Tetrahedron's Top Ten Favorite MegaMan Zero Characters

A list to show off my favorite MegaMan Zero characters I admire and like.
The Top Ten
Fighting Fefnir

If you asked me what my favorite member of the Four Guardians in the MMZ series was long ago, it would still have been Fighting Fefnir. The only difference is that now, I like him as my favorite MMZ character instead of just my favorite Guardian.

What's not to like about the coolest Guardian, who's awesome, down-to-earth, and loves a good battle? Not to mention, I really love his hand cannons!

Omega Zero

Before 2020 (which was when I first became a Brony), I really had a thing for Omega Zero and literally loved him a lot! I could tell, since I drew him a lot in the past. I just honestly love sadistic characters, and boy oh boy is Omega sadistic! He wouldn't hesitate to threaten to slice you up in a moment or kill you in mere seconds.

I also love how he's the original body of Zero, and I personally find the O-Saber cooler than the Z-Saber, especially the reddish-pinkish color! Overall, I still like Omega Zero a lot out of all the MMZ characters to this day.

Copy X

Another case of a character that follows a corrupt moral path, just like Omega Zero. I've recently started to appreciate Copy X more than before! The leader of Neo-Arcadia and the Four Guardians (Fighting Fefnir, Sage Harpuia, Fairy Leviathan, and Hidden Phantom) is arguably one of the most corrupt since he didn't undergo the several years of moral testing that the original X went through. That's why I personally like Copy X a lot, especially with his hatred for all other Reploids, but his soft side for the humans!

I wouldn't lie, I would want to become close to Copy X if I were with him, after all, I am human.


Despite my liking for the evil and sadistic characters more, I still admire Zero and how he kept fighting for a better future for all Reploids and humans. He was willing to do anything, whether it be dealing with the threats himself (which takes a lot of guts!) or putting himself in more danger to try and ensure the safety of everyone.


I always felt bad for Elpizo when he changed mentally after his troops were, y'know, literally murdered, and he had to retreat back to the resistance base. I feel bad for him. Elpizo is one of those characters who just deserves a big hug, honestly!


Ciel is a sensitive character you can't help but feel bad for. She usually just stays in the resistance base where it's safe and has to send Zero off to stop the threats many times. Not to mention, she always feels insecure afterward and hopes Zero will be okay and will come back in one piece. You find out in MMZ4 that she possibly had feelings for Zero.

After knowing that, I see Ciel in a different way now, instead of neutrally. She reminds us that it's okay to be a sensitive person. We all have emotions and insecurities, but that's what makes us human, since we aren't perfect. And whenever we're with friends and loved ones, they bring out the best in us.

Sage Harpuia

Sage Harpuia is the leader of the Four Guardians. I never really looked at him interestingly, much like Ciel, but there are some things I do like about him. For one, he has the spirit of a true leader and always wants the best for his fellow Guardians.

Much like the others, he is also loyal (although only to Copy X), which is another good trait. Not to mention, Sage Harpuia can fly! I've always loved characters that can fly!

Hidden Phantom

I never really ended up liking ninja-like characters much, but Hidden Phantom is one of the few that I do like. Just like the other Guardians, he is loyal to Copy X, but more so than the others! His attacks are also pretty cool, especially when he flies or hovers on a ninja star he throws out.

I'd say that he has a deep and complex personality, much like ninjas in general.

Fairy Leviathan

I had to choose someone to put in the semi-final spot of my list, so I chose Fairy Leviathan. I guess I could say I like her ice attacks, especially the ice serpent attack (which I hate as one of Leganchor's attacks in MMZX because of how annoying it is). The weapon she wields is also pretty cool!

Cubit Foxtar (Mega Man Zero 3)

I didn't really know who to put last on my list, so I chose a random Mutos Reploid, one of the bosses from the MMZ games, MMZ3 specifically: Cubit Foxtar. Out of all the Mutos Reploids in the Zero games, Cubit Foxtar is always memorable for me!

Not to mention, his level takes place in a factory... which, if you all know me well, reminds me of a certain grimdark fic from the MLP fandom that I'm obsessed with.