Top 10 Best Epic Rap Battles of History

The Top Ten
Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates

You blow, Jobs! You arrogant prick, with your second-hand jeans and your turtleneck. I'll drill a hole in the middle of your bony head with your own little spinning beach ball of death! Hippie! You were given up at birth. I give away your net worth to AIDS research! Combine all your little toys and I still crush that. iPhone? iPad? I own, I smack!

I spent about 10 minutes trying to decide between this one and Albert vs. Stephen. I think it was HAL's portion that made me pick this one.

The line, I'm sorry Bill, I can't let you do that, sounds too awesome in that voice.

Darth Vader vs. Adolf Hitler

Probably the two best characters in the whole series battling against each other with funny lyrics, good acting, and an actual winner, as Darth Vader froze Hitler.

This one is an absolute classic and highlights what makes Epic Rap Battles of History great.

Mozart and Skrillex need a trilogy. What's so important about Vader and Hitler?

Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking

Two of the greatest minds to have graced human history come together in this battle of wits. Fortunately for us all, their delivery does not disappoint. Strange to see someone like Einstein rapping, but he sure rips it up. Although, I felt that Hawking took this one.

I'm the giant whose shoulders you would've stood on - if you could stand! I'll give you a brief history of pain with the back of my hand!

We need part two! They're both in heaven and should start again!

Also, a coincidence: Stephen died on Einstein's birthday.

Rasputin vs. Stalin

This must be the best one of them all, with the most power behind the words, clever lyrics, and interesting personas of history. I think Nice Peter did a great job of portraying the spirit I imagine Lenin had during the revolution. The conviction is just awesome.

Regarding the lyrics, especially the birth of Marx and birthmarks part is quite clever. I think Putin could have been done a bit more cleverly though.

The whole battle in general was very entertaining. As for a winner, Gorbachev just in front of Lenin. His lyrics were too clever, especially his entrance. And also Pewds. Putin had the chance to win the battle there, but his lyrics were a letdown. But still, a very good battle, one of my favorites.

Steven Spielberg vs. Alfred Hitchcock

Being one of the biggest movie fans I know, I was entertained all the way through. The surprise appearances of Tarantino, Kubrick, and Michael Bay were priceless, and I couldn't ask for more from ERB. By far, my favorite battle, and that's saying something considering every Epic Rap Battle is amazing.

Come on. Longest video ever so far for a reason. The rhymes are so good, they didn't want to stop.


The battle begins like normal, but the music was legendary. The two have a single verse each until they are interrupted by Tarantino. The three each make time to roast Michael Bay, and then Kubrick shows up on a tricycle to glorify himself. He takes a final shot at Bay, and then Bay flies in on a helicopter to teach them all a lesson.


Stephen King vs. Edgar Allan Poe

I watched it a month ago and I still haven't decided who won. Poe was killing him with fast rapping, but King was hitting him hard with his rhymes. My jaw literally dropped at how awesome this was.

This rap probably has the best technical rhyme scheme of any of the battles. I like Watsky, but I've got to give this one to King. "I could have spent this time better, in 8 bars I could write a whole bestseller." Also, the beat is badass.

Once upon a midnight dreary as I spit this weak and weary, I will choke this joker with a trochee till his cheeks are teary. This was one of my favorite lines.

Jack the Ripper vs. Hannibal Lecter

This may not be the best overall, but it's the best of Season 4 so far and is in my personal top ten.

Great match-up, with Hannibal dishing out some of the cleverest insults of the entire series, and the beat itself is badass.

Lecter's lines were so good! "Jack, you're a classic megalomaniac. You didn't mention me once in your entire battle rap!" "Barney, take me back to solitary confinement, because this dirty little lamb has just been silenced."

This is one of my favorites. I say Hannibal Lecter won. Jack the Ripper was pretty good too, though. But that's just my opinion. Hannibal Lecter definitely had some badass lines!

Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

You got the momma genes and a Mr. Fantastic face. So rich and white, it's like I'm running against a cheesecake!

Abraham Lincoln coming in on his giant bald bird was the best part!

"I'm the Head of State, you're a head of cabbage" - I lost it.

Mozart vs. Skrillex

Sometimes both sides don't sound very good, and sometimes there's one who's bad and one who's good. But very rarely are both sides good enough for it to be hard to decide who won.

There are a lot of battles like this where there's one character we're clearly supposed to be rooting for, such as Amadeus, because he is held in higher regard. Rooting for his parody character will make you sound more intelligent.

On this one, however, you have to give credit to both sides. Even if you picked one, you can't say the other was bad.

Eastern Philosophers vs. Western Philosophers

It's the latest as of July 2015, and the Eastern philosophers are just killing it. Especially the last minute by both sides, which is awesomely awesome!

Comparable to Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking's ERB greatness!

Just for the line: "Let me be frank. Don't start beef with the Frank who hangs with B. Franks giving ladies beef franks!"

Don't make Nietzsche come over there and put a knee up in your chi.

The Newcomers

? Theodore Roosevelt vs. Winston Churchill

This is my favorite due to it being one of the closest rap battles on the channel. There was no winner. Both Roosevelt and Churchill kept it up until the final lines.

Plus, lines like "I'm about to take you out prematurely, like your family", "rhyme minister", and "My parents died while they were young and it was morbid, but at least they didn't ditch me when they were alive like yours did." Damn, this battle was savage!

The opening line made me die: "Bully! A challenge! I love competition. Tell me, where would I mount the stuffed head of a Winston."

? Harry Potter vs. Luke Skywalker

How in the world was this not already higher on here?! Easily the best.

The Contenders
Deadpool vs. Boba Fett

Although the most recent, the beat is one of the most well done of the entire series. The burns and disses were straight fire, and I can't believe that this is number 47. Loved it!

The beat, lines, characters, style, and acting were amazing! This is the best ERBoH we've gotten since Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe! This is really high for the latest rap battle, and I hope it gets higher in the future!

Boba Fett won because of his last line. Deadpool was winning the first part, but Boba Fett won it.

Michael Jackson vs. Elvis Presley

It's definitely a good one, but Elvis Presley won. Everyone thinks Michael Jackson won because they don't get the jokes that Elvis made. "Your daddy beat gold records outta ya like alchemy." That won it for me.

Very funny. I watch it over and over again!

Michael Jackson definitely won.

Goku vs. Superman

Ray William Johnson as Goku just made this battle even better. I think that in the end, Goku would have won as nobody knows what his weakness is, whereas Superman has kryptonite. Anyway, Goku's rap was better.

Best one by far for sure! There were so many great references. "Just one punch, and over 9000 screams, only your nose bleeds like Roshi sniffing panties. From Z to GT, you can Dragon Ball deez!"

This was the best one by far! Even if it is low on the list, it is my opinion!

Dr. Seuss vs. William Shakespeare

Well, Shakespeare's entire first verse was written in iambic meter. The second verse with the Cat in the Hat killed it. It is very accurate considering Dr. Seuss didn't say anything because in real life he actually had stage fright.

The entire concept is just hilarious, but then the execution was so cleverly done it's easily among the best of these, if not the very best.

Hands down, the best beat and melody of any of the rap battles! Watsky's fast rapping definitely solidifies this as the best one.

Artists vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The juxtaposition in this ERB was phenomenal, although it cut short on the TMNT side. They could have added more things to diss the Artists. However, I give this one a point because of the Artists.

Even though it's a finale that's dauntingly short, the artists' portion of this battle is one of my favorites ever.

I wish this could be longer! I LOVE TMNT and the Artists (although I do think that the Artists pulled off a win there).

