Top 10 Best Brawlers in Brawl Stars

Which of the Brawlers in Brawl stars do you think is the best?
The Top Ten

Tara's ability is the only thing that keeps her at all useful right now. She has low health and low DPH (damage per hit). Plus, as a midrange brawler, she's stuck competing with classes like Leon and Pam whose DPS (damage per second) are simply insane. Of course, if she lands all her shots, she can do some incredible damage, but that requires her to get close, something that can be risky with her health and lack of speed.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have strengths. She does have a decent amount of range, allowing her to farm out the health of other classes if necessary. She has piercing on her shots, allowing her to compete against other classes for chests, so they can't get close without taking a decent amount of damage first (unless they're Penny, then just back off).

And of course, she has her ability. Although her ability can be used at any range, it is preferable to be used at close range so that you can get in and do some quick DPS, maybe even reload your ability. Her ability stuns the opponent while pulling them into a certain spot where they take damage. However, until her ability loads, her stats make her vulnerable, making her only really viable for places where there are others who can protect her.


The way each of his attacks spirals out with more is super cool. His super is basically Lou's, just way better. It makes the opponents super slow, and if they stay on the spiky circle, they'll die.

He is the best damage dealer ever! The problem is that his movement speed is normal and he has low health. Also, he can even hit enemies behind a short wall with his attack and Curve Ball star power!

Spike has a curveball ability that makes his spikes hit enemies more effectively. His super slows down enemies, giving him a chance to eliminate them.


Good in team games, where you can quietly aid your teammates from the bushes. I've made plenty of quick saves with Poco that have led the team to victory.

The only downsides are that you have to stay away from the other team's attackers. Otherwise, you'll most likely die. Additionally, attacking to power up your super to heal your team is risky because Poco's attack isn't that strong.

He has a lot of healing. Both star powers are good. Tuning Fork can come in clutch.

He does splash damage with his attack, and the super is so cracked, my guy.


This is my baby. I only recently started playing, so I don't have him yet (only at maybe about 1350 trophies so far). But I think he is really cute with that tiny little mouth and those big eyes. I have seen him in battles and I have tried him out myself in the training mode.

I'd say he is definitely one of the most powerful characters, in my opinion, as it's very easy to get your super. His range is similar to Colt's, but maybe a little shorter. And don't get me started on his super. When he puts that little booster down, he is practically unstoppable. And what's even better is that allies can use it as well.

I also really like his winning and losing animations, especially his losing animation as he is trying to press the continue button on himself but it fails, so he just dies. Plus, he's also got some awesome skins, my favorite being, of course, the virus one. I'm pretty sure that virus 8-Bit is one of the few characters to have a custom voice, and let me just tell you that his voice lines are probably better than his normal ones. Overall, he's just a very good character and probably my favorite overall.


Crow is incredibly powerful. He may have low damage per shot, but because his shots stop enemies from healing, he can easily hunt down individual targets. Additionally, he has increased movement speed and a relatively short load time for shots, allowing him to dodge while landing a lot of damage.

His ultra allows you to escape when you are trapped. It can also be used as a finisher or simply a way to land a bit of extra damage. However, his lack of health can quickly become a weakness, especially if you forget to clear bushes, as most melees can two, if not one-shot him at point blank.


You can layer on some good damage with his bullets and practically kill an opponent with the super. He is one of my mains, and I'm pretty decent with him. Plus, his range is pretty long too.

For Heist, as Colt's a sharpshooter, he can easily attack the safe from afar. Plus, in my opinion, sharpshooters are the best!

His aiming can be a pain if you're a pleb. If not, then he's a beast. His damage is pretty flipping good.


His attack is really good, especially close up. The only problem I have with him is that his health kind of sucks, so Shelly could easily beat Leon close up. The reason I would give him no. 1 is because if you have him above 4k health, his weakness to things like Rosa's sneak attack actually gives you a chance. Also, his super is great to sneak up on things like Colt, Rico, and especially Piper. She is helpless in that state.

Overall, I would give his attack an 8/10 because of the super, and health/defense a 7/10 because his invisibility lets him get out of sticky situations and can survive a Piper's shot. By the way, he and Sandy are a deadly combo, especially in Feast or Famine because of double invisibility. Leon can kill anyone coming to the middle power boxes while Sandy farms them. The reason I chose Sandy, even though her attack is roughly only 1000, is because Sandy's attack penetrates through the boxes, causing her to hit all the boxes at the same time.


