Top Ten Words or Phrases that are Guaranteed to Start an Argument Online

Please keep it civil.
(Disclaimer: this list DOES NOT reflect my own opinions unless I say otherwise.)
The Top Ten
1 (Insert anime character here) is best girl

If (insert anime character here) is best girl, you need to get out of your basement.

It is hard to find online arguments more heated than two anime fans fighting over which fictional animated girl is better.

2 (Insert popular thing here) sucks

Fortnite sucks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think some triggered Fortnite fans are coming.

3 Amourshipping or Pokeshipping
4 Donald Trump

Want to piss off anyone on the left? Just say Donald Trump. It's that easy.

5 Rap? More like crap!

Hate comments have to be the dumbest thing that exists. If you hate something, why do you comment on it? Hate comments are hurtful to people who might like the thing. It's like you're using your hate comments to offend someone and weaponizing your words. #MakeTheHatingStop

I cringe whenever I see someone unironically use this phrase.

Is this supposed to be a Mr. Perfect meme? He was the one who made the Rap is Crap song, right?

6 There are only 2 genders

So I have definitely changed a lot since I made this list, lol. I'm far less apolitical than I used to be.

Claiming that there are only two genders is an uneducated statement at best and reactionary at worst. Sex and gender are two correlated, but different things. To those who are on the fence and unsure, I encourage you to do some research and also talk to trans and nonbinary people about their experiences with gender.

This is a topic that I find very interesting, and I hope you do too!

To those who blatantly ignore the facts, grow up, will you? The real world doesn't reflect your 6th-grade understanding of biology. Some of y'all are stuck in that anti-SJW era of 2016, and it shows. Trans and nonbinary people aren't harming anyone by existing, so even if you don't understand them, just let them do whatever makes them happy.

7 The earth is flat

If the Earth is flat, how do day and night, and seasons happen? Some people say water doesn't curve. Well, what happens when you put a drop of water on a surface? It curves! Also, some Flat Earthers say that water cannot stick to a spinning ball. The Earth generates a lot of gravity, unlike a small ball. A small ball would need to be close to the Earth (with its significant gravity) for the water to fall off. The Earth can hold the water because of its gravity. Additionally, it only spins once in 24 hours, even though the centrifugal force would be immense in perspective. So, the Flat Earth demonstration of gravity fails because gravity exists!

8 Vaccines cause autism

There is no solid proof that this is true, but many woke Facebook soccer moms are somehow convinced that the herbs and essential oils they found on some blog are better remedies than vaccines created by professional researchers.

To put this bluntly, you don't deserve any children if you refuse to vaccinate them against certain illnesses and diseases because of this reason or any other absurd claim about why vaccines are so "harmful."

A dumb argument to make. Actually, it won't start an argument - people will just ignore you for making a dumb assumption that's been proven false.

9 T-series or pewdiepie
10 Fortnite is bad
The Contenders
11 My religion is better than yours

There's no such thing as a superior religion. There's only a specific God for each person according to his or her beliefs as a figure of hope.

I actually do think this, but if you're not a Christian, I will not force you to believe my philosophy.

13 Memes are bad and useless

They are great and useless, thank you very much!

They are bad and useless. Only some are funny.

14 Metal is just people screaming about Satan

That's just a few black metal bands. Most well-known metal bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Judas Priest, etc., aren't satanic at all.

15 I don’t like Steven Universe
16 Creationism or evolution

Yeah, this is often debated on DDO. It's ridiculously redundant.

17 I didn't think Sword Art Online was that bad

Hating on SAO can start arguments as well. When it comes to this show, people either passionately love it or passionately hate it. There is virtually no in-between.

18 All races are equal
19 The Last Jedi is a good movie

Calling anyone who hated it a whiny fan baby doesn't help. I may have done this a few times...

I really enjoyed watching it, but it is still a very flawed movie.

20 I don't like Kanye West

Your ears are still virgin if you haven't heard Kanye West's music.

21 Eminem created rap
22 I love pizza

Most people love pizza, though.

23 Subscribe to T-Series

If you like Bollywood trailers, there's nothing wrong with subscribing to them. Otherwise, it's whatever. They don't give you any real content. It was more about the last real independent creator versus major companies. It was a cool meme in 2018.

Not a super relevant topic anymore, but this list was in my drafts for a while. Even then, siding with T-Series was, and still is to an extent, treated as a cardinal sin.

24 Fortnite is good

This brings up every hate comment.

25 Family Guy is Offensive
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