Top 10 Pokemon that Most Need to Be Remade

There have been over a thousand Pokémon created, and certain Pokémon are everywhere. Some of them are either so strong or so weak that they need to be remade into better Pokémon.

Others need to be remade because their designs are considered unattractive. This list can also include Mega Evolutions.
The Top Ten
Pikachu Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ) are a species of Pokémon, fictional creatures that appear in an assortment of video games, animated television shows and movies, trading card games, and comic books licensed by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese corporation. A mascot of the Pokemon franchise, it's... read more

Pikachu, one of the most famous Pokémon in the game. Just go up to a random person and say, "Do you know any Pokémon?" and I guarantee they'll say "Pikachu" even if they don't know Pokémon. Pikachu in the anime is so powerful that it tied with a Latios!

But looking at Pikachu's stats and its overall looks, it's cute but it doesn't look strong enough and isn't strong enough, especially considering Pikachu is one of the most famous Pokémon ever! Pikachu needs to be remade into a stronger Pokémon in the anime and competitive battling, especially in its looks.

Ditto Ditto, known in Japan as Metamon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Yeah, just a pink blob with microscopic eyes and a thin smile is just stupid. It looks like it has been rushed with no effort at all! Ditto is also a great Pokémon, with the ability to turn into any Pokémon, copying their moves, stats, etc., and the ability to breed with any Pokémon definitely makes it a great Pokémon. But just a pink blob? Come on, Game Freak, you can do better than this!

Unown Unown is a Psychic type Pokémon from the Johto region, taking on the form of letters and punctuation. It is often considered the weakest Pokémon, with low stats and access to only one move, Hidden Power (which can be learnt by nearly every Pokémon anyway)

Okay, some random Pokémon with random letters doesn't look good and needs to be buffed. The only move these guys learn is Hidden Power, which sucks. Its stats also aren't good, and its looks really need to be improved. At least give it something that catches someone's eye, don't just make it black.

I mean, Unown is literally unattractive. How is it so overpowered in the anime though? In a Pokémon movie, a large group of them made a little girl's wishes come true, which is insane. In conclusion, Unown really needs to be remade into something better.

Diglett Diglett, known in Japan as Digda, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Okay, let me get this straight, just a head popping out of the ground with a little pink nose and thin eyes is just stupid. The Gen 7 form does not help either. Just adding three mini pieces of golden hair onto Diglett seems pretty lazy. Compare Alolan Diglett with normal Diglett, there is literally no difference.

Diglett needs a remake in its looks. Make it cuter or bulkier, I do not care, but just make Diglett look like it has had a standard amount of effort put into it!

Metapod Metapod, known in Japan as Transel, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Wonder why I'm not including Kakuna here? Because Kakuna actually looks cool! On the contrary, Metapod is just some kind of curved shell with half-opened eyes on the sides of it. The only move it has is Harden, which is so annoying in the games since you're likely to encounter them early in the game when the only damaging moves your starter has are Pound, Scratch, or Tackle, which are all physical moves. Harden raises Metapod's defense stats. It takes about five minutes to defeat Metapod. I'm sure some of you have faced this problem before.

Now, onto why Metapod needs a remake. Metapod looks very ugly, and the only move it has is Harden. Metapod's looks need to improve, and it needs to have more moves so people don't have to go through the Metapod troll ever again!

Feebas Feebas, known in Japan as Hinbass, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Magikarp isn't on here since Magikarp's evolution is awesome, and most people love Magikarp, so I don't want more haters. Feebas really needs a remake since it looks so bad with brown on it, and what's worse is that it actually has a frown on its lips. Feebas somehow evolves into a beautiful Pokémon, but does it make sense that something really ugly evolves into something very beautiful? That kind of defies logic.

Additionally, its shiny form does not make Feebas any better, and it is so rare! That's defying logic twice now: something very ugly is very rare? My point is to make Feebas more of a beautiful fish instead of something so ugly.


Wobbuffet is also well known since it is on Team Rocket, saying WOBBUFFET! every once in a while. Some people think this is annoying, while others (especially kids) think it's funny.