Once you unlock her star power, she is just OP. Her damage is pretty good, but overall, her health is insane with the star power.

Pam could be both a support and a tank. The healing station heals allies, preventing them from dying.

People usually don't use her healing station right, but if you do, it will be overpowered.


I will now give an overall review of the Bull brawler. I like that there are lots of gaming strategies to use with him, so that is a 3/10. I also love close-range brawlers, so that is also 3/10. Of course, I love his super, star power, and gadgets, so my overall review is 10/10.

Bull is only good if you are in a map with bushes to hide in and wait for people to get close, or in a small map with fewer walls. Bull is also great with close-range maps because he does way more damage.

So much damage and health. A 6000 health Bull can easily beat any character with 8000 health, unless somehow Barley gets that high (Barley does way too much damage at that point)!


2100+ damage. Peep can have infinite range, too! Nani's super, or Peep, is good for Siege because you can attack the Siege IKE assembly turret, and Peep can't ever get harmed.

Nani has the most unique and weird attack in the game, which is surprisingly good at the right distance.

Great brawler. Peep is overpowered while Nani's attack does way too much damage.

The Newcomers

? Chester

I got to rank 12 with power 1 Chester!

? Grom

He can throw balls that deal a lot of damage at a good range. His super is the same but with more damage and more range.

Deserves to be higher, by the way. First comment!

The Contenders

My other baby. This guy I actually have, and he is just as cute as 8-Bit. I like that while his range is pretty similar to Colt's, he can fire his shots so they bounce back off walls, allowing him to hit multiple opponents. And with the super, you can do even more damage in the same way.

He's also got some pretty cool skins, along with that new Firefly skin which is going to be available soon. And he's just really cute with his lines and whatnot, so he and Nani are probably my two most-used characters.

He's like Colt but with a much better skin, more damage, and awesome ricochet bullets. The only thing about him weaker than Colt is his HP, but if you upgrade him enough, it won't matter. He isn't number 1, but should be in at least the top 12.

El Primo

Just combine him with Poco or Colt or Shelly, and it will be the deadliest combination ever.

Seriously, this guy is a beast! I don't know why he's not at the top of the list.

Good as a gem collector. He just flies from one side of the map to the other.


Darryl is a very OP brawler. His super allows him to escape sticky situations, and he can hide in bushes and pounce out when an enemy comes near. He is great in Brawl Ball because he can shoot the ball and then use his super to catch up to it.

He is mostly just good if you know how to use him. His attack is just like Bull's but faster, so it deals way more damage.

He is very great for close range. In Brawl Ball, he can instantly shoot the ball and use his super to catch up with it. His super can also be used to close long distances from sharpshooters and does excellent burst damage in one shot (it's really two shots but one bar).


Rosa has lots of damage and health and attacks fast. I got 38 gems with her.

Oh, and I recommend using many brawlers as it increases the chance of getting a new brawler.

Definitely worth getting. Lots of defense, pretty decent attack too.


Mortis can be unfair if you're skilled. Cough Kit mains, you are not skilled. But Mortis can be broken in the right hands and can team wipe.

Mortis, after the release of his newest Power 10 ability, may be back on top! Without Power 10, Mortis is lacking - not necessarily a bad choice but not a very good choice either.

He can pick up gems well, kill throwers in Bounty and Siege, and survive Brawl Ball. However, he is relatively weak for a melee brawler, and his lack of health or range can be restrictive. His new Power 10 ability allows him to bypass this restriction and once more be an almighty mythic.


She is another one of those really good characters. Her main attack is very similar to Nita's, except maybe a bit longer. Her super is also pretty good, as she can have her turret handle one enemy while she takes on another.

The only thing I don't like is the way she is cuddling that gun in her winning animation. It concerns me.

God, in my opinion. Just shoot at a crowd and boom.


Okay, this kid is OP. I mean, his range is pretty awesome. His super stuns people so he can just hit them again and again until they die. Has anyone seen his health?

How is it so high all the time? I have a Power 5 Frank, and his health bar shows 8500. Sadly, this suggests that maybe he'll be nerfed. Maybe not, though, since he has to pause to perform his attacks, giving his opponents plenty of time to strike.

