Top 10 Barbecue Foods

Ah, summer. The seasn of popsicles, swimming, sunscreen, outdoors, and BBQs. Everyone has at least 1 BBQ over the summer. These are the best foods to have at a BBQ.
The Top Ten

I love backyard burgers, my dad's burgers, and my mom's burgers. I also love Five Guys burgers and even Burger King. You can put lots of stuff on a burger, like fries, cheese, and more.

Oh yeah! Burgers taste like heaven on a bun when grilled. There are lots of things to put on a burger, from lettuce to coleslaw to mustard to fries!

Nothing like a hamburger on the grill.


Steak has to be the best. So juicy and tender (my favorite is medium-well). Right now, I can't stop drooling.

Steak is the second-best meat, but it's just not too common at a BBQ.

Hot Dogs A hot dog is a cooked sausage, traditionally grilled or steamed and served in a sliced bun as a sandwich.

Hot dogs are like the explanation for burgers, but they're not number one because they're less filling.

It looks so nice. My sister and I loved to eat barbecued hot dogs.


I notice that propane guy, Hank Hill, cooks the best ribs ever! Actually, that's just a cartoon, but it makes me hungry whoever cooks these ribs!

Awesome BBQ food that cooks relatively quickly compared to bigger meats.

Ribs are great and filling, but again, they're not common.


Coleslaw actually makes cold vegetables taste good. Plus, it's one of the few times I like mayo.

Baked Beans

Baked beans are a classic side to a burger or hot dog. They're lower on the list because they give you gas.


Whether it's Doritos, Pringles, Lay's, or more, chips are a salty and great experience at an old-fashioned barbecue.

Corn On the Cob
Chicken The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. It is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a population of more than 19 billion as of 2011.

The Newcomers

? Grilled Shrimp
? Pork Ribs
The Contenders
Fruit Salad

Seriously, this stuff rocks! Apples, whipped cream, Snickers, and a few other things make the best sweet mix ever!

Spare Ribs
Pork Chops
Pulled Pork

Pulled pork and BBQ sauce are heaven. But again (sorry), they're not common.

French Fries French fries are served hot, either soft or crispy, and are generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner or by themselves as a snack, and they commonly appear on the menus of fast food restaurants. Fries in America are generally salted and are often served with ketchup; in many countries they are topped... read more

French fries taste awesome with burgers. But like steak, they're not common.


Central Texas style is my favorite. Keep it simple: salt and pepper, low and slow. Wrap in butcher paper at the thermal stall. It's like butter.

Some of the items on this list aren't BBQ. This is truly an iconic Texas dish. It just needs salt, pepper, and 12+ hours of low and slow oak action.

If you're ever in Texas and you like meat!

Potato Salad
BBQ Chocolate Dips

This is the newest BBQ food item on the market, and it tastes fantastic. We had them at a BBQ recently, and the kids loved them. This product should be a definite must-have for any BBQ!

Smoked Meat
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