Top Ten Facts About Starfish

Here are some facts about these beautiful stars of the sea
The Top Ten
1 Starfish have 2 stomachs

It also can shoot its stomache out. Once it finishes opening the shell of its prey with its arms, it will shoot out its stomache into the prey's shell. The stomache digests the prey inside the shell, and when finished, the stomache will be pulled back into the sea star along with the prey's digested meat, and the prey will be digested again inside the starfish's body

2 Starfish can change genders

Imagine a starfish changing genders just as a weird joke. The starfish's mate comes home and is like "honey, I'm home- oh lawd what, I thought you were male! ". Anyway, interesting facts.

The cushion star is always born male, but will change gender later if it's necessary. Speaking of cushion stars...

3 Starfish have eyes on the tips of their arms

And because of that, sea stars can see from all directions

4 Some starfish are cannibalistic

Sea stars may look like beautiful decorations of the ocean, but they're pretty fierce predators! They even eat their own kind! For example, the chocolate chip sea star. Better not put a small one with a bigger one in the same tanks

5 Starfish don't have brains

But how does it function at all? So that's where they got inspiration for Patrick Star's character, lol.

Nor do they have blood

6 Starfish have great regeneration ability

If you get rid of the body almost entirely but leave a single arm, it can still live. A single arm can regrow a whole body

That's amazing!

7 The cushion star doesn't look like starfish at all, but it's a true starfish species

The arms are almost nonexistant. It looks rather like a pentagon-shaped blob

8 Not all Starfish have 5 arms

The sun star can have 40 arms!

9 Starfish move with their tube feet

The tube feet (the many tentacles-like structure under the arms) are used to open the shells of its prey too

10 Starfish aren't fish

They're echinoderms and are more related to sea urchins and sand dollars

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