Best Demon's Souls Bosses

While the bosses in Demon's Souls aren't necessarily as good as later games due to the clunkiness of the game. The ideas of some of the bosses can be described as nothing short of amazing.
The Top Ten
False/Old King Allant

As what was hyped up to be the hardest boss in the game, disappointed doesn't even cover how I felt when I beat this guy on my first try. I was looking forward to struggling against him for ages in a true test of skill, and then he was beaten easily.

Despite this, the boss itself is very complex compared to most of the other fights in the game, and one of only two fights that I classify as aggressive in this game (the other one being the False King).

Maiden Astraea & Garl Vinland

Just like with Sif, the main reason this boss is great is due to its emotional impact. By this point in the game, you have most likely killed nearly all the demons. To have this person kill herself and make you question whether it was the right thing to do leaves a feeling of deep sadness and insecurity that won't go away for the rest of the game.


Imagine the Bell Gargoyles from DS1. Now, imagine that without the summons, on a more precarious arena, and the gargoyles being scaled for the endgame. This increased difficulty is why the Maneaters are such a good boss, as I always found the Gargoyles too easy. To have this boss in Demon's Souls was an extremely nice surprise.


As one of the only humanoid bosses in the game, the Penetrator really shows how far the series has come from its early days. While he isn't a particularly unique foe to face in a Souls game, as the template for all the humanoid bosses later in the series, he is great.

Tower Knight

If intimidation alone were the only thing counted on this list, this boss would easily be in the top three, at least. It's quite unfortunate that this boss is so easy, but what else should you expect for the intended second boss in the game?

As a learning tool, essentially saying that large enemies are always the easier ones, this boss is very important to the flow of the game.

The arena is great. You have multiple ways to defeat the boss, and the boss looks so cool. It's very well designed as it's semi-aggressive (like Vanguard) and semi-puzzle (like Phalanx).

Old Hero

When I first fought this guy, I thought it was a strange fight. He would attack randomly when I was nowhere near him, wander around aimlessly when not engaged, and ignore me completely until I ran or attacked him. Then it hit me - the boss is blind.

While the boss isn't very difficult, it is a completely different fight when you try to use the fact that he's blind to kill him quickly. It's one of the most unique in the series for that reason.

Storm King

When I first fought this boss, I was outraged. I thought the game was forcing me to get a bow and kill it that way, which went against my mentality of beating the Souls games using only melee.

After exploring and finding the Storm Ruler, I suddenly felt a rush of power as I destroyed the Storm King. The beauty of the boss, combined with the feeling of invincibility, is why I love this boss.

Fool's Idol

This boss can simply be described as Pinwheel done right. The whole thing with the clones and attacking with magic spells is constant. The difference is that the Fool's Idol has a normal amount of health, so you can't kill it in a combo.

The magical attacks sent out by the boss are also quite devastating if you are hit.

The Newcomers

? Dirty Colossus
? Vangard
The Contenders
Old Monk

This would be one of my favorite bosses if the online play for Demon's Souls weren't laggy and didn't have what feels like a grand total of two people playing. The concept of a PvP boss is awesome, as it means that people who don't normally play PvP get a chance to experience it. People who frequently play PvP have a way of doing it too.

Unfortunately, because of the bad online play this game has these days, the boss is never anything more than an NPC that is honestly easier than certain normal enemies.

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