Top 10 Best Bubble Gum Brands

Bubble gum has been a go-to treat for generations, from the fun of blowing huge bubbles to the burst of flavor with every chew. But when it comes to picking the best bubble gum brands, opinions can vary as much as the flavors. Some people swear by the classic brands they grew up with, while others are drawn to the latest innovations in taste and texture.

This list brings together all the top bubble gum brands that have kept people chewing and popping over the years. Whether you're a fan of long-lasting flavors, prefer gum that's sugar-free, or are on the hunt for the soft, juicy kind that makes the best bubbles, you'll find something that fits your taste.
The Top Ten

Trident is an amazing brand of gum. My favorite flavors are the cinnamon and Fruity Twist. I also like the cherry and lime layered gum. It's sugar-free, and after an hour of chewing, your teeth and gums still don't hurt! I chew these amazing sticks throughout the day. I buy, like, I dunno, 4 packs at a time. If you want the best flavor of bubblegum that you will ever have, buy Trident.

I remember the taste of the Trident bubblegum. It's so strong and bursts with flavor. The flavor stays there for a few hours, which is a long time for a stick of gum.


Stride is so flavorful, and the flavor lasts, too. Stride Gum is amazing.

A nice long flavor with awesome types. To make it better, you could eat the wrapper. Best gum ever!

I hate Orbit because it lasts for two minutes, Trident is way too small, and Wrigley's does not have good flavors. Stride has all of these advantages.

Stride should always remain in first place. It has amazing flavor and lasts for a very long time.

Unfortunately, it's not available where I am from (India). I wish they had it here too. I can't believe you can eat the wrapper too.

5 Gum

I chew 5 gum during school every day of the week. It is not mainly to blow bubbles but to keep your mouth occupied (to help concentration) and feels like a more "professional" kind of gum. The gum lasts long, and I can keep one pack to last the entire week, even when friends are begging for it.

It doesn't HAVE to be #1 unless you like to chew gum just to chew gum, not to blow bubbles and snap it.

5 Gum is the best. It should be #1. It has many flavors and lasts the longest. They are still creating new flavors today. The packs look cool, the pieces are a good size, and people love the wrappers and use them for various things.

Everyone loves this kind. It should definitely be #1!


This gum is the BEST GUM EVER! Try it NOW! Extra has flavors that are new and yummy, and you would have never thought gum could taste so good. Like apple pie, strawberry shortcake, key lime pie, orange pop (I think it's the name), and some other types too!

Dessert Delights is the best! I would recommend this gum to EVERYONE! And it tastes just like the food (really, it does)! The flavor is so juicy and amazing! Best gum ever! (AND HUBBA BUBBA TOO)

The only downside of Extra is that the flavor doesn't last that long, but it's still good! And this is the ONLY downside! Just telling the truth.

Hubba Bubba Max

Good old Hubba Bubba...

I miss those days when nobody cared about sugars, and they had about 15 different flavors, if not more, such as Coca-Cola, Orange, Pineapple, Green Apple, Red Apple, Pink Cotton, Licorice, Salty Licorice, Lemon, Mint, Original flavor (duh, right?), and more!

I'm not a fan of all the tastes listed, but that is a part of all that where.

Hubba Bubba gum is the best! It is packed with flavor and is juicy like it's out of this world. To me, Hubba Bubba Gum is the best and always will be. One time I was chewing a piece of Triple Treat, and it was so good that my jaws were hurting for weeks!

Hubba Bubba is the best! It's #1.


Tastes great, has a good selection of flavors, and most importantly, the flavor lasts the longest. You get a good amount of gum for what you pay for.

Pretty much the only gum I buy, other than Wrigley's Big Red.

Orbit is amazing! It has long-lasting juicy flavor, and the sticks are bigger than Trident, although they cost the same!

Lasts the longest. I would know because I'm currently doing a science experiment on it.

It lasts longer than Stride, Wrigley's, and Trident.

Dubble Bubble

Dubble Bubble was the first bubble gum ever created (and the best!). I actually just did a paper on bubble gum, and honestly, all other bubble gums are copies. The classic pink color was a Dubble Bubble thing.

Plus, it has the biggest bubbles and lasts so long!

This was the very first bubble gum ever created by Walter Diemer. It wasn't meant to have the most flavor. It was meant to last the longest amount of time.

Because it's sugarless, the bubbles can be bigger and better! Haha, Stride!

Doesn't last long, but, dear God, it is delicious. There is something about this soft, sugar-filled, pink flavor cylinder that makes it more addictive than crack.

This should be in first place.


I've been eating it since I was a kid. I guess sometimes the flavor doesn't last.

Overall, I love this gum and all the quirks and qualities it has! Go Bazooka!

THIS SHOULD BE #1, NOT #15! The original Bazooka got discontinued a long time ago, but they make a fake kind of Bazooka.

I love any kind of Bazooka!

Every piece brings back childhood memories. My number one, with Dubble Bubble a close second for the same reason.

Ice Breakers Ice Cubes

This is my go-to gum. The flavor lasts a fair amount. I tend to lean toward wintergreen since it's not such an intense face punch of a flavor like peppermint. The newer flavors, raspberry and grape, are good, but you can't find the larger containers like you can with peppermint or wintergreen.

