Top Ten Goriest Video Games

The Top Ten

Slightly less gory than the second game but still not for kids. If this game were a movie, it would be rated R for strong bloody violence and language throughout. Not for kids. Absolutely hate this game.

Nothing is as violent and brutal as this game! Still hoping for the day Rockstar releases a 1080p fresh Manhunt 3...

It is nasty, disgusting, brutal, sadistic, and much more. It should not even exist because of the violence.

Mortal Kombat (2011)

This game is WAY gorier than Manhunt 2 and Gears of War.

Rip someone's spine out, rip their head and heart out and swap them. Dismemberment, blood, you can see their organs and bones when doing X-Ray moves. What makes it gorier is the graphics.

Manhunt may have been violent, but the graphics were horrible (even for the time) and there wasn't much dismemberment. Yep, this is the goriest game of all time.

It is the no. 1 goriest game in the world, as the sequels (i.e., Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat 11) are way gorier than this game. But this game is more violent, especially due to the realistic graphics.

Worse, Fatalities are gorier than ever compared to previous games. It even tops Manhunt and GTA games and has very scary scenes, far worse than any horror movie. I absolutely hate this game.

Gears of War

Insanely gory. When you chainsaw an enemy, blood splatters all over the screen! And when you die, your character drops like a ragdoll covered in blood. In GoW 2, you have to kill a worm from the inside by cutting its heart out. If you fail, you drown in worm blood!

More gruesome than Manhunt.

I also believe MadWorld and Splatterhouse (2010) are very gory. However, MadWorld and Splatterhouse (2010) both passed in Australia with an MA15+ rating, but both were banned in Germany.

You fight against Locusts, and you have every kind of weapon, even a boomer shot after you kill a Boomer.

Dead Rising

Dead Rising is the goriest game of all time.

Don't believe me? You can jam a showerhead into a zombie's skull. The showerhead then somehow turns on and rains blood out of the zombie's head. Not to mention that you can clip off zombie limbs with hedge clippers, cut them in half with a katana, run over them with a lawnmower, and finally jam an excavator in their stomach and...

Oh, sorry, I made you turn green. I'll stop now.

Try using a katana to kill zombies. It's damn bloody and gory. Also, anyone remember the disturbing death of Adam the psychotic clown?

Mortal Kombat

Let's face it, if it weren't for Mortal Kombat, a LOT of M-rated games that we have today wouldn't exist. It and its sequel are rated M for realistic graphic violence and gore. One fatality has Scorpion punching someone's head off with blood shown.

FINISH HIM! If you know the code, you will witness the bloodiest ways to kill a man, ever.

This game became super popular thanks to its gore, brutal finishers, and fights. MK should be no. 1.

Resident Evil 4

This game is so gory. I cannot stop playing it.

Postal 2

How is this not number one? You can urinate on people, literally take their head apart with chunks of skull, brain, and eyeballs. You can burn them alive, take out their organs, and much more!

It's the bizarre violence and animal cruelty that really get me with this game. It's banned in Australia. Whoever made this is probably a sick, twisted, sadistic person. Enough said.

Left 4 Dead

I think it is Left 4 Dead. All the zombies have a lot of blood. Boom boom boom eh eh eh heh heheh.


At every corner, you are about to see blood. It was my first "dark, scary" game, and I think that's a good beginning. I just love it. It's an insane game, and it is very, very good. The graphics are amazing if you play it on max settings, the story was wonderful, and the gameplay was purely awesome.

The amount of blood is insane. Way more than necessary. It almost took me out of the game.


This just came out, but it is now the goriest game ever.

Added to the fact that while you impale thugs' heads with signposts, two raunchy commentators are making jokes in the background. This game has no heart, and for the better.

The Newcomers

? Doom 4

Is there really any competition? I don't even have to explain this.

? Age of Chivalry

The gibs are absolutely disgusting.

The Contenders
Dead Space

I've played this game and the second one, and both of them are gory and gruesome as hell. I played this with one of my friends, and he kept cringing when someone died.

People who didn't vote for this obviously never played it in the dark. GoW is bloody, but this game is just insane.

Insane. Just watch the parts fly.

Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
God of War 2
Corpse Party

Just because it's not a 3D game doesn't make it less gory. Characters are dissected, dragged across the floor, and turned into a pile of guts (with another character taking pictures of the aftermath!). There is suicide. It's an amazing game but definitely gory.

God of War

You can pull out a cyclops' eye and rip off some dude's head! It includes blood, dismemberment, and much more nasty bits!

BloodRayne 2
Call of Duty: World at War

One of the darkest games I've ever played. You can shoot off people's heads, legs, and arms. Plus, when you shoot their chest, their ribs show! The game had a great soundtrack and sad deaths (Chernov). This game truly captures what the soldiers experienced in every kind of war.

Heads falling off along with limbs and the most bloody game mode I've ever seen: "zombies."

A shotgun blast to the stomach cuts a Nazi in half. Need I say more?

Manhunt 2

If you have played the AO uncensored PC version of the game, you will know why!

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Unreal Tournament III
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
The Torture Game
Itchy & Scratchy
The Punisher

O__O I have no words to describe how gory this is! Who even made this game?!

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