't that obvious?

9 Certain animals are immune to pufferfish toxin

Such as sharks and sea snakes

10 Pufferfish don't have scales

Their skin are rough and very thick

The Contenders
11 The poison is 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide

Its already listen under the third item.

12 Pufferfish can be found in freshwater
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