Personally, my favorite brawler does a lot of damage, especially when you upgrade him. He's a beast at Brawl Ball if you know how to use him, and his super freezes opponents for like 2 seconds. He is the best.


If you are hiding in a bush and someone approaches, they're as good as dead.

Best brawler, especially with her star power.

Her star power, Band-Aid, is OP. If Shelly's HP is lower than 40%, she will heal up to full HP.


Nita is the best brawler I have ever used. First, I will rate the attack on a scale of 1 to 10, then the super, and lastly, the skins and skills needed for playing it.

Nita is a really good brawler for Gem Grab. She can grab as many gems and distract the others with the Big Baby Bear. The bear overall is really overpowered, sort of like another brawler overall that you don't have to worry about. While the bear is attacking someone, Nita can run away from them if her health is low, or help the bear fight the person if her health is high. Nita is really well-balanced.

The only person who could really beat her in Gem Grab badly is Barley, who I also commented on. Overall, the attack is actually sort of mediocre. The bullets don't last long, but they recharge at a steady rate. I would give it a 4/10. But it all pays off when Nita can summon Big Baby Bear, which usually happens at a quick rate. The super is good, especially when paired up with the power-ups (after power 9). I would rate the super 10/10. It can help you fight enemies and escape from them. It's a versatile super and one of the only brawlers with a versatile super.

Overall, for health, I give her 4/10. It is really not a lot, and you can die easily if you are not experienced. Otherwise, it is perfect and suitable.

Is it a good starter? Well, it is mediocre. But you have to keep persisting with it, and all the work will pay off once you've mastered it and maxed it out. If you spend effort on it, it will be the best brawler. The skins I give 10/10. They are really cute, all of them, and I like how you can get your pet customized too.

My overall score for this brawler is 7/10. The beginner road is sort of bumpy, but it is a good brawler overall. I therefore call it worthy of a vote because it is more than 5/10.



Barley's normal attacks are really good since they lob and leave a pool of poison. Aw man, don't even get me started on how OP the special can be. Its range is so large. It's super useful in any game mode. Its damage just bulldozes any other character!

I feel like I should use this guy more often. He's one of the few characters that can lob over walls, and he's pretty annoying when I battle him. I'm just not good with his range, that's all.

Best for Heist because people can chase you, and all you have to do is run while still attacking the enemy safe.


Brock with his new gadget is so OP! He can shoot through walls, plus he can literally counter some tanks with his long range.

He is my main, and I got him to max rank. He is so cool to me, and I like wrecking teams with his super.

After they buffed him, his super has been awesome.


I think Sandy should be higher up on the list because his invisibility sandstorm gadget is overpowered when in head-to-head combat. Also, his attacks deal quite a lot of damage - 920 at Power Level 1!

Sandy can make his allies invisible for a period of time, which is great to escape risky situations.

As they always do with a new brawler, she's too overpowered.


New brawler. Shoots a single shot that explodes into a shotgun blast after traveling a certain distance. His super pulls a brawler close to him, doing damage as well. His star power allows teammates to heal health within a certain range of him.

His attack is great because, if not hit, it turns into little bullets. His super can grab enemies (like Bulls) and kill them, or for the derpy Genes out there, die. He can pull an enemy from the goal to him, which is great for Brawl Ball.

His regular attack is a long-range shot that explodes forward in a similar way to Penny's attack but doesn't need to hit an enemy to explode.

Mr. P

Mr. P should be in 1st place. He has long range, can attack through walls, and he has the highest HP of all long-range brawlers. His super, which is super annoying, tanks for him and his teammates a lot. His "Handle with Care" star power can increase his range significantly.

Ok, this is the best brawler hands down, no exceptions. Turn off your device!


How is "very good" the only comment on Bea's page? Do any of you even play Brawl Stars?!

She is definitely one of the best brawlers in the game, alongside Darryl and Crow. Her supercharged shot deals too much damage to handle. If a Darryl, Rosa, or any other tank approaches, she can demolish them!

Sure, she has low health, but if you keep your distance and level her up, that shouldn't be a problem. Bea is definitely underrated in this poll.

Bea does incredible damage on her second shot. You need to spam her first shot in bushes and save her second shot.

Her super can give her time to run away when needed.

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