Best Super Nintendo Games

The fact that a system with 16-bit graphics still, to this day, boasts some of the best games in many of Nintendo's most popular series is amazing. Although I didn't play Super Metroid or A Link to the Past until years later, I played my fair share of the SNES's greatest hits like Donkey Kong Country 2, Mega Man X, Final Fantasy II (really IV), Super Castlevania IV, and Street Fighter all back when I was growing up. None of these games, however, left the same impression that Super Mario World did.
To be a launch title that not only remained one of the best titles on its system throughout its lifetime but also topped its predecessor, which was considered one of the best video games at the time (Mario Bros 3), was unprecedented. Take into account that this game is still considered by many to be one of the best in the series, as well as one of the best games of all time, and you have a game with feats that few other games can ever compare to. The only other game that comes to mind is one of its successors, Super Mario 64.

I love this game! It has good gameplay and a lot of secrets. It took me two years to find the Spring Ball. I loved fighting Mother Brain, but it killed the big Metroid that also appeared in Metroid II: Return of Samus (if that's what it's called). This is my favorite SNES game of all time! I even accidentally skipped the Plasma Beam and tried to fight Ridley. I couldn't defeat him and I got really frustrated. I started playing it all over again.
Well, this game is a masterpiece. The exploration, the gameplay, the soundtrack, and the controls are all perfect. Huge detailed bosses, a high variety of enemies, and lots of secrets! The difficulty is just right. Not so hard, not too easy. Everyone who is a little bit experienced with platformers can play it. Great game, fun to play and explore. For me, it's the best SNES game, closely followed by A Link to the Past.

How is this not #1? While Super Mario World and Super Metroid are absolutely brilliant games, and some of the best in their franchises, they're simply second to A Link to the Past. The dungeons are great, especially Skull Woods. The bosses are fantastic, and the music is superb. It all feels right.
Best-rated SNES game, best 2D Zelda game! This game had many other items to make the game much easier, and it's a huge improvement over the first two NES Zelda games!
Simply fantastic. This is the game I've played through the most times, and it never gets dull. They just got everything right with this one.

Chrono Trigger is an amazing RPG with dual tech, time travel, and a great storyline. It's also based on the Bible, which is really cool! And it has more than ten endings, adding so much replayability. If you have never witnessed this masterpiece, I would highly recommend it to any player, fan of RPGs or not. Try it. It's a true masterpiece. Also, Earthbound is a true masterpiece, but this barely beats it by a bit.
A masterpiece with an amazing story, characters with real personality, and great gameplay mechanics, along with a good helping of time travel. In short, absolutely brilliant.

Absolutely love this cute game. The levels often get me thinking, and the emphasis it has on finding collectibles keeps me coming back. It's such a sad feeling to find there's nothing more to do in a game after finishing the final level, but I never have to worry about that with Yoshi's Island! There are even tough bonus stages to unlock as well if you're up for a challenge.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is a classic masterpiece with awesome music and interesting graphics. The boss battles are epic, and let's not forget the good amount of Super Mario Bros. 2 (American version) references, such as the Shy Guys, the slot machine bonus game, etc. Pick this game up if you can find it for your SNES/GBA!

Not the most complex RPG game, but definitely one of the most fun. It's a great idea to take Mario characters and put them into an RPG.
It's quite the classic, with all sorts of things to do. It brings back so many fun memories until I beat the game.
This should be at least top 5.
I'm surprised that Mallow and Geno weren't major characters after this game.

Being the only classic JRPG set in America in the 1990s, Earthbound has the kind of charm that very few, if any, games before or since have managed to create. This parody of American life is all the more endearing due to fantastic, well-fleshed-out characters and writing that is heartfelt and hilarious. You can tell that the developers had an absolute blast while making this game, and that fun translates over to the player. There's a reason that an original copy of the cart will set you back $200+ on eBay or Amazon. Earthbound is the most lovable game ever created.

This game is so nostalgic. It's one of the first video games I ever played, and I remember my first time playing it.
The graphics were phenomenal for the time.
It's fun, but I haven't played it in a while.

Like Gran Turismo or Need for Speed? Without Mario Kart, they probably wouldn't exist.
While not my favorite Mario Kart game ever made, it is still pretty fun to play.

While I love the first game, I love this one even more. Also, this game (along with Yoshi's Island) has the best soundtrack of any other game.
This game shines in every area. Amazing gameplay with a beautiful setting. The soundtrack is amazing, also. There isn't a drawback. 10/10.
One of the most atmospheric, emotional platformers I have ever played. Also, the best soundtrack that I have heard.
The Newcomers

Why the heck isn't this game in the top ten? This game is amazing. Probably the best Kirby game during the '90s. The Helper system is awesome, although the Helper can make some stupid mistakes sometimes. My favorite helper is Wheelie Bike because you can ride him. This game deserves to be in the top ten.
Ultra on the DS was the same game (remake). I love the DS version, but you can't beat the classic.
This and the DS remake have god-tier multiplayer.

Number 1 for me. Yes, it is easy to zip through the first eight bosses if you've played before, but this is still the ideal epic platformer game for all ages and a hero we can all cheer for. They could make a movie out of this guy.

How is this not top ten? More importantly, why are there two Super Mario World games in the top ten? The atmosphere in this game far surpasses anything Super Mario World could ever accomplish.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Super Mario World is a bad game or anything like that. As a matter of fact, it's a great game with excellent control, memorable worlds, and great level design. But come on, people, Super Castlevania IV definitely deserves top ten.
The graphics, the music, whipping in eight directions, memorable levels, genius enemy/weapon placement, super tight responsive control, walking while crouching, right down to moonwalking, not to mention the challenge this game provided was out of this world.
I guess the bottom line is this is an opinionated site, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. All I can say is if you haven't played this Castlevania, definitely give it a try. And don't be so quick to vote for Mario just because it's Mario. It's great and everything, but play Mario, then play this, and tell me which one you had the most fun with.

Originally called 3 in the States, it's now known as 6. Best SNES game ever. Gripping story and amazing villain. Graphics and music better than what people thought the system could do.
Only enjoyable the first time (quite enjoyable at that). After the first time, it bores me immensely. Why doesn't FFV bore me, unlike this one? Because I love freedom and solo runs. Sadly, neither is possible in FFVI.
It was tough deciding which was the best RPG because Chrono Trigger comes really close. It's a toss-up, but in the end, Final Fantasy III is a better game in our opinion.

Here's the deal. Super Mario Bros. 1 was great, SMB 2 was great, SMB 3 was great, Super Mario World was great. So what happens when you have a game that combines all those amazing games into one? Damn near perfect. Plus, "The Lost Levels" is a nice little bonus.
This is a good old game, but I'm very surprised that Princess Peach was in this game instead of Princess Daisy.

My favorite SNES game along with my favorite soundtrack.
Too tough, but so rewarding once you beat it.

Great game, although it's a little unplayable because as you get closer to Andross, things go crazy. The game gets harder and harder, even Level 1. It's a killer, if it wasn't for Space Armada being so hard. Still, it's a great game. I hope I'll make it to Andross one day.
This should be higher. It was revolutionary. Besides, Super Mario World is good but insanely overrated. Vote Star Fox.
For its time, an absolute 3D shooting masterpiece!

Secret of Mana has such an amazing atmosphere. The wonderfully composed music contributes a great deal to it. Playing around with your selection of weapons is really fun too.
But that's not why I love this game. I love it because of its co-op. My brother and I finally had an adventure we could play through together, and it was beautiful.

Not a great port, but it did the job back in the day. The laughable AI meant it wasn't much good as a single-player game.
How is this masterpiece not in the top 3? MK2 is one of the most iconic games of the '90s.

Throwing all those baddies at Shredder never gets old!

The most dynamic and brutal fighting game on SNES. Mortal Kombat just makes me laugh. Nothing beats those combo breakers.