Top Ten Hashtags

The Top Ten
1 #Hashtag
2 #ImBreathing
3 #IDontKnowHowToUseHashtags
4 #Garythesnailisawesome
5 #VictiniIsawesome
6 #Victinimonisawesome
7 #WhatDoesHashtagMean
8 #blacklivesmatter
9 #Speellcheckgotmee
10 #DontTwerkIf
The Contenders
11 #BestHashtagEver
12 #TheTwins
13 #ThePrinceOfBelAir

Now this is a story all about how...

14 #IHeartTheTopTens
15 #Ihateihatehashtags
16 #OwO
17 #DoItOnTheBus
18 #KidsRule
19 #EnjoyYourVD
20 #IGotCaught

My question: Doing what?
My comment: Nice

21 #SomeoneBailMeOutPLEASE
22 #69
23 #love
24 #MyInternetIsDown
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