Wobbuffet really needs to be remade because it has a ridiculously small movepool containing no offensive moves. The only moves Wobbuffet has that are actually useful are Destiny Bond, Counter, and Magic Coat. Wobbuffet even fails to counter or magic coat other moves commonly in the anime. Adding to that, its stats literally suck!

Why put a useless Pokémon in the anime that only makes young kids laugh? Especially on one of the most well-known character's teams, Jessie's team?

Meowth Meowth, known in Japan as Nyarth, is a Normal-type Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. Designed by Ken Sugimori, it was first introduced in the Pokemon Red and Blue, and is also known as the mascot of Team Rocket in the anime. At level 28, it evolves into Persian... read more

The talking Meowth is also one of the most well-known characters in the anime. Meowth is intelligent and can actually speak, but what does it do in battle? It hasn't even evolved yet, and it has traveled with Team Rocket in every region! Of course, that would happen because it has no experience in battles.

Meowth literally gets smashed every time it battles an opponent. The only moves it knows are Fury Swipes and Scratch, which don't do much but put little scars on your body and are usually dodged as well.

Meowth needs a remake. It doesn't look that great either. I'd really appreciate it if Meowth actually got more useful moves in the anime and had a chance in battling others (especially Pikachu) because it is really sad watching Meowth fail every time it tries to battle something.

I know Meowth got a new form in Gen 7, but just turning Meowth's skin gray and making it sassy seems a little lazy to me.


Wishiwashi's school form and solo form both need a remake, here's why. Wishiwashi Solo Form looks very sad for some reason, even sadder than Feebas. I don't get why. Wishiwashi Solo Form's stats are also rubbish, making it one of the weakest Pokémon in existence.

Wishiwashi School Form doesn't make it any better since Wishiwashi School Form looks like a gigantic monster, and its face is just so ugly. Even though its stats are decent, it loses hope when it doesn't have much HP left, so hardly anyone uses Wishiwashi. My request is to make both of Wishiwashi's forms look better and buff Wishiwashi a little bit.

Cosmog Cosmog is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. The most iconic appearance of Cosmog in the Pokémon franchise is the one owned by Lillie from Pokémon Sun and Moon, nicknamed Nebby.

Cosmog is the first evolution of the two legendary Pokémon in Sun and Moon, and in my opinion, it does not look great enough. I mean, look at that face! The most important thing is, Cosmog only learns two moves: Splash and Teleport. GAME FREAK! It is the first evolution of two of the most powerful Pokémon, and you just gave it Splash and Teleport?

Then how come Cosmog did this powerful boom thing in the Pokémon Sun and Moon games right at the start? It even exploded a bridge! Cosmoem is even worse. Cosmoem has decent Defense and Special Defense stats, but the only moves it learns are Splash, Teleport, and Cosmic Power. Its look is pretty stupid as well, just a golden eye.

My request is to make Cosmog and Cosmoem a bit better with more moves and better looks.

The Newcomers

? Bruxish
? Mimikyu Mimikyu is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It is a Ghost and Fairy type whose ability, disguise, allows it to take one hit without taking damage
The Contenders
Deoxys Deoxys, known in Japan as the same name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Klefki Klefki is a dual-type Steel/Fairy Pokémon introduced in the Pokémon franchise's sixth generation. It is known for its unique design, resembling a set of keys. Klefki's ability to collect keys and small objects adds a playful element to its character. Its Steel and Fairy typing makes it effective against... read more
Garbodor Garbodor, known in Japan as Dustdas, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise introduced in Generation V. It is categorized as the Trash Heap Pokémon.
Lillipup Lillipup, known in Japan as Yorterrie, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Carbink Carbink the Jewel Pokémon, number 703 and known in Japan as Melecie, is a creature in the Japan role playing game Pokémon.
Magikarp Magikarp, known in Japan as Koiking, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise. It resembles an orange fish with whiskers. It was created by Ken Sugimori, Magikarp first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. It is a water type that evolves... read more
Muk Muk, known in Japan as Betbeton, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Hydreigon Hydreigon, known in Japan as Sazandora, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Uxie Uxie, known in Japan as Yuxie, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Foongus Foongus, known in Japan as Tamagetake, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
Torterra Torterra, known in Japan as Dodaitose, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
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