The texture is also interesting. There are flavor-bursting balls in it which add time to the gum.

I have tried the Ice Breakers Peppermint flavor. This is my favorite gum by far! When I first tried it, I loved the flavor and have stuck with it since. I love to blow bubbles, and I love the nice BIG white bubbles that this gum can produce, and the flavor lasts a LONG time too, plus it's good for your teeth! Very impressed with this gum! Goodbye, Hubba Bubba!

P.S. -- I have peeled a lot of popped bubbles off my face with this gum and take it from me, it's NO STICK!

Extra Desserts

Extra Desserts is amazing. I love it because someday they will make a coffee cake and strawberry gum. I love the sticks. When you take a bite, the stick ignites heaven that bursts with an explosion of flavor, leaving your mouth wanting another stick, and your hands reach for the pack of gum.

It's amazing. It's absolutely the best.

This gum is so good! The flavors are absolutely amazing. The flavor lasts an incredibly long time too.

Another plus is that it's only five calories. The Orange Dreamsicle one is awesome, and so is the Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

The Newcomers

? Doublemint

Good, but it gets very soft when chewed for too long.

? Bubble Tape

I love Bubble Tape. It is so good, and you can make bigger bubbles with it.

Really great gum, and it does make the biggest bubbles!

It is the most amazing gum in the universe!

The Contenders

It is WAY better than the ones that are so-called better than it. I LOVE Wrigley's, and I think that the people who voted for any other gum are crazy!

Wrigley's owns multiple smaller gum brands. They own Extra, Orbit, Juicy Fruit, Hubba Bubba, and 5 Gum.

To be honest with you, Wrigley's practically owns the gum industry.

This brand is, um, well, it's cool! I love the flavor and the scent of it. It lasts super long!

I always buy it, and you should too.

Bubble Yum

Forget all the ridiculous rumors and try this gum. You shouldn't be disappointed. I definitely recommend the original flavor, which happens to be very sweet, but buy the "sugarless" version if you want to skip severe cavities.

In my opinion, Bubble Yum totally failed with the cotton candy flavor. It's kinda dull. Been looking for the old watermelon flavor that seems to have disappeared recently.

This is the gum I use if I want to do some cool bubble tricks or if I simply want to have something yummy to taste.

Love it!

Big League Chew

I'm pretty sure Big League Chew isn't that popular because it's not in stores like CVS or grocery stores, so not that many people have tried it compared to brands like Stride or Trident. I like it the best because it's really soft and doesn't get hard after chewing it for a while, unlike other gum brands.

It also doesn't lose the tangy flavor you get when you first start chewing it, the way Trident Layers does. I also like how you can choose exactly how much you want because it's shredded.

Big League Chew is the best bubblegum ever! It was originally used by ballpark players to keep their mouths from being dry during the game. The sweet sensation of good bubblegum is hard to come by, so I go to Big League Chew.

So, I don't know what you're thinking if you decided you want to vote for some top brand that everybody else loves, try BIG LEAGUE CHEW. Yummy.

Mentos Gum

I love the way this gum keeps its flavor for ages and keeps your breath fresh as well. It also has different flavors too, so you have a selection to choose from.

I would definitely recommend this gum to anyone.

Who does not love it? Whoever doesn't is crazy. It is the only gum I chew. And it comes in fantastic flavors.

A mint and a piece of gum combined - it's like the new big thing! Wow!

It is very minty and fresh, but it lasts for only an hour or two. This is a good gum to try!

Hubba Bubba

How do people not like this gum? It is mind-blowing!

"Hubba Bubba Hubba Bubba," I'm in love with this brand!

Hubba Bubba is great for blowing bubbles!

Juicy Fruit

This is a wonderful gum that was made in 1893 and is still being bought around the world, so I call this a job well done.

Number 19? Juicy Fruit is great! Definitely not a flavor you would expect, but that makes the surprise better!

Really, it has a wonderful taste.


Tastes really good and makes your breath feel good. Not for everyone, though.

Why is Dentyne so far down here? It's the best!

Bubblicious Burst

Bubblicious Orange was, and still is, the best gum around. It was softer but didn't become too soft when chewed.

The flavor was pretty intense but lasted about as long as its competitors like Bubble Yum and Hubba Bubba.

Bubblicious is so wow! It tastes incredible! It can blow the biggest bubbles and lasts a long time without running out of flavor.

It comes in both large and small packs!

Bubblicious sour apple is the best gum flavor I have ever tried. I have chewed every kind of gum.

Cry Baby

I don't understand why it is so low down in the chart. No joke, I paid 20 dollars for a HUGE jug of it.

Try it, just try it.

I love this gum because it gives you a punch of sour, then it becomes sweet.


I love how they put two flavors in one pack, so you can mix it up or combine them to make one big flavorful piece of gum!

I LOVE this. It has long-lasting flavor and is more flavorful than most, but their brand name is cheesy.

It's amazing. The gum is delicious, and the idea of having the choice up to you is just fabulous.

Much love.

Big Babol

Really fruit-flavored instead of sugary, and the flavor is long-lasting.

Hubba Bubba Ouch

It's great. Not a big piece like Bubble Yum, and it looks like a piece of chewing gum. It is extremely sour!

Skittles Gum
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