Top 10 Worst Things that Ever Happened in Club Penguin

The Top Ten
Members Have Everything

I am currently a Club Penguin member, and I find it EXTREMELY unfair that almost everything in CP is limited to members only. For instance, the only things non-members can unlock are crappy clothes and cheap furniture items that nobody wants.

It's so pointless because the only reason Disney is doing this is that they want to make more money. When children see they can get more stuff by becoming a member, they will have to pay about $10 at least. This just adds to the fact that Disney doesn't even care about the quality of their game or about a child's happiness, but rather if they are making enough money to go to the Bahamas for a supposed "staff meeting."

The Change to Club Penguin Island

IKR! I used to play back in 2008, and things were much, MUCH better. I mean, taking out the stage for some stupid mall? And what's the use of a school anyway? The graphics before were simple but awesome. Mainly the parties these days suck.

And the game itself is being played by stupid kids. Like, what are pookies?! And mumus?!

I want the old island back with the snow forts. It's better. Like, really, a police station? Plus a mall with the most boring escalator and costume.

The new graphics are terrible
New parties are terrible
Most new items are terrible
New rooms are all terrible prep rooms
Yup, it's terrible.

The Shutdown of Club Penguin

Yes! I was Amzmnt on Club Penguin. Everyone always said hi to me and asked if I wanted to be their friend. I had every puffle. I changed the theme of my penguin and igloo for every party. I was a ninja in all elements. I literally took my puffles to the hotel whenever they weren't feeling okay. I kept getting the mullet in the fishing game, etc.

My favorite game on Club Penguin was Bits and Bolts (in the arcade). I stopped playing when I was 14 (last year), and I just regret it. When I found out about Club Penguin closing on Twitter from my friend, I was devastated and went on Club Penguin for a bit.

I do have Club Penguin Island, which is kinda okay. I had to make a new account because they didn't tell me about my old account. I'm upset because the app doesn't have puffles, games, shops, etc., and it's not the same! If you guys miss Club Penguin, go to Club Penguin Rewritten and/or Club Penguin Reborn. That's what I did.


This one definitely deserves the top. All the other options are things that are alien to the old penguins. They'll get used to the changes with time. However, Takeovers are new things that only last for a month---then they RETURN to haunt us!

It irritated me that our dear Club Penguin, ad-free and original, had advertisement parties for something most of us don't care about. We don't care that you now own Marvel and Star Wars, Disney. We want creative parties that we can enjoy! Kids don't pay attention to these types of things.

Bad Parties

I can't even express my hatred for Disney after they ruined Club Penguin parties and pretty much everything else. You guys took away the April Fools' Party. The APRIL FOOLS' PARTY, for Pete's sake! And what do you replace it with? A Frozen party. Augh!

Look, I understand that you made a lot of good changes, but now you're going crazy. I might even stop my membership and boycott Club Penguin until you fix it. If you wanted to add a mall or more parties or whatever, just stop being lazy and start adding more places to the map for additional buildings!

Look, I'm angry at Disney for making Frozen alone, but when I saw how you destroyed Club Penguin, my hatred soared. Yeah.

Pookies and Others

I have no idea how this is only Number Ten on the list. It should be much higher. These monsters are a complete poison that ruined the entire community of Club Penguin beyond repair and would act incredibly inappropriately.

They hogged up every single player slot in the Pet Shop, so buying a puffle (the reason for the Pet Shop's existence) was about as difficult as becoming a moderator sometimes. Many of them are probably middle-aged men with sick minds, but let's not go further than that.

I hate these horrid demons with every last fiber of my being and would absolutely love it if every single one of them got banned forever.

New Graphics

The new graphics are too sappy. All the penguins don't even look like penguins anymore. They stretch and bend in ways that a regular penguin shouldn't. The coloring is awful and sickening. The shading looks like the grime under rotten fingernails.

It looks bad even though graphics need to change someday. Club Penguin made the graphics very weird. Whenever you put on one of the new clothing items, it makes you look fat!

The graphics have changed so much. The home screen looks so bad and super cheesy. The old ones actually looked realistic.

The Transition from the PSA to the EPF

The PSA was cool and inventive with its missions. Waiting out those thirty days to finally become an agent paid off when you got access to those incredibly cool night-vision goggles.

The EPF was an unnecessary replacement that accomplished absolutely nothing for Club Penguin aside from giving us the incredibly bland game of System Defender. Plus, the Sport Shop actually had a use, whereas the Everyday Phoning Facility is a waste of space and designers' time since its only purpose was providing access to EPF HQ.

Voice Acting

Cadence's voice is annoying. The band just sounds like 20-year-old YouTubers.

The Introduction of the School in Club Penguin

When I read the newspaper and heard that there was a new school coming out, I was really confused. I thought that the map didn't have any space for a new place. So, a few weeks later, I logged on and was about to go to the recycling plant, like always. The recycling plant was absolutely gone! You wouldn't believe how MAD I was! The recycling tree was absolutely gone.

I remember when I used to throw snowballs into the mine and it'd water the vegetable garden. It was a cute feature. They should bring it back. The school is just full of stupid idiots and dumb preps.

The Newcomers

? Cart Surfer Gives You No Coins
? Private Servers
The Contenders
Disney Taking over Club Penguin

The sole reason why I don't play CP anymore is because of Disney. They flippin' ruined CP completely! Whatever happened to the original company that hosted awesome CP parties, not Disney movie crap?! Seriously though, old CP was by far an amazing game. Now it's just...DISNEY! EVERYWHERE!

Everyone who agrees and wants old CP back, there is a website called old CP where you can play old CP again! Disney needs to get a grip on video games and stop buying everything!

No, Disney hasn't always owned Club Penguin. It was originally a RocketSnail game. You would find Club Penguin on the MiniClip game website.

Clothing for Members Only

It's so unfair. They only give you three shirts, but the people with memberships get everything. I got so mad.

I think this is a stupid rule. It's like saying no clothing for Black people.

Most of the clothing is for members only. I'm a member, but still, that's pretty harsh.

Removed Places

One of the worst things. We liked places like these because they were fun, but of course, Disney had to fix something that wasn't a problem or broken.

New Sound Effects

The sound effects ruined CP. If you hover your mouse arrow over a door, manhole, or an object, it makes its own sound. Disney, please remove the sound effects.

Whenever I hover my mouse over an object, it makes a weird noise.
The airhorn item makes a really annoying HONK! noise. This annoys a lot of players.

Being Banned for No Reason

I know, right? This is exactly why I hate this website. I got banned permanently for no reason. My username was appropriate (Dragonlover23), and I never bullied anyone. I tried to log on one day, then it said, "You are banned forever." What the hell?!

A guy reported me for not giving him money (even though there is no way to give money in that game and he's a stupid 5-year-old) after I told him that I had 2.3 million (yeah, I'm rich after tons of aquagrabber farming and making the glitch to the mullet reappear after I mastered it, which was kinda hard).

GUESS WHAT? For that single report, I got banned for 8 MONTHS.

Pay to Win

I haven't played the game since like 2014, and from reading all of this stuff that you have complained about, I agree. I remember that I had to be a member to do anything, and membership cost money. I hated when I had worked so hard on my account, and then after 7 days it was gone, and I had to start over.

I just looked it up and found out it was canceled. Every other Disney game I play works, shows an ad, doesn't close, and crashes my computer. I hate it!

The Removal of the Stage

I loved the stage! I get that the mall was really popular, but that does NOT mean you can just decide to take away our stage FOREVER and replace it with that mall! Couldn't you have at least asked what WE thought of the idea? I'm sure like 99% would have said no!

Please bring back our stage! I may be tempted to quit if you don't! And if I do quit, I'm canceling my membership so you can't rob me while I am gone! Bring back the stage or else! I will make a petition if you don't listen now! If one unhappy penguin isn't enough to make a change, millions of them will!

Cheerleader and QB Outfits

The people that wear this just go to the stadium and sit there. They aren't cheerleaders. They just wear it to get boys and have pretend sex with them. It's disgusting.

No, it's because they like sports. And this has been around since 2008, so not a cash grab.

Club Penguin Island Game

It sucks. All I gotta say. DO NOT waste your data.


Stamps suck. Some of them are flat-out anger-inducing and force you to play terrible games like Puffle Rescue and System Defender or games with dreadful controls like Aqua Grabber. I wish that I could find a way to delete my stamp book on Rewritten so that I wouldn't have to worry about this terrible feature.

Spam Bots

All I hear is irrelevant things about other Club Penguin websites. I'm okay with people talking about coming to their parties.

Removal of DJ3K
Preppy Hater Rebels

I didn't experience them while I was on CP, but seeing as it's so high on the list, it must be some new thing.

New Visitors That Are Not Moderators

It was fun when we used to greet the moderators and used to think they were characters or mascots. Now they just use these dumb bots that repeat the same lines over and over.

Sometimes CP can hold a new visitor like Mike and Nerdy. I can't see them because the stupid Club Penguin times are not Eastern Time. Remove visitors, but add Justin Bieber because I like him.

New Mascot Changes

The Mascot Changes are terrible. Cadence has a stupid, terrible shirt. Rookie had a weird summer shirt. There are so many changes - just make them old, please.

It's not just the style, but some of their personalities also changed.

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