Canon: Not Cool Dude (Episode 2) Rated 10+

2storm Second Episode here we go.

In History Class.
Anna: Hey Ryan.
Ryan: You are looking hot today Anna.
Anna: Well thank you.
Someone walks up to them.
Abby: What are you doing Ryan!
Ryan: What are you doing sis?
Abby: Dating her!
Ryan: I just called beautiful because she is!
Anna: I'm sorry Abby I hope we can still be freinds.
Abby: Get away from my brother!
Ryan: Abby!
Anna: No Ryan I will just meet you in Science later today.

In Band Hall.
Natalie: Matthew is a jerk.
Josh: Why.
Nathan: Natalie is just overreacting.
Lucas: Like we haven't seen that before.
Natalie: Shut up Lucas.
Thompson: Yeah tell me Natalie.
Josh: Don't tell him.
Levi walks in.
Levi: People you are all invited to the Basketball Game tomorrow.
Lucas: Can I not go.
Levi: Haha.
Lucas: No seriously I don't want to play.

In Computer Lab.
Someone walks in.
Hannah: Samantha what are you doing!
Samantha: Oh please don't tell mom!
Hannah: Oh Dylan didn't Mom tell you not to come near Sam.
Dylan: Oh skull Kid is sorry.
Hannah: You better.
Dylan: Oh my gosh.

In Cafeteria.
David: Hey bruh.
Nick: WHAT!
David: Chill bruh what is the matter?
Nick: Matt just ruined my date with Karen.
David: Wow!

On other side.
Stephanie: Hey Mike.
Mike: Hey.
Stephanie: How is live.
Mike: Good.
Bob: Seriously.
Brooklyn: Wanna to here a joke.
Bob: Seriously.
Brooklyn: There was a pickle who peed
Ashley: Shut up!
Devin Cries.
Damion: Your mean.
Aubrey: No she isn't.
Audrey: Yeah she is sis.
Katlin: You people are weird.

Somewhere else in cafeteria.
Samantha rages in.
Samantha: My sister is stupid.
Martha: How?
Samantha: She goes in my dates.
Martha: Dylan I guess?
Scarlett: Probably.
Christina: Lay off on him he is not good.
Anna: I'm gonna meet with Ryan again later.
Christina: Cool.
Jayden (Girl): You guys ready for the Basketball game tomorrow?
Anna: I am.
Molly: Definitely.
Rose: I'm not going.
Charlotte: Me too.
Xelophe: You people.
Sweetie: Yeah.

Next episode will really begin the story. First Two and Prologue were just character intro.

Tell who do you like most and dislike most based on the last 3 episodes I will ask this every 5 episodes after episode 5.


Good - bobbythebrony

Cool - visitor

Great - Martinglez

good - Skullkid755

It's pretty good. - visitor