Top 10 Most Ridiculous Unlockable Characters in Video Games
Video games have always found creative ways to surprise and entertain players, and one of the best examples of this is the unlockable characters that leave you scratching your head or laughing out loud. Sure, it's fun to unlock a standard bonus fighter or a hidden costume, but what happens when developers decide to throw in something completely unexpected?You've probably seen this kind of thing before if you've ever played a wrestling game. These titles are famous for throwing in wacky characters like aliens or bizarre objects you'd never expect to see in the ring. But this time, we're not just talking about wrestling games. We're diving into all kinds of genres to spotlight the most ridiculous unlockable characters gaming has ever given us. From skateboarding slabs of meat to high-speed dinosaurs and even characters that make you wonder how someone thought, Yeah, this belongs here, these picks celebrate the strange, the absurd, and the oddly charming.
No, seriously, you can literally play as a piece of fresh meat. Where do they come up with this in a skating game? I know in the past it was cool to see Spider-Man, Darth Maul, and others. Those had a cool element, but not with a piece of meat.
I mean, just unbelievable. How south have we become when you realize one of your main secret characters is a toilet running? It's just more absurd than the blow-up doll. At least they tried with that, where a moving toilet is not only weird but also pretty disturbing at the same time.
Future Perfect did have the title for not only the most characters you get to play, but some of the ones you did unlock were very weird. I mean, the most obscure of the bunch goes to Hans. The glimpse into his dark eyes is just unsettling, his attire is very creepy. I mean, some sort of strap connected with his ugh... man boobs shown close up is just for him to be this high alone. Yes, you have characters like Mr. Socky, and even a carcass are kind of strange to play as, but nowhere near like Hans. Just by his appearance alone is just that.
A dinosaur in a racing game, yeah, that makes a lot of sense (not!). I mean, you could have included someone like Paul Walker, and it could have been alright, but a dinosaur? I feel like I'm playing Rampage or something related to that.
This game, like Timesplitters, had a lot of very bizarre choices in there, but above all goes to this weird thing. I mean, playing as just some cocoon that moves is just incredibly disturbing. In Duke Nukem 3D, you see a cocoon, but do they move? Of course not.
After you have beaten the game, I totally forgot to mention that there was a secret code to get for this character. The Roasted Duck does not take damage like Jet Li had when you played with him. I found this kind of satisfying, but at the same time, it was weird, and it just felt like a total game shark move to pull off.
While a very decent game, it had one notable to its infamous character that had no need to even be there. Hornet, the car in Daytona USA, in a fighting game. Let's think about this. How is it possible a car can stand up, and put up its dukes against a normal fighter? Again, very out of place for a fighting game.
Yes, if this game was not creepy enough, here he is as a secret character in a boxing game. How delightful. I can take him out for giving us Sneak King that had come in nine months later that same year and just nothing but cringe. It's like putting in Ronald McDonald and scaring his customers away, right? Bad idea.
Coming off a terrible fighting game, Barney was a secret character you did not see coming. Gee, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be this friendly purple dinosaur, right? So, he's in this blood sport, let alone not a very good game in fact. I mean, the only difference between the two games is the fact that Barney has his eyes all black, not like the TV show by any means, but in this game, he looks like he went all berserk on his adversaries.
For the most part, basketball games have been consistent at what they do. However, when it comes to this one brief moment that two politicians are in the game, then it just becomes very odd. I never knew Bill could do it all. I never realized Hillary could do it too. I mean, slam dunk at an absurdly high distance is like the equivalent of a game shark just doing it all day long.
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