Frank Sinatra vs. Freddie Mercury

Freddie killed it with this little beauty:
"You're the least talented rat in your whole pack of rodents. You've got four notes in your whole range, you can't act, and you can't dance! I'm more powerful than you when I'm wearing women's pants! Why do you stand there in a suit? It's like you're trying to bore me. When I rock the UK, South America gets horny. Because my songs have balls! They're the anthems of victory! Your music is like the soundtrack to a vasectomy. You're in the pocket of the mafia, and everybody knows."

Napoleon Bonaparte vs. Napoleon Dynamite

The line, "I will shoot your moon boots straight up your poop chute," gets me every time! Bonaparte is something straight out of Monty Python, and Dynamite proves a very worthy adversary! Great rhymes and rhythms on both parts!

"You're the only type of dynamite that's never going to bang." This is just awesome, and the French in the video is so funny. Bonaparte definitely owned Dynamite.

That beat was sick. Plus, Napoleon the conqueror, or whatever he is, wrecked the battle.

Mahatma Gandhi vs. Martin Luther King Jr.

This was hands down the most brilliantly written.

This one is the best of all. Great lyrics.

I have a dream you'll take a shower!

Justin Bieber vs. Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven won. I have a parody of Bieber's words:

Look, your cat put syrup on my face.
Man, it looks like Chewbacca wiped his ass on my head.
I'm the next Miley Cyrus, you and Mozart are the kings of music
Because my voice is terrible and your music is incredible.
Who even listens to Justin Bieber anyway?

I would smack you, but in Germany, we don't hit little girls!

Beethoven, man: "I'm committing verbal murder in the major third degree. My name is Beethoven, maybe you've heard of me."

Sir Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye

See!? This is what happens when you always hype up how "awesome" the Hitler vs. Vader trilogy is.

Someone else's favorite is bound to not make the top 10. I especially loved the moment when Nye did his signature spinning head and Newton rapped out an entire equation.

Why is this down here? This is one of the best on the list, especially when that Cosmos host appeared from nowhere. Hilarious!

As Neil said, the universe is infinite, but this battle is finished.

Bruce Lee vs. Clint Eastwood

I would beat you in round two, but that'd be unbelievable.

No one in your family ever lives to see a sequel.


The most complicated battle of them all. My personal favorite! "I'd beat you in round 2 but that would be unbelievable, no one in your family ever lived to see an equal."

Such a good line.

Abraham Lincoln vs. Chuck Norris

Abraham Lincoln destroyed Norris, but only because Chuck used his own jokes.

"I'll rip your chest hairs out, put 'em in my mouth. I'll squash you like I squashed the South."

The two most awesome ERB characters battling it out. It doesn't get any better than this, except for Vader vs. Hitler.

Mario Bros. vs. Wright Bros.

This is my favorite because Rhett and Link guest-starred in it.

Sorry, Wright brothers, this time you chose wrong...

Come on, guys, seriously. This is the best one.

Blackbeard vs. Al Capone

First: The flow of both rappers is sick, especially Capone's.

Second: This is one of the rap battles with the most historical allusions in it.

Third: Not only does it allude to history, but it also alludes to Assassin's Creed! A battle having both historical and pop-cultural references is hard to create. Props to them for that!

Fourth: "You spent time in Alcatraz. I'm sure you were fine if you dropped the soap as little as you drop dope lines." Hilarious.

Two badass legends up against each other. The fierce power and brutality of Blackbeard versus the wit and charisma of Capone.

Alexander the Great vs. Ivan the Terrible

This battle was really good. My favorite part was EpicLloyd as Frederick the Great entering the battle. He did really well. ERB thought out this battle and had very clever burns bouncing between rappers, but Ivan didn't really rap between Frederick and Catherine. Most of his sick rapping was towards Alexander the Great.

I guess they just didn't want to extend the video too far and give him too many lines. Other than that, I overall love this rap battle.

I absolutely loved Alexander, Frederick, and I thought the Pompey part was hilarious. But Catherine had basically no good lines, and she acted like a fake modern pop